Omni Genius

Chapter 2538: Divine power!

Second, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket~~~~


Alphara was stunned by the Qin side and did not continue to ask. However, he still stared at the Qin side, which seemed to be able to reduce the understanding of the Qin side.

Perhaps Alphala did not feel that he had anything, but Qin Fang felt that the whole body was uncomfortable. He felt that he was in the eyes of Alphara, as if he was naked and nothing was worn... It was really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, through the glasses, Qin Fang does not need to directly face Alfira's pair of konjac... Otherwise, Qin Fang is absolutely more than ten times, hundreds of times, thousands of times more than now!

Li Wuhua and others also noticed the movement here. Seeing that Qin Fang and Al Fara are very tacitly blind, they are too lazy to blend in, just waiting for these candidate temple messengers to leave here...

As long as these people are gone, leaving one Alpha, it is easy to deal with it!

Although he will not be cleared together, at least they have an absolute initiative!

"One, two, three..."

The candidate temple messengers are still very honest, and they have not moved any moths, and they have gone out from the valley mouth of the valley honestly... As soon as they go out, they lose the qualification to baptize the Holy Power.

No way, the qualification battle was successfully finalized, they have the qualification to enter the holy mountain altar... but only once, when they come out, they can no longer enter!

Re-challenge those metals?

Then the one who greets him is not one, but eight together! And the strength of each monk also rises directly from the beginning of the supreme state to the late stage of the supreme world... One-on-one can kill any one of them, let alone one-on-one.

This is why every time the holy baptism is to be cleared,

Just clean it up. Then completely lose the opportunity... If you can still come in, then you only need to choose the moment when the Holy Power baptism is opened, you can join directly.

Obviously, there are very clear restrictions on this aspect...

"My people are gone, now... are you satisfied?"

See the last candidate of the temple messenger out of the valley. Alphala spoke at this time.

"Satisfied, satisfied!"

Li Wuhua and others responded with a slight sigh.

Already this is the case, Alphala has some complaints, it is also inevitable... However, everyone is mixed in the underground world, and will not completely tear the face, but also have to deal with it.

"But I am very dissatisfied..."

only. Alphala is a cold drink.


Li Wuhua and others are also a stiff expression, very surprised to look at Alphala, completely did not expect him to say what this sentence is...

"Is it..."

Several pairs of eyes, all focused on Alpha's body.

"Do you really think that... Without these twelve temple messengers, I can't open the aura of glory?"

Alpha's voice is very cold and very disdainful. Obviously, I feel that Li Wuhua and others are too naive... and in his hands, I don’t know when there are more strange dolls!

"The power of the magical couple..."

Seeing these little dolls, Li Wuhua and others did not feel anything. At most, Bossie frowned and seemed to be a little bit impressed... Only Qin Fang subconsciously exclaimed.

"Damn... how did you forget this?"

The Qin side also sneaked a secret sentence, and then the body shape, they quickly rushed toward Alpha. With one hand as a claw, quickly grabbed the character dolls!

"What? These are the legendary... the magical powers?"

When Poseid heard the words of Qin Fang, he suddenly reacted, and he followed with exclaimed.

He used to think that these dolls were very strange. There seemed to be a little impression in the memory, but they couldn’t remember it... However, after Qin’s reminder, he finally remembered it.

The magical power of the gods... a mysterious and powerful prop, and one of the unique treasures of the Freemasonry!

The specific origin of these magical powers is the absolute secret of the Freemasonry...except for the Masonic Supreme Lord. I am afraid that no one knows or says about the relevant information.

This is one of the top secrets of the Freemasonry!

Qin Fang only got some words from Steve at the beginning...

The magical power is made of special magic metal... The magic metal is a special metal that can blend the power of the Masonic. It is very rare and very rare. It is usually from the outer iron.

Such a metal has become a magical couple through the special secret method of the Freemasonry, and it has a very terrible strength...

Of course, this strength is not direct strength!

It is a special kind of soft power...

For example, this situation...

When Alpha was injected into the power of these magical powers. These magical powers immediately began to inflate and become a strong, horrible existence!

The magical puppet is still very small, and the size is only a little bigger than the fingernails... but the breath released is the middle of the supreme level, or even higher!

What is even more frightening is that the atmosphere of these magical couples is completely integrated with Alfira's breath!


A violent and mysterious force, suddenly released from Alphala... directly formed a strong wind, and quickly spread out to the periphery.


At this moment, Qin Fang was rushing to Alfala, and immediately felt the strongness of this breath. The subconsciously put out the body-protecting suffocation... Kankan and the terrible breath hit together.

Immediately triggered a continuous, violent impact...



Qin Fang was shocked to fly out!

Although this attack has not had much power after passing through the multiple reductions of his bodyguards and the Supreme Scorpion... But it still prevented Qin from being able to resist and was directly shocked.

The injury is negligible, at most, it is blood and blood.

"You...can't succeed!"

Alpha's voice also rang in the ear of Qin Fang.

Such words seem to have brought Qin back to a long time ago... When he prevented Alphara from those who were the candidate messengers, he spoke in a general tone. This is also to make the Qin side depressed.

Alphala apparently did not care about the reaction of the Qin side, but the shock of his wrist, the magical power of the hands of the magical hand quickly flew out of his hands... swiftly flew in all directions.

Of course, it is not really thrown indiscriminately. These magical power couples are distributed around the body of Qin Fang, Li Wuhua, Bosech, Shi Qingfeng, and Thor, and form a circle. Just cover them all.


It seems that I also realized that Alfala was in a bad state. Li Wuhua was also a little angry. When the wrist was shocked, the sword in his hand wanted to explode the nearby magical magic point!

"Stop! Don't touch them..."

The Qin side was looking at it, and the subconscious exclaimed.

Compared with Li Wuhua and others who are completely ignorant of the magical powers, he knows a lot more...

These magical powers are not simply dolls. It is a kind of tyrannical prop...not only invulnerable, not invading, it is almost impossible to destroy it, and it also has a very singular ability.

Once someone touches it when it breaks out of its power... then the power of its body will quickly break into the body and control it into a scorpion in the shortest possible time.

This is not alarmist...

It is said that every magical power of the magical refining is the moment of success. In this way, we need to absorb the essence, qi, and spirit of a living person... Even after that, we need the essence, qi, and spirit of the living to nourish, and this will continue to strengthen and grow!

In other words, these magical powers are very evil...

Before there is no better way to deal with it, it is best not to have any contact with these magical powers... even with a sword, indirect contact is not enough!

The anxious reminder of Qin Fang also scared Li Wuhua.

but. He has already shot aloud, and now he seems to have no chance even if he wants to stop.


Fortunately, when Li Wuhua’s sword was about to touch the magical power of the magical power, a sword light swiftly hit, and Li’s sword was smashed in an instant... that magical power is also rubbing the sword. Fast flying over.

This scene is also to let Qin Fang and Li Wuhua breathe a sigh of relief.

As for the person who shot, it is naturally the evil sword Shi Qingfeng who is closer to Li Wuhua... After the first arrival, only the top master who specializes in kendo can do it.

Even Qin Fang, I have been unable to obstruct it... after all. He is a little farther away.


Although he couldn’t make Li Wuhua’s move, Alfala didn’t seem to mind at all, just snoring gently, as if he had not put Li Wuhua and others in his eyes!


At this time, all the magical powers of the gods successfully arrived at the predetermined position. The sly hit the ground and embedded some of them!

Alphala was waving his arm at this time, and immediately there was a weird force released from his body.


As if by the traction of this strange power, those magical powers that fell to the ground have violently shaken, and released a strange white light!

At the same time, a very terrifying force, along these magical powers, along these strange white lights, poured into the body of Alphala!

And gradually, there are so few stars that overflow Alfa's body...

"The glory of the gods?"

Alpha's biggest change should be the halo around his body... If Qin did not guess wrong, it should be their most taboo.

A near-rogue, BUG-style evil aura...

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