Omni Genius

Chapter 2542: The Son was scared away!

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"Nothing, I have a few in my heart..."

Qin Fang just nodded calmly and responded briefly.

Alphala naturally has a lot of cards, and Qin has already known it... This is also the reason why Qinfang will easily compromise. After all, this is not his character and behavior.

But he is so easy to agree and compromise!

Are you afraid of Alphala?

Obviously not!

He just didn't want to continue fighting with Alphala... it didn't make any sense at all.

This point is absolutely different from that of Qin Fang’s hard-spoken Peter...

The relationship between Qin Fang and the Holy See has already been handed over again and again, and one death after another has been formed. It is completely impossible to resolve it... As long as the Holy See is not destroyed, they will never let go of the Qin side. .

In contrast, the relationship between Qin and the Freemasonry...

Absolutely not too good, even Qin Fang also killed a lot of Masonics, including the Golden Bull Temple messenger!


As long as Qin Fang does not say it himself, then no one knows that this matter is done by the Qin side!

In other words, it can be assumed that Qin Fang and the Freemasons have no enmity... Then, naturally, there is no need to fight hard with Alphala!

What's more, Qin Fang also sold a face of Alphala...

Later, if there is an opportunity, Qin Fang also hopes to have more contact with the Freemasonry...

Don't think that Qin Fang is out of kindness! This guy is completely ruining the idea... twelve temples with twelve sacred beasts. This is a huge fortune.

At least for the Qin side, this is a huge fortune... a huge fortune waiting for him to dig!

Of course, there are only eleven sacred beasts now!

Qin Fang has also been pondering the other sacred beasts, but he has little contact with the core of the Freemasonry. He wants to find the chance to kill Taurus last time. It can be said to be minimal. .

It is a bit of a fragrant fire with Alpha, but it may be a chance for the Qin side!

These things are also calculated by Qin Fang himself in the heart. Even the alliance comrades such as Li Wuhua, Poseid, and Shi Qingfeng do not know. How can Alphara know?

Although Alphara noticed the strange look of Qin. There was no uneasiness in my heart!

but. The two sides’ hatreds are “written off”, so naturally they can get along relatively calmly... Alphara also entered the altar of the holy mountain and sat down in a corner.

He did not deliberately approach Qin Fang and others, but instead tried to stay away from some... This is also to avoid suspicion. Of course, it is also a kind of protection for oneself. Qin Fang made him feel quite dangerous and uneasy.

Thus. He is a little closer to Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

However, Athena is still so calm, it seems that everything has nothing to do with her. Just quietly looked at Alphala... Alphara had brought back his eyes and covered the konjac, otherwise the goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom, did not dare to go to see him easily.

In this way, there are six people in the altar of the holy mountain...

The number is not small, but it is obviously very lenient compared to the estimated number of ten people... However, there is still a little bit of time since the beginning of the baptism of Holy Power, and there may be others coming over.

However, Qin Fang is not worried at all!

The four of them joined forces, and even the strong masters like Alphala chose to compromise, shake hands and other... the other testers, basically no one dared to scorn their front.

Originally there was a saint Peter...

It is a pity that this guy was smothered by Qin Fang and fled, and whether he will come here to participate in the Holy Baptism is an unknown number!

As for the other people, Thor was swept away. King Arthur, Ares and others even suffered a team of Masonic masters led by Alphala, and they were alive and dead!

The masters of the first level again were all searched by the robbery group of four led by Qin Fang. Even the equipment and weapons were taken away. How could they have the courage to come here?

"It looks like there will be no one coming over, six people... we have a lot of money this time!"

Estimated the time when the Holy Baptism was opened, Li Wuhua could not help but get a little excited.

It can be said that this time the trial of the holy mountain, the competition is very fierce... much bigger than many previous sessions, because this genius and enchanting is too much, called the golden age. Not too much...

Even Li Wuhua, they have already prepared in advance... Ready to share this holy baptism with a dozen people!

The genius is too enchanting, and the strength and background are very strong. It is difficult to make a choice. It can only be sacrificed together. Forcing some people to leave, it is easy to become a target.

It is estimated that only Alphara and St. Peter have the ambition to do so!

However, the result is that many people are stunned!

The situation that was expected to be shared by more than a dozen people has not happened... Until now, it has been very close to the opening of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but there are only six people in the Altar of the Holy Mountain!


I don't know if Li Wuhua's crow mouth has been tested... When his voice just fell, he felt that the ancient magical array on the valley side was fluctuating, and someone in the valley valley came in.

Almost everyone at the Altar of the Holy Mountain has concentrated their sights on the comers!

They are getting closer and closer to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They don’t want the weak and weak people to suddenly rush in and put in a kick, then their losses can be really big, then they are not for a long time, but they marry others. clothes?

Obviously, no matter whether it is Qin Fang, Li Wuhua, etc., or the strong and overbearing Alfala, they will not be willing to do this.


Seeing the person who came in, Li Wuhua and others immediately stood up and cried.

When the Son of Peter heard the sound, he naturally noticed the existence of Li Wuhua and others. His eyes turned slightly and he saw the existence of Qin Fang. His face was also very ugly.

I am really afraid of what comes...

Before he entered here, he had already guessed that Qin Fang might already be in the valley, but he still had a little bit of luck... Unfortunately, this little luck did not happen, he saw Qin Fang!

Even he saw Alpha, and felt the strong threat from Alphala!

Li Wuhua and others immediately stood up, and they picked up their weapons. It was Qin Fang’s two flying swords that had slowly trembled. It was obviously intended to be tyrannical!


The son of Peter is not an ordinary person. He noticed the movements of Li Wuhua and others. He almost turned without hesitation and walked out of the valley directly... From entering the valley to him, he left here, not even half a minute before and after. .


Li Wuhua and others are also slightly stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect things to become like this. If they came to their lips, all the cards that were hard to make can't be said in the throat.

"I count this guy running fast..."

For a moment, the whole valley was quiet and terrible, and then several people confirmed that the Son of Peter really left, which is very uncomfortable to swear, obviously also feel that the Son of Peter is too much.

Although they suffered a loss in their hands, this is the sacred mountain sacred place, the altar of the holy mountain... The saint-child Peter said that it is also a half-master, but did not expect to even say no to say, and left.

"Peter, the bird man, is the first son in the history of the Holy See who has not been able to participate in the final stage of the Holy Mountain trial?"

However, Li Wuhua, who was very uncomfortable with Peter, could not help but ridicule.

As he said, the sacred mountain mystery has always been in the hands of the celestial sects... the Holy See or the Holy Mountain, they are regarded as the half master of this holy mountain.

The Son of Peter came from the Holy See and was the heir to the future Pope, but he had some collusion with the Holy Mountain. It was the absolute home advantage in the sacred mountain...

In the past, the Holy Spirit of the Holy See or the top genius of the Holy Mountain, even if it did not reach the terrible strength and status of the Son of Peter, it can still easily occupy a place of baptism of the Holy Power...

The comparison is "master", and how much is given to some face.

Unfortunately, this time the Son of Peter is hitting the iron plate...

Not only in the one-on-one fight, he was defeated by Qin Fang, and was forced to be like a dog of a family, and the escape of the wolf was saved.

Now, it is directly scared away. Even the qualifications for the baptism of the Holy Spirit are given up... It is estimated that it may be the first time in the past few hundred years!

If this matter is spread out, it is definitely a huge blow to the reputation of the Son of Peter!

However, compared with his life, the decision of the Son of Peter is still very wise!

If you can't keep your life, what's the point of leaving a slightly nice reputation?

"When Peter left, there should be no more people coming over... Finally, you can rest assured!"

Of course, Peter’s departure is generally a happy thing... This is the main contender, but it is a direct waiver. Naturally, it is a good thing to be commended.


At the moment, Alphala stared straight at the Qin side, his eyes were hidden, and he did not know what was in his heart!

The Qin party can guess that most of the things that happened between Cui Qin and others and the Son of Peter... As the most powerful competitor of his own, Alphara almost treated the saint Peter as the enemy. .

Unexpectedly, such a close enemy is hard to be scared away by Qin Fang and others, let him pay more attention to these people... especially Qin Fang! (To be continued.)

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