Omni Genius

Chapter 2543: Holy baptism!

First, I want to subscribe, monthly ticket ~~~ tragedy, last night hard support the last chapter, and then enter the hospital on acute gastroenteritis! Seeking comfort~~~


What Alphala thinks, Qin Fang guessed, but he didn't care... Things have already happened. He didn't intend to cover up. Just ask for a simple inquiries, and sure everything is very clear.

After all, Qin Fang’s object of robbery is not only the Holy See and other Christian masters, but almost all the trials have been swept away...

"Now, no one should come again?"

Basically everyone thinks like this...

The rest of the trials, there are not many people who have the courage to come to the altar of the holy mountain... It is only a limited number of people, but they have been cleaned up by Alpha, afraid that they will come in and have no courage to come in.

"Time is almost..."

After measuring the time, Bosech also reminded me.


Almost all of his voices just fell, and the entire altar of the sacred mountain trembled a little... The twelve pillars standing on the edge of the altar also immediately released a strong energy fluctuation.

This is a sign that the Holy Baptism will be opened.

Or, this is to remind everyone to seize the opportunity... The energy fluctuations released by the twelve pillars are connected in pairs, and soon form a very complex prototype of the ancient magical array.

And the lines intersect each other, eventually forming an energy gathering point in the center of the altar...just concentrate on the little altar!


I saw the little altar, and suddenly a crystal-clear crystal-like thing rose slowly from the middle... The shape is not the appearance of a common crystal ball in the West, but a multi-faceted sphere.

At this moment, the power of the entire Altar of the Altar is being saved and injected into the entire crystal sphere!

Qin Fang can clearly notice. This crystal ball slowly injects a strong energy... The holy force of the light system is very very rich and very pure!

"The holy mountain is really strong..."

These holy forces of the light system are the source of the origin of the whole mystery. After the condensed of this ancient magical array, this can be fully presented in this way.

Although that strange crystal ball isolated Qin Fang and others from the perception of this horrible energy. But just some of the residual energy that escaped from this ancient magical array almost made the body of Qin Fang and others dare not move easily!

Of course, the energy accumulated in this stock is the energy of this holy baptism!

Although it was originally the holy force of the light system... But after this strange crystal ball and special ancient magic array, it will be transformed into various elements, attribute power, and then will be poured into each The body of a person.

"Everyone is in place..."

This energy is still going on. However, this ancient magical array was gradually opened up. Qin also smiled. First, he stepped into the area of ​​the holy mountain altar, and he did not forget other people.

It seems that the number of people such as Qin Fang and others has been sensed. This magical array just opened six portals, just let the two of them choose an independent portal to enter them...

Thus. Everyone maintains a relatively independent area, and they do not interfere with each other!

Security and privacy have been greatly protected!

This point, whether it is Qin Fang or Al Fara, is very satisfied!


Upon entering this magical array, Qin Fang stood in the predetermined position according to the hint of the magic array, and immediately felt a horrible force from the crystal ball. Instantly hit his body.

"Qin Fang, don't stop..."

Just when Qin Fang’s instinct wanted to dodge, Li Wuhua’s reminder was also delivered in advance.

Although he still hesitated in his heart, he also knew that Li Wuhua should have no malice, and he relaxed his body and let the horrible power hit his body.

Of course, Qin Fang is always ready...

He does not stop, does not mean that he has nothing to do with a little bit of defense.

The body's suffocating and vitality are all waiting for it, as long as it is found that this force has any malice to him... Qin is a good person who has been seriously injured and must resist.


Qin Fang still a little overestimated his strength!


When this force hits the body of the Qin. It turned into a myriad of energy flows in almost an instant, and quickly spread to the whole body of the Qin Dynasty...just just between the moments, Qin Fang felt that his body was completely imprisoned by this force.

There is no deadlock in the dead...


The Qin side is also somewhat awkward. The instinctive wants to compete, but he can't afford the power.

"Is it overcast?"

Such an idea is also to make the Qin side somewhat fearful...but. After noticing the reaction of others, he gave up the resistance, which seems to be a necessary process for the baptism of the Holy Power.

The body of Qin Fang is imprisoned by such a force...

However, this power is only such a use, and there is no further action... At most, it is equivalent to the role of a wire, linked to the Qin side and the crystal ball.

The altar of the sacred mountain was running at a high speed at this moment. The twelve pillars were fiercely absorbed by the original power from the sacred mountain, and then all were injected into the crystal ball.

The crystal ball is very calm, but the Holy Power inside is undergoing great changes...

To be precise, the holy force inside has changed from yellow, yellow, yellow, pink, and red to the purple, purple, and black!

It’s like going through a long evolution...

But the energy accumulated in it is definitely an unimaginable horror... It is the result of a huge amount of energy that is highly compressed!

"Holy baptism... started!"

Qin Fang’s shock and fear from the beginning gradually faded and slowly calmed down until he suddenly sensed the fluctuation of some energy from the crystal ball. He knew that the baptism of the Holy Spirit began.


It seems that there is such a voice between the vagueness. Then the crystal ball no longer absorbs energy madly, but transmits the energy of it to several trials through those "wires."

Li Wuhua is an ice master, so he can see an ice blue energy, which came out from the crystal ball and went into the body of Li Wuhua... Suddenly, the boy was refreshed and subconsciously scorned. .

Not only that. An ice-blue dragon's shadow was slowly released behind his body...

Qin Fang naturally knows that Li Wuhua has cultivated the mad dragon of the madman, and it is not surprising that it is so condensed at this moment... But with the injection of these ice blue energy, that ice dragon The illusion is gradually clear. It’s extraordinary to escape a horrible atmosphere!

Poseid is a master of water, and naturally it is the energy of water blue...

Similar to Li Wuhua, there is a huge ghost of the sea **** behind Poseidon... When the wrath of Poseidon was used, this illusion appeared, but more of it is composed of water.

Can this time. Obviously it’s going to be much stronger...

The Altar of the Holy Mountain isolates everything from the outside world, naturally including moisture...

Therefore, this illusion is an energy body. With the injection of water blue energy, it is gradually clear and materialized... and its entity is awesome!

However, these people are not ordinary water, but some special, cherished water!

It can be said. These waters are all treasures, and even a light drop can easily be put to death!

Shi Qingfeng is totally different...

The energy injected into his body is actually a strange light of stars!

Therefore, when these energies were injected into Shi Qingfeng's body, Shi Qingfeng was directly bathed in such a starlight... At the same time, there was a gradual condensation behind him.

However, unlike Li Wuhua, Poseidon's ice dragon ghost, and the sea **** virtual shadow, his behind is actually a sword shadow...

That is a mysterious sword!

It looks very illusory, even if it is injected with such huge energy. It's only slightly clearer... I can only see the black blade, there are some patterns on it, but I can't see it at all.

However, the sword shadow released a terrible horrible sharpness...

Even Li Wuhua’s ice dragon and Poseidon’s sea gods are obviously weaker!

It can also be seen that the strength of Shi Qingfeng and the level of the skill of the cultivation. It is necessary to go beyond Li Wuhua and Shi Qingfeng... and the more advanced, the gap will become bigger and bigger.

Low-key, neutral Athena, the movement on her side is also not small!

A golden shadow is standing there. If it is a shadow of the goddess of war and wisdom, the shield of war and the right to wisdom are clearly visible. You can even see the picture of Athena. face.

The face of the goddess illusion is exactly the same as Athena's face!

If Qin Fang can open his eyes and look at it at this moment, he will definitely see the tyrannical and terrible shadow of this Athena goddess... it is even higher than his three companions.

It is also possible to explain the terrible martial arts talent of Athena, the goddess of wisdom...

Unfortunately, she did not focus on strengthening her own strength.

Otherwise, she will definitely become a real female Valkyrie... A strong terrorist who stands on the top of the world, and is even more outstanding than the disciples of the "Four Emperors" such as Li Wuhua and Shi Qingfeng.

But even then...

After Athena's baptism, Athena will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. I believe that beyond Li Wuhua and others, it is basically a matter of sticking to it... If you work harder, you can definitely surpass Shi Qingfeng.

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