Omni Genius

Chapter 2736: Drive the tiger to swallow!

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The ice giant is very surprised to see the rockets coming from the air. It seems to be very curious... It is an exotic creature, but it has never seen the modern technology of rockets.

Even it does not care about the threat posed by rockets...

The rockets brought a flame, but in the eyes of the ice giant, this group of flames is a hundred thousand miles less than the four-image glazed fire, and it will not pose any threat to itself.


As a result, it was natural that the rocket hit the body of the ice giant, and a violent explosion occurred immediately!


However, although the power of the explosion is very large, it does not have any decent threat to the ice giant. At most, it is a black trace on its body, which makes it feel like it has been bitten by mosquitoes. Just about it...

The shrapnel, shock wave, etc. generated by the explosion, the direct ice giants frozen in a very cold ice, turned into a hail, fell on the ground, equal to what damage did not cause.



Even if he doesn't understand modern technology, the ice giant knows that Qin's hand is attacking it. It is a kind of red fruit. The ice giant is also a little angry. He immediately screams and the strong body. Then he went straight to the Qin side and rushed over.

"Idiot! Xiaoye has already flashed..."

In fact, when the Chinese side shot the rocket, he turned and fled. Going straight to the central core of the ancient city of Atlantis, the speed went straight to the extreme.

When the ice giant reacted and chased him to the Qin side, both of them had already opened a distance of more than three hundred meters. Although it was not really safe, at least the Qin side did not have to worry about suddenly licking the ice. The giant slaps!


While the ice giant chased, he was also roaring. The extremely cold ice on his body was also a violent release. Everything along the way was frozen, and countless low-order mutants were directly frozen.


This is also to let Qin Fang could not help but lament.

Although these low-order mutants have no threat to him, they can be regarded as an empirical value... A single experience may not be a lot. But I can't help but the huge amount!

Maybe from the starting point. When you arrive at your destination, there will be at least tens of thousands of low-level mutants on the road that will be killed. If you accumulate it, this experience is quite impressive!

unfortunately. The ice giant is not the soul slave of the Qin side. But to chase the enemy of the Qin side!

The Irvine of the Temple of the Sea. At the moment, I am also following the rapid tracking of the Qin side...

Qin Fang himself did not know, the way he thought of pulling the strange, in fact, coincided with the mission of the emperor Poseidon to Elvin... even he took the initiative to help Elvin start this task ahead of time. !


This ice giant is only the projection of the deity of the deity. But the sturdy strength of the half-step to the soul of the beast is also to let it in this ancient city of Atlantis, but also can be rampant existence!

In order to chase the Qin Fang, it does not care about everything in front!

Anyone who blocks the road, whether it is a building or a mutant creature, is killed by the most tyrannical means...

The evil spirits of the hegemon-class in the area next to it did not show up. It is estimated that they don’t want to be king so fast, but they sent two powerful high-level mutant creatures to block and test the ice giant!

The result is very clear...

These two high-end mutant creatures, which are even stronger than the wind leopard and the swallowing lizard, have not even a little decent resistance, and are directly killed by the ice giant!

First, a cold and freezing, do not seek to completely freeze the other party, as long as they make their bodies stiff and inconvenient to move, then the ice giants slap the violent slap and directly smash the two high-order mutants. Killed into slag.

"Sure enough cruel!"

Such a scene naturally fell into the eyes of Qin Fang, and I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart.

Although it is said that the wind leopard and the swallowing lizard are still in the hands of the Qinfang, it seems that they have not taken much effort, but it was after the death of the red flame, the **** wolf king and the cracked beast. The sneak attack succeeded.

Compared with the ice-cold giant's relaxed, cozy, understated bombing, Qin Fang is simply weak!

This also reflects the huge gap between the Qin and the ice giants...

"It gave me a little trouble..."

The mutant creatures die more, and the Qin side will not care... Anyway, the ice giant will not kill, and Qin Fang is also going to kill. The only pity is that the experience value falls to the hands of Qin Fang.

However, the obstruction of these mutant creatures has slightly slowed down the pace of the ice giants, and has won a certain amount of time for the escape and guidance of the Qin side. The distance between the two is also slightly enlarged.


This is also to make the ice giant very uncomfortable, roaring, the strength is more violent, and quickly tore up countless mutants, violently rushed toward the Qin side.

"Hey! Want to catch up with me? Next life..."

Such a sudden assault has indeed scared Qin Fang a big jump... However, he soon entered the edge of the central core area from a large area, and there are more mutant creatures here. Slightly relieved.

This is not surprising...

Although Qin Fang actively rushed into the central core area, those mutant creatures should start besieging him for the first time...

However, the ice giants are chasing after the cold, the cold and cold breath almost always chasing Qin Fang, as if it is a natural taunting skill, the first time to attract all hatred!

This is not the lethality brought by the sound of the roaring giant's roar, but also makes those mutant creatures angry...

In this way, the hatred value of Qin Fang is not high. Most of the mutant creatures don't care about his existence... Very few mutant creatures find and attack the Qin side, or they can't break the Qin Fang's defense. Either the attack is stronger, and the Qin party will kill it!

In addition to high-order mutants, those low-order mutants have no threat to the Qin side...


However, soon Qin Fang discovered some abnormalities... Actually someone approached him!

"People in the Temple of the Sea?"

Qin Fang snorted, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. "I want to take the opportunity to count me? Hey... this time, you are unlucky!"

In this ancient city of Atlantis, the real humans are only those of the Qin and the Temple of the Sea... The mutants are humans before their birth, but they have all died for more than two thousand years, and they have already been mutated into another one. Kind of creatures.

Then, this man who suddenly came over will definitely be the master of the Temple of the Sea!

However, this guy is hiding very well!

Not only did the surrounding mutants not find his existence, but even Qin Fang was almost cheated by him... Fortunately, Qin’s small map suddenly showed his existence, otherwise Qin Fang really might Sneak attack by this guy!

However, this guy in Irvine is also unlucky...

He came straight to the ice giant, but unexpectedly discovered the Qin Fang who was chased by the ice giant...

He was not very clear about the purpose of Qin Fang. He only thought that Qin Fang had escaped, in order to avoid the pursuit of the ice giant. As for rushing into the central core area, it may be an accident!

But his purpose is to lead the ice giant to attack the sea temple in the central core area...

Then there is no need for the Qin side to exist!

Otherwise, if Qin Fang finds too many mutant creatures in front and turns around in other directions, then Irvine’s purpose can’t be he intends to attack the Qin Fang.

In fact, his actions are very smooth, and at the moment, it is less than ten meters away from Qin Fang!

As long as a surprise attack, he can hit the Qin side!

He is waiting for only one chance... a chance to attack the Qin side!

However, I did not expect that Qin Fang took a look at the small map and planned to explore the Qinfang road, but still found Elvin, who was close at hand, and Elvin’s best chance of sneak attack was lost.

"Wait for an opportunity? Then I will give you a chance!"

Noticing Elvin's little action, Qin Fang couldn't help but sneer.

At that time, a mutant creature with a slightly stronger strength suddenly attacked the Qin side... In order to avoid its attack, the Qin side chose a dodge action, and the dodge position is just close to El. On this side of the text, and he is still facing Ervin!


Elvin is also a strongman at the level of supremacy. His ability to grasp his eyesight and grasp the opportunity is extremely strong. He immediately discovered the flaw of Qin Fang, suddenly his eyes lit up, and then violently attacked!

"Hey! Let's go..."

However, at the same time as he attacked, he did not notice that Qin Fang, who was facing him, had a cold smile on his face. Then he immediately opened the group attack and squatted on the ground with one foot. A bit!


The violent suffocating moment was centered on the Qin side and spread out to the surroundings!

Every shot is not very strong, and the enthusiasm can only be regarded as general. The only thing is that the power is very large... I saw the mutant creatures closest to Qin Fang, and immediately flew by the violent impact of Qin Fang. Go out.

Among them, it includes Irvine that has no defense at all...

He is the supreme of the water system, and he has a deep knowledge of the secrets of the water system, but the water system is soft and the strength is not strong... When he encounters the violent power shock of Qin Fang, Elvin is completely unable to compete with it. Fang’s ankle flew out.

The lethality is negligible. Elvin asks himself to basically immunize the Qin side of all the damage of this attack... but this does not change the fact that he was thrown out! (To be continued.)

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