Omni Genius

Chapter 2737: For death!

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Of course, Irvine’s reaction is also very fast...

After his body returned to his own control, he also stabilized his body shape for the first time, and then stood firm and steady.

"Idiot! Just want you to attack me?"

But at this time, Qin Fang’s ridiculous and ridiculous voice was introduced into his ears.

"You found me?"

Elvin is also a slight glimpse, very surprised to see the Qin side...

To be honest, he really didn't think that Qin had actually discovered him. The only move that he had just thought was that Qin Fang made a big move against the mutant creatures surrounding him, and he himself just happened to meet him. of!

After all, if Qin Fang really discovered him in advance, it would definitely be a heavy hand for him, instead of using this power-type group attack with almost no lethality, even his defense could not be broken.

However, listening to the meaning of Qin Fang’s words, but already discovered his existence, this has the same blow!

"Only you stupid bird will feel that you are hidden enough to hide... In fact, you have already been exposed! Idiot!"

Qin Fang was a sneer, not scornful.

"Oh... this is impossible!"

The young man like Qin Fang was so insulted and ridiculed that Ervin couldn’t help but feel a little angry... At this time, he noticed that his Poseidon phantom was not scattered, he was still in a semi-steal state. . It is impossible for Qin Fang to discover his existence! .

"Do you swindle me?"

The only explanation, just now Qin Fang was aware of the anomaly, and then swindled him!

And he is stupid, but he is exposed to himself!

"Idiot... Is it a stupid bird with no brains, you still have to swindle you?"

The Qin side is even more brilliant, and the ridicule and disdain in the eyes are completely undisguised. It is easy to write a sign that you are a stupid bird.

"Ah, ah~~~ I want to kill you!"

Irvine is also a supreme strongman who has been famous for many years. Whether in the underground world or in the sea temple, he has a very good position and is accustomed to the praise and praise of others. Can you still be ridiculed by such a young junior?

So care. Irvine is also completely irritated, and the whole person exudes a sturdy enthusiasm... The strength is very strong, even the surrounding mutants have been withdrawn far away, and also for Irvine. Very jealous and fearful.

"kill me?"

Qin Fang is laughing more happier. That heartless look is really irritating. Then... Qin Fang stretched out his fingers. Pointing at Elvin’s behind the body, “Do not kill me, it’s not that you have the final say... you still have to keep your own life!”


Elvin’s words are also a slight glimpse. The mood of anger was also slightly smoother, and then suddenly thought of the environment in which he is now...

It is not outside, it is not a relatively safe area, but the ancient city of Atlantis is full of killings and crises everywhere, and it is also the core area of ​​the ancient city of Atlantis...

Although it is not the depth of the core area, it is only the marginal zone, but it is also full of infinite crises... Those low-order mutants with countless numbers are still there, even the high-order mutants have appeared many, It can threaten the existence of such a strong and powerful person like Elvin!

The real ferocious thing is...

"not good!"

Elvin suddenly reacted and shouted "not good". The subconsciously displayed the secret of the Poseidon phantom, and wanted to evacuate from a distance... He remembered that there was no tyrannical power to kill him. Giant?


Unfortunately, this time, his reaction is a bit slow!

The secret method of the Poseidon avatar on his side has just started, and he feels that his body is slightly stiff, and then there is a powerful and powerful terrorist force, slamming on him.

No suspense, Irvine's body is like a broken kite, directly drawn, and then quickly slammed into the building next to it.


And when Elvin was hit, his body suddenly swayed a layer of blue light halo, which was able to offset the horrible power of the ice giants seven seven eight eight!

Otherwise, the ice giant's violent blow is enough to kill Elvin, the supreme powerhouse.

"Hey? A little bit..."

The Qin side obviously noticed this detail, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, but even if he understood it, it was very interesting to look at the Irvine who was hitting the wall and gradually slowing down.

Irvine was calculated by Qin Fangyu, and Qin Fang expected that this guy would be killed by the ice giant... but he did not expect that he actually relied on a kind of protection for the dead, but It is a little accident.


"That's good, at least you stupidly took away the hatred of the ice giant..."

The Qin side is also a slap in the play.

Yes, Elvin survived unexpectedly. It was not only the Qin side that was surprised. Even the ice giant who was preparing to continue to chase the Qin Fang was slightly stunned, and his footsteps were slightly slower.


It is obviously a ant-like character. It can be easily killed in one stroke. Now it is still alive and kicking. This is also a kind of provocation for the tyrannical giant.

Even the provocation of active attack like Qin Fang makes the ice giant feel angry...

The result is……

The ice giant directly gave up the Qin side and screamed, and once again smothered the past to the water system, the supreme Elvin... Without killing this odious cock, the ice giant could not get this bad breath!


At this time, Irvine had already slowed down the gods, and immediately screamed, and then the phantom of the sea **** phantom quickly opened, the whole person turned from real to illusory, almost almost not aware of his existence.

Unfortunately, his breath has been exposed, and it has already been locked by the ice giant!

Although this ice giant is only the projection of the **** of the ice of the semi-holy level, the strength is only half a step to the level of the beast, but it is also exactly the same. It is very skillful to master the other half-step of the supreme beast. The power of the gods.

The lock of the Yuanshen is more powerful than the lock of the breath...

If the breath is locked, you only need to confuse your own breath. There is a big hope to get rid of each other, but the gods lock... unless you can even smash the gods directly, you can break the lock.

However, the broken of the gods represents the annihilation of the soul, then it is directly dead and cocked...

Therefore, Elvin's performance of the Poseidon phantom is not of much significance. The ice giant has directly locked his god, no matter how he changes, he can't escape the cold ice giant's pursuit.


Then, the ice giant roared, and went straight to Elvin to cull the past.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Irvine also quickly discovered this, and he was frustrated with his anger, but he did not dare to delay, and did not hesitate to attack the depths of the core area of ​​the central city of Atlantis.

His mission this time was to pull the ice giant into the depths of the core area. Now, despite some unexpected accidents, he can still develop in accordance with his expectations.

The only thing that is depressed and worried is that his Poseidon guardian has been accidentally used...

If there is any accident in the next, then he will only have a dead end!

This situation, that is, the "accident" that Haihuang Poseidon said... It should have been a very good plan. It was because of the unstable factor of Qin Fang that it directly led to Irvine being pitted.


Seeing that Irvine did not turn around and ran back, but to the depths of the central core area, Qin Fang also slightly stunned... But soon, Qin Fang vaguely guessed what.

"It seems that his plan coincides with my plan..."

Qin Fang whispered a whisper, and then the smile on his face was more splendid. Looking at Elvin’s wandering figure, he smiled even more. “I still don’t believe that your treasure can continue to be used again. once……"

and then?

When Qin Fang was a flash, he quickly flashed toward the periphery of the core area.

Originally, he had a plan to drive the tiger to swallow the wolf, and it was also an adventure to the depths of the core area. The risk of this plan is very large. Even if Qin has a lot of means, he can’t guarantee that he will be safe. Nothing.

But now, there is a person to carry out this plan for himself, then there is no need for the Qin side to take risks.

"Hey, I’m catching cockroaches, the oriole is behind, Xiaoye, I’m waiting for the fish to fish...”

After seeing Irvine’s plan, Qin Fang naturally knows that the group of masters of the Temple of the Sea should also come over... Once the ice giants and the evil spirits in the core area fight, the emperor Poseidon will surely arrive. The core area comes.

Haihuang Poseidon intends to fish in troubled waters. Is Qinfang not the same idea?

"The enemy is in the air, I am in the dark... then see who is better!"

Qin Fang easily smashed the ice giant's pursuit, and then converge on his own breath, carefully lurking, waiting for the masters of the sea **** temple led by the emperor Poseidon!

As for Elvin’s life and death...

Qin Fang can only say... "Take me a bird!"

This is entirely Elvin's self-seeking ... to take the initiative to implement this risky plan does not say, actually want to sneak attack on Qin Fang, then he can only carry such a plan.

Losing the power of the guardian of the sea king, how long he can live, it depends on his luck... Maybe he will be killed by high-order mutants, evil spirits or ice giants in a few minutes. Maybe he caused a two-way battle, and he himself was retired! (To be continued.)

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