Omni Genius

Chapter 3069: Jurassic secret!

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Not long after the effort, the ship carried the Song chain and the Qin side entered a very secret secret place... It is very hidden, and if you don't know the road, it is very difficult to find its existence.

Of course, it can be determined by the Jurassic as the family's location, so the environment here is naturally very good, and the aura is quite abundant, not too much compared to the gates of the Zongmen, such as the Kunlun School.

"Here... how do you feel a little familiar?"

When he entered the Jurassic House, Qin Fang couldn't help but frown, and his heart slammed, a feeling of deja vu, as if he had been here before!

"This is not right..."

The problem is that the Qin Dynasty is indeed the first time to come to the Jurassic, so the familiar feeling is also quite boring for him, and his mind is also a quick recollection, trying to recall something.

"Forget it, don't want this first, familiarize yourself with this terrain and say..."

Qin Fang’s heart is full of doubts, but no one can give him an accurate answer. Simply no longer think about it. Prepare to walk around Jurassic and familiarize yourself with the terrain.

The Song chain dragged the limp in front, and the Qin side took the opportunity to find the treasures of the Jurassic House... Although they said they were robbery, at least they had to step on them before they started.

Otherwise, if the people of Jurassic can't die, and Qin Fang can't find the treasure, then are they not busy?

The strength of Minhang is very simple, and the foundation of the Jurassic is not bad. Even if the Qin and Song chain join hands, it may not be able to sweep the Jurassic... hard to grab too much effort, the Qin side certainly wants to save time and effort Some more.

As an excellent lurker, the king of the killer world, Qin Fang is very leisurely walking in the middle of the Jurassic. However, no one can discover his existence, but also let him gradually become familiar with the terrain of the Jurassic, and also find the treasure house.

However, the more it moves like this, the more Qin Fang feels that the atmosphere here is too familiar...

"and many more……"

Suddenly, Qin Fang’s mind flashed. I thought of something vaguely, and immediately stepped on it. "I remembered, that small island... the island that Penglai secretly separated!"

For this small island, Qin Fang still has a deep impression.

He is also a big killer on this small island, killing those Fusang little devils almost... It can be said that the island is a key point for the strong rise of Qin Fang.

It was on that small island that the water system mastery mastered by Qin Fang reached a very high level and became a very sharp weapon in his hand. It also played a great role in the following roads.

At that time, Qin Fang’s strength was still very general.

Even the small island, he only collected a part of it... As for the depths of the island, it made the Qin party at that time discouraged, and finally hesitated, and there was no trade rushed into it.

Now, Qin Fang came to the Jurassic, and felt the atmosphere here like a deja vu... a careful comparison. Is it very similar to the atmosphere of the island?

“Is it just in the depths of the island?”

"Or, the secret environment in which the Jurassic is located. It is also one of the outer branches of the Penglai secrets. Under the influence of the big island guards, will there be such a similar atmosphere?"

Qin Fang could not help but wonder.

When he first arrived, he was not familiar enough with Jurassic. Naturally, he could not judge which kind of possibility it was... The former seemed to be a bit unreasonable, because Qin Fang remembered that the location of the island was not this position. The possibility of the latter seems to be greater.

However, so far, Qin’s contact with Penglai’s secrets has no second island except the exposed island. Nature is impossible to judge...

"The outer island of the Penglai secret..."

Qin Fangkou also muttered in the mouth, and his mind was also calculated.

For the Qin side, this is not a good news, it may even be a very bad news... but it is not enough to get out of the control of the Qin side.

The living room of the Jurassic.

"Song Shiyi, how can you only come back alone? Xia Hou brothers?"

When I saw the Song Chain, Minhang was quite a bit unexpected, but I was curious to ask in my mouth, and there was some worry on my face. It seemed that the relationship between the two sides was really good.

"Master Xiahou and several brothers are still in the Central Plains, and there is something else to return to Penglai..."

The Song chain is also a smile.

The attitude is not so close, but there seems to be no defense against Minhang. Even such "important" things are said without any concealment. "Yu Shishu, this time may need your help..."

"Do you want me to help? You say..."

There was a hint of color in Minhang's eyes, but the cover was excellent, and the mouth was very polite.

"You also know how powerful Penglai's Guardian Island is, and it takes a lot of energy to pass through it. And I, the whole body is like this, it can't be done! But I There are very important things that must be returned to Penglai as soon as possible. Can you see if you can support it a little bit..."

The Song chain seemed hesitant, but it was carefully raised.

When I speak, the tone is very soft, and it seems that I am afraid that the trip will refuse.

Play the autumn wind!

Listening to the Song chain, the vigilance in Minhang’s eyes has been reduced a lot, and there is a little bit of disdain and ridicule... He thought that Song Chain was a disciple of Penglai’s rumor, and when he came out, he was self-sustaining and very proud. But now I have to go back, but it is another gesture, and I immediately despised a lot!

"This one……"

I have some hesitant openings. "Song Shiyi, I am not jealous of you... Although I am in the foreign government for hundreds of years, you know the outside environment, resources are scarce, if you need If it is too big, it will be difficult for me to help you!"

"And, if there is nothing particularly important, there is no need to return to Penglai. I can help you pass the message back... Is this not time-saving and labor-saving?"

Then I took another breath and added this sentence.

"This one……"

Song chain heard, the brow wrinkled, it seems that my heart is also somewhat tangled, and I can't make up my mind for a moment... Just this reaction, I know that the message to be transmitted by the Song chain should be very important, but it is not important to It takes a lot of energy to return to Penglai!

"What is the truth of this teacher?"

However, after a moment of silence, the Song chain began to open the way, it seems that he was really told to move.

“Nature is true!”

Minhang is also a guarantee of laughter. "Although you confess, I will pass the message back to the Penglai secrets..."

For this, there is no doubt about it.

Although it is impossible for the Jurassic to move back to the Penglai secret, they have retained a special means of information communication. Even if they are completely isolated from the island, they can barely transmit information.

Of course, this kind of communication also needs energy...

It’s just that it’s really small and small compared to the loss of the whole person’s entry and exit to the island.

Minhang is obviously also fancy this point, this will persuade the Song chain... Of course, he can also take the opportunity to understand the news that the Song Chain wants to report, especially about the Star Lock.

Why didn’t the Jurassic return to the Penglai secret?

This question, I believe that every resident of the Jurassic is very clear... In fact, it is not incapable of returning, but just not willing to go back.

I would like to ask a person who is used to being windy and wants to rain in the rain, and how to adapt to others as a younger brother? And this person is not one or two, but countless...

Jurassic belongs to this kind of thing, perhaps the same as the original Star House!

With their strength, the outside world is also a tyrannical force of the same level. In the modern times, it is almost invincible existence... The real invincible hegemon of the underground world, no one dares to despise the existence of the tiger.

But if you return to the Penglai secret, what is the situation?

Perhaps the head of the house can enter the half-step Wudi or even the Emperor Wu, but the position in the secret environment of Penglai cannot be too high... There must be at least a few, even a dozen or dozens of people. Can suppress him.

This change in status and power has definitely made many people unwilling.

What's more, adapting to the free and comfortable life of the outside world, who is willing to go back to the small world that has been imprisoned and sealed to live the hard life? Didn’t see Song Chain and others come out, don’t rush to complete the task, but enjoy it and have a good time?

Because I don't want to go back, I am very concerned about the task of Song Chain et al.

The Star Lock is a key key to the opening of the Penglai Secret Island... As long as it is found, the ban on the Penglai Secret Island is no longer a “death of death”.

However, how did Jurassic do it?

They have been out of Penglai for hundreds of years. They were originally intended to annihilate Penglai’s rebellion and recapture the Star Lock... but their result was to stay in the outside world and not to control the Star Lock.

Even when he knew that Penglai and others had sent out to find the Star Lock, he also knew the whereabouts of the Star Lock. It shows that he has always been concerned, but he never intended to take it back!

What's more, Minhang is going to destroy the Song chain and their actions this time...

He slammed the side of the song from the mouth of the Song chain, nothing more than to determine whether they have been locked by the stars ... Once confirmed, he will immediately stop them, even at the expense of the Song chain and other people!

No need to doubt!

He, Minhang has such strength... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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