Omni Genius

Chapter 3070: Bronze giants!

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"That's going to be troublesome for this thing..."

The Song chain seems to have been moved by the shackles. I also feel that this method is feasible. Naturally, it is too busy to express it... It also proves from a certain point that he is not willing to return to the Penglai secret. ≥

"This is just a small matter..."

Minhang is also very satisfied with this.

The performance of the Song chain basically means that the task has not been completed yet. It is only possible to discover any important things or treasures, and the four of them can't take it anymore. Only then will they think of returning to Penglai's secret environment.

Perhaps it is asking for help, perhaps asking for a treasure, perhaps for other reasons...

However, these have no effect and harm to the Jurassic. Minhang does not mind wasting some energy and passing the news back to the Penglai secret... At least not worrying about the masses of the Penglai secrets.

Of course, those top-ranking powerhouses can’t come out...

Weak, such as the half-step Emperor Wudi, is not really in the eye, using his identity as a cover, he can completely smuggle these people, still can maintain the current state of balance.

"This is not..."

Song chain is very grateful, just...


When the Song chain came to the lips, it was just half said. There was such a loud and loud noise outside, as if it were an avalanche, a volcanic eruption, an earthquake...

Even the sturdy living room where they are located has been violently shaken, so that the two strong players who are in the semi-steps of Emperor Wudi are slightly discolored.

"what happened?"

Especially the lame, the face is even more ugly, immediately roar, and then regardless of the Song chain this guest. Directly a shot, he flew out and galloped in the direction of the sound.

As the master of the Jurassic, and a master of tyrannical strength, how could you not know how such a loud noise came from?

Just because he knows, he will be so surprised, angry, violent...

Even if the guests don't care, they have to rush as soon as possible... there is something very important there. Once something unexpected happens, then he really regrets it!

"How did the owner do it? Isn't it always very careful? How come this big move this time..."

When I walked, the Song chain also tore off the mask that I had concealed. I lost some scruples, and my heart was very strange. I don’t know how to make such a big movement, but the Song chain can guess. of.

It must have been made by his master Qin Fang...

However, Qin Fang, who has always been very cautious, has made such a big mistake this time, which is extremely rare.

Actually. Qin Fang himself is quite puzzled.

He has been very careful and acted. This way, he has already explored the hidden secrets of Jurassic, but he has never had any troubles, and he has not alarmed anyone.

There are no shortage of masters in the Jurassic Palace. The strongest people above the supreme level, Qin Fang saw at least 20 people... even the strength of several old monsters, no more than the "four emperors". Definitely the top of the world.

However, he is a half-step Wu Di perfect hiding. There are so many people here, and it is difficult to find the whereabouts of Qin Fang. Therefore, the actions of Qin Fang are also very smooth... Although there is nothing to gain, there is at least no omission.

Until he found a rockery in the temple of Jurassic.

There is nothing strange about rockeries... Jurassic House was established here hundreds of years ago, and many of the buildings preserved are also ancient gardens. Pavilions and pavilions are equipped with rockery and water, and they complement each other.

When Qin Fang passed by here for the first time, he still didn't feel anything. He looked at it casually at a glance... but when he came back. How do you think it feels awkward to put this rockery here.

So, he couldn't help but check this rockery...

What the authorities did, but found some, but the Qin side did not touch, but also afraid to make some different movements, so it is not suitable for his personal hiding.

At this time, a team of Jurassic guards passed by, and Qin Fang directly hid his figure and hid himself in a very narrow gap of the rockery...

Then, in the place where Qin Fang did not notice it, he touched a very hidden, even the organ button that Qin Fang did not find...

Then the things are obvious...

The button was touched, and the whole rockery seemed to be detonated. It immediately collapsed when it was smashed... Thousands of tons of boulder fell, but the movement was quite small.

Really let Qin Fang feel unexpected...

This rockery collapsed, and countless giants fell down and destroyed some of the buildings around it. However, Qin Fang found that in the ruins of this rockery, there was a bronze python with a simple shape!

A bronze giant with a cold iron chain...

"This one……"

Seeing this bronze giant, Qin Fang is also stunned, because it lies quietly there, but the surrounding atmosphere is quite disordered, just like there is endless suffocation, constantly cutting the surrounding void of.

It can be said that the reason why Qin Fang made such a big movement is very much related to this bronze giant. It seems that Qin Fang inadvertently touched the organs and the ban was lifted. The violent anger and power broke out. It directly collapsed a rockery, which made such a big move.

In this way, Qin Fang is actually quite awkward!

No matter what, Qin’s whereabouts are completely exposed.

The fake mountain collapsed just now, and there was another team of the guards of the Jurassic. After almost the first time, I discovered the incomparably Qinfang who rushed out from the ruins of the rockery!

However, they, like the Qin side, saw the strange bronze giant python, and they all had strange expressions, and even forgot to question the Qin side or attack the Qin side...

Obviously, these guards of the Jurassic do not know the secret of this bronze giant!

"Who dares to break into my Jurassic?"

At this time, a violent roar came from afar... There was a figure in the void that was approaching quickly, and it was the lord of the Jurassic House, a powerful man who almost reached the level of the Emperor.

At this moment, he is definitely burning in anger...

Especially when I noticed the bronze giant, the suffocation of the body was rising.

It’s just such a terrible suffocation. It’s not something that ordinary people can afford. I didn’t see the guards of the Jurassic being directly slammed. How many people are directly comatose?

Of course, some people are completely immune to such terrible suffocation.

"Who are you?"

The anger was soaring, but after he noticed the reaction of Qin Fang, his brow was also wrinkled, his tone was still cold, but it was obviously gentler than before...

Qin Fang’s breath is stable, and there is no mess. It is a very dangerous feeling. Even such a strong person can not be sure of Qin’s true strength, and naturally it will not be so arrogant.

"Kunlun, Qinfang!"

In the face of Minhang's questioning, Qin Fang responded slowly.

Originally, he came in and robbed the Jurassic, and did not want to conceal his true identity... Since an accident, his own whereabouts were exposed, Qin Fang did not need to hide his head.

"Qin Fang? You are the Qin Fang?"

Minhang is also a slight glimpse, very surprised to look at the Qin side... A pair of eyes is like two arrows, and the sly strokes crossed the body of the Qin side, seemingly want to take the entire Qin side from the inside out. See through it.

He once provided the Song chain with information about the Qin side, and naturally it is not very strange to the Qin side.

Regardless of the fact that he knows the growth of the Qin side, he is definitely more familiar than the average person... The strength and heritage of the Jurassic, but the forces that are not weaker than the underground world, the intelligence network can not be underestimated.

Otherwise, how could he know that the star lock has fallen into the hands of Qin Fang?

However, with detailed information, I have seen Qin Fang himself with my own eyes. The difference is also great...

In his information, Qin Fang is only a talented and enchanting young master, the youngest supreme powerhouse, the killer king of the new killer king, etc., but he did not expect the strength of Qin Fang, even he is comparable The strongest of Wudi can't see through!

"The Lord of the House is really a noble person to forget things..."

Qin Fang was sneer. "Not long ago, you didn't send a message to some people, saying that the treasures of the Penglai mystery that have been pursued for thousands of years are locked in the hands of someone in Qin? How? So forget so soon. Already?"

When it comes to this matter, Qin Fang is also murderous.

It can be said that the Kunlun faction was almost destroyed by people, and it has a great relationship with Minhang. If he did not lead the Song Dynasty and other four-step Emperor Wu of the Penglai secret to go to Kunlun, it might not cause such a fierce **** case.

What is the idea of ​​playing in the heart, Qin Fang does not know...

However, as far as the division’s **** case is concerned, Minhang is also an enemy of Qin Fang, and it is also the object of revenge of Qin Fang...

Moreover, Qin Fang now sees this quaint bronze giant, who has vaguely thought of something, and understands what the Jurassic is doing... His face is even more ugly, and even the murder is more powerful.

"And... I don't know if the Lord of the House can explain to me, why do the big men like you, the lords who are in charge of the martial arts, cast such evil things?"

Then, Qin Fang pointed to the bronze giant, and the tone was very cold.

Although this bronze giant has not been opened, there is nothing in it at the moment, but Qin Fang already knows what he is doing, and his face can look good. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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