Seeing Paimon was almost convinced.
Su Mo couldn’t help complaining.
“You idiot, this kind of thing, as long as you don’t admit it, no one can prove that you really drank, right?”
For an old fritter like him.
Naturally, she would not be easily intimidated by Wendy.
You said they were drinking secretly?
What about the evidence? What about photos? Why are you following this side? Is it plotting against children?
As long as you know how to turn your back on the customer, you can directly confuse the other party.
“Yes, yes!”
Only then did the foolish Paimon react.
Then he looked at Wendy proudly.
“Anyway, you have no evidence! I’m not afraid!”
When 907 heard this, Wendy sighed.
“I’m obviously just helping you keep a secret out of kindness. Why do you doubt me so much?”
A look of regret.
If Su Mo hadn’t noticed that he had been peeking at the wine in his hand.
He almost believed it.
“If you just want to drink, I’d be happy to buy you a drink!”
Su Mo smiled and opened the wine bottle.
Then poured it into a new empty cup and handed it to Wendy.
Wendy naturally couldn’t bear the temptation.
He took the dandelion wine and sat on the other side of Su Mo.
“It seems that you have something to ask me?”
Wendy is not stupid either.
It was natural to see that Su Mo was looking for him for something.
And he happens to be.
He is also very interested in Su Mo.
The power to manipulate the wind does not originate from the eyes of gods.
When Su Mo first used the power of [Lord of the Sky], as a wind god, he felt it.
The man in front of him is definitely someone who can change the world.
Its importance may even be higher than Ying as a traveler.
So no matter what, you have to understand it.
“There is indeed something for you.”
Su Mo nodded.
“Ying and I are now looking for her brother Kong.”
“As for Kong, he was taken away by a strange god.”
“For this reason, we want to search for the Seven Gods. Our first stop is Mond…”
“The reason I’m looking for you is because of the wind god Barbatos.”
When he said the last sentence, Su Mo looked directly into Wendy’s eyes, and his words seemed to point.
Wen (bead) Di smiled lightly as if he didn’t know anything.
“Want to find the Seven Gods? It’s really interesting!”
“It’s a pity that the wind god Barbatos has been out of the secular world for many years, and no one knows where he went.”
“Liyue’s Rock God and Daozu’s Thunder God are still there. If you want to find the gods, it’s better to look for them.”
It will not be Fengshen.
As soon as he opened his mouth, he pushed the matter to Zhongli.
Old fisherman.
Su Mo didn’t intend to expose him directly.
“I’ve heard about Fengshen. This free and irresponsible god must be sleeping soundly somewhere!”
“If you look at it, you won’t do anything serious.”
After a few words of open and aboveboard complaints.
Su Mo’s voice changed.
“The reason I’m looking for you is mainly because of the giant dragon, that is, the existence of the wind demon dragon.”
“Oh? You mean Twarin?”
Wendy was a little curious.
“What are you looking for him for?”
“Twarin…is this the name of the Wind Demon Dragon?”
Paimon, who was on the side, scratched his head when he heard it.
“Obviously everyone else calls it a giant dragon or a wind dragon, but you call it Twarin.”
“How does it feel, you look very familiar with that big guy!”
Paimon, who had always been a fool, unexpectedly and keenly realized this.
Wendy smiled and did not answer the question.
Su Mo continued.
“Even if you can’t reachFengshen, we also want to get in touch with the Knights of the West Wind, and we want to ask them to find the trace of Ying’s brother. ”
“For this, we need certain achievements to show enough value.”
“Recently, there has been a lot of trouble with the Fengmolong incident, so—”
Having said that, Su Mo stopped.
Wendy, however, had seen what he meant.
“Are you trying to gain the Knights’ gratitude by dealing with the Wind Demon Dragon?”
His expression remained the same, but there was a slight wave in his eyes.
It was hard for him to be wrong about Su Mo’s plan.
After all, the Fengmolong did threaten the lives of the people.
However, if Su Mo really planned to do this.
That was definitely not what he wanted to see.
So, I thought about it a little bit.
Wendy said.
“The Wind Demon Dragon was originally one of Mond’s Four Wind Guardians.”
“If it is said that Feng Molong’s rampage was not because of betrayal, but because of other people’s manipulation, wouldn’t that be pitiful?”
“I think it’s better to explore the truth behind the matter a little more than to fight against the Wind Demon Dragon.”
“In this way, after solving the problem, you may receive more thanks!”
Wendy hinted desperately.
He didn’t want Su Mo to adopt a direct hostile approach.
Twarin was his kin.
Wendy didn’t want to see her family members being hacked by Sumo.
“What you said is indeed very reasonable.” Su Mo said after pondering for two seconds.
“After all, the Wind Demon Dragon was the patron saint of Mond in the past, so it might not be good to just kill it.”
“However, I have no way to communicate with Tewarin.”
“If we can’t reach an agreement, we can only force it.”
When he said the last sentence, he sighed.
A look of helplessness.
Hear him.
Wendy pretended to be calm and took a sip of her wine.
The hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly.
He panicked a little.
If Su Mo in front of him was just an ordinary God’s Eye holder, he wouldn’t be too worried.
There are not many human beings who can defeat Twarin.
There are very few that can be killed.
However, he knows.
Su Mo in front of him does have this ability.
My main god is Kaguya
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