――The man in front of him is the esper standing at the top of Academy City, the third among LV5.
——Gravity manipulation, Su Mo.
“I’ll spare you two this time, and if I violate the school rules next time, I’ll tell you dormitory supervisors!”
Su Mo threatened.
Hearing this, Misaka Mikoto was startled.
“Hey! Please don’t!”
Immediately bow to Su Mo.
Although the dorm supervisor of their dormitory is incompetent.
But because of its stern attitude and superb physical skills, girls have always fearfully called it the hidden LV6.
Every girl who didn’t go back to the dormitory on time.
They were all treated horribly by the dormitory supervisor.
This is true even if Misaka Mikoto is LV5.
I am in awe of this dormitory supervisor.
So, when Su Mo mentioned this, she immediately froze.
Shokuhou Misaki on the other side.
Attitude is completely different.
“If Mr. Su Mo tells the dormitory supervisor, he will have no place to live.”
She pretended to look at Su Mo pitifully.
“At that time, Mr. Su Mo can’t watch people sleeping on the street!”
“As a teacher, should I take in the student at this time and give her a warm home?”
Hear what Shokuhou Misaki said.
Su Mo didn’t have time to say anything.
Misaka Mikoto was already excited.
“No! No matter how you say it, Teacher Su Mo is also of the opposite sex.”
“Even if you are a teacher or a student, such behavior is absolutely unacceptable!”
Even if they are still junior high school students.
Never cross this line.
Misaka Mikoto’s words attracted Shokuhou Misaki’s dissatisfied gaze.
“This is a matter between me and the old 0.3 teacher Su Mo. It has nothing to do with you, right?”
“No, I think it’s necessary to remind you about the school’s ethos.”
Misaka Mikoto confronts her.
The two looked at each other eagerly.
There seemed to be sparks in the eyes.
At this time.
“Jingle Bell–”
The alarm bell in the corridor rang music.
Misaka Mikoto thought of something, and immediately looked (this: “Book’! Organized by?, [Flipped] (More: ‘New, Shulian’ Department. 1’34?:3;!177′!4,78, ) Panic.
“By the way, I’m here to remind Teacher Su Mo to attend class!”
After thinking of this incident, she couldn’t help but glared at Shokuhou Misaki.
If it weren’t for this guy, I wouldn’t forget the business.
“It’s time for class!”
Su Mo remembered this matter.
However, he didn’t panic.
“For the students, the teacher’s late arrival is something to be happy about, let them be happy for a while longer!”
“Uh, it usually seems to be like this.”
Misaka Mikoto nodded in agreement.
“However, Mr. Su Mo’s courses are different, and they are very popular with everyone.”
“They are all waiting for you to go over early, otherwise they won’t let me come over to remind you.”
Sumo’s courses are also very popular among students.
Especially in Tokiwadai, a girls’ school.
Male teachers can be said to be extremely rare.
Coupled with Su Mo’s handsome appearance, he is naturally very popular among the students.
Chapter 99 Positron Cannon
“It’s not Teacher Su Mo’s courses that are popular, but Teacher Su Mo himself!”
Shokuhou Misaki said sharply. No one understands these so-called big thoughts in Tokiwadai School better than her.
It sounds mysterious, but it is actually just an ordinary girl.
In the school garden, a place where men are hardly seen.
These adults are very curious about the men in the outside world.
As a girls’ school, almost all teachers are also women.
A young man like Su Mo is like an oasis in the desert, which makes people suddenly curious.
And because of Su Mo’s LV5 status and handsome appearance.
Curiosity mixed with longing.
It is easy to get the favor of these girls.
Su Mo has not been teaching at Tokiwadai for a long time.
However, it has amassed quite a crowd of fans.
Even if Shokuhou Misaki kept an eye on them, he couldn’t stop so many people.
Su Mo has received quite a few love letters during this period.
Fortunately, he didn’t respond to any of them.
This made Shokuhou Misaki heave a sigh of relief.
“I don’t deny that.”
Misaka Mikoto nodded, she also knew that the girls in the same class seemed to have formed some kind of fanatical fan group.
It seems to be a Sumo faction formed spontaneously or something.
Naturally understand that this teacher is very popular.
“However, there are actually quite a few people who like teacher Su Mo’s courses 14!”
Saying that, Misaka Mikoto sneaked a glance at Su Mo.
compared to other students.
She is a rare person who prefers the content of Su Mo’s lectures to the boring topic of love.
As a teacher who has been invited by various prestigious schools.
Su Mo’s teaching ability is beyond doubt.
In many ways, it inspired Misaka Mikoto.
Although both are LV5.
However, in terms of ability development, she is far more open-minded than Misaka Mikoto.
Let her learn a lot.
Therefore, in terms of knowledge, Misaka Mikoto respects this teacher very much.
“Really?” Su Mo glanced at Misaka Mikoto, and then said casually.
“Then I will test you well later!”
Misaka Mikoto was stunned.
The expression on his face suddenly became bitter.
Why did I say that too much just now!
If she had a time machine, she would like to go back a few seconds and cover her mouth.
However, the world did not regret taking the medicine.
Su Mo walked from the office to the classroom unhurriedly.
Shokuhou Misaki and Misaka Mikoto obediently followed behind.
Shokuhou Misaki is not in a hurry at all.
Misaka Mikoto knew that it was useless to be anxious.
Wait until Su Mo arrives at the lecture theater.
Already a minute late.
My main god is Kaguya
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