It is said to be a lecture theater, but it is actually much larger than the average lecture theater.
It is generally used for public lectures or public reports, and it can accommodate hundreds of people in large classrooms.
Because the content of Su Mo’s lectures is different from that of textbooks, it is applicable to all grades.
Junior high school students of all grades will gather together to attend classes.
This led to a particularly large number of students in each class.
“It’s so slow—teacher!”
Just walked in…
I heard the complaints from the students.
“I asked Misaka-san to rush me, but I’m still late.”
“Shouldn’t it be a small stove for Misaka-san and Shokuhou-san?”
“Hiss! Misaka-san will take the opportunity to sneak away, right?”
The girls in the class complained all over the place.
In the end, he actually focused his eyes on Misaka Mikoto.
It seemed to be a sneaky cat who was watching something that violated the agreement.
Suddenly, Misaka Mikoto’s back was covered with cold sweat.
She doesn’t want to be regarded as a rival in love by this group of lovers.
“and many more!”
Just as she was about to explain, she suddenly realized something.
Why doesn’t anyone set fire eating bee exercises?
look back.
Shokuhou Misaki took the remote control and directly applied a buff with a low sense of presence to himself.
Perfectly ignored by everyone.
Misaka Mikoto was the only one left.
Just when she didn’t know how to explain it as good.
“Sister is not a cat that steals fish!”
Her school girl stood up and helped her out.
Misaka Mikoto actually supported herself when she saw Shirai Kuroko at a critical moment.
Immediately moved.
Although this guy is usually a little perverted.
It is still very reliable at critical moments!
Just when she thought so.
Shirai Kuroko spoke again.
“Sir, I have agreed to exist with Heizi for a lifetime! Even if Teacher Su Mo is excellent, it is absolutely impossible for my lord to fall in love with men!”
“So, don’t worry about my sis! My sis only likes girls like Heizi!”
She declared with pride.
The entire lecture theater fell silent.
Everyone looked at Misaka Mikoto with strange eyes.
Hiss, it turned out to be like this!
The rumors turned out to be true.
The original suspicion and hostility in their eyes completely disappeared.
――If Misaka Mikoto likes girls!
――There is absolutely no need for them to worry.
that’s it……
Judging from the results, Shirai Kuroko perfectly rescued Misaka Mikoto.
Misaka Mikoto herself didn’t seem very happy.
He looked at this junior Lily with murderous eyes.
Lightning flashed on Misaka Mikoto’s forehead.
“You bastard is talking about what you have and what you don’t have!”
“Who likes girls?! ”
“Pi Li Pi Li!”
A burst of dazzling lightning hit Shirai Heizi’s body.
“Ah… my lord loves whipping!”
Shirai Kuroko sighed skillfully.
Lie on the ground and twitch.
The screams made the girls around them blush.
See Misaka Mikoto’s performance.
They are more sure.
What Shirai Heizi said was indeed true.
Otherwise, how could these two people be so skilled.
that’s it……
When Misaka Mikoto was still a little dazed and ignorant.
She was labeled as a lily, absolutely trustworthy, and would never seduce Teacher Su Mo.
I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
Watching these girls make a fuss for a while.
Su Mo cleared his throat and managed the classroom discipline.
The little girls stopped obediently immediately.
The majesty of the teacher is still very effective for children of this age.
After seeing the scene quiet down.
Su Mo just started lecturing.
As the first batch of people who developed superpowers.
For the essence of superpower development, and skills.
Few people know better than him.
The students can’t take care of admiring the teacher’s prosperous and handsome face.
And began to pick up a notebook and take notes.
Even Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki were the same.
After about half an hour.
Su Mo ended the relatively boring, but very important ability development.
Entered the relatively easy ability application chapter.
“Generally speaking, each person has only one superpower.”
“In this case, how to develop a variety of application methods for a superpower is the most important thing.”
“And to achieve this, 907 we need to rely most on, not hypnosis, injections and other ability development methods.”
“It’s——scientific knowledge!”
Saying so.
Su Mo looked at the students in the audience, and his eyes immediately locked on Misaka Mikoto in the front row.
“I mentioned it as an example in the last lecture.”
“Misaka Mikoto-san’s ability is essentially electromagnetic mastery.”
“This is the electromagnetic force, one of the four fundamental forces in modern physics.”
“It can be said that the development potential of this ability is very high, and its application methods are also very extensive.”
“It’s a superpower with quite a few development directions.”
Having said that, Su Mo began to roll the roll.
“Misaka Mikoto-san!”
Misaka Mikoto stood up immediately, looking a little nervous.
She thought Su Mo had forgotten what happened before.
Unexpectedly, Teacher Su Mo did not forget at all.
My main god is Kaguya
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