If you say you want to test yourself, you really want to name yourself.
Seeing Misaka Mikoto’s uneasy look.
Su Mo smiled slightly.
“As we mentioned in the last class, light is actually part of electromagnetic waves.”
“This is the physics knowledge you have learned since the first day of junior high school.”
“Since this is the case, the power to manipulate electromagnetic waves can naturally also be used to manipulate light.”
“So, with your ability, you should be able to do this easily.”
“Not only attack with lightning and magnetism, but also attack with light.”
“It’s been a month since the last class.”
“How about it, have you developed the power to manipulate light?” He looked at Misaka Mikoto and asked inquiringly.
Misaka Mikoto acted very stiffly, as if being punished to stand.
After hearing Su Mo’s question.
She immediately showed an uneasy expression like a child who forgot to do her homework.
Chapter 100 Aiwass is very curious and Aleister is indifferent
“Developed, but not fully developed.”
Misaka Mikoto reported with some trepidation.
The development route given by Su Mo really made her feel very feasible.
However, her progress this month has not been ideal.
It made her a little embarrassed to speak out.
Hearing this answer, Su Mo was a little speechless.
Where did the boy learn this answer?
Said is the same as not said.
After thinking about it, he asked.
“Can you make visible light now?”
“Can make.”
Misaka Mikoto nodded.
“But only a little.”
“Try it out!” Su Mo said with interest.
Electromagnetic interaction force, referred to as electromagnetic force, is indeed a force with great potential.
It is the same as Su Mo’s own superpower [Gravity Manipulation].
They belong to the same four fundamental forces.
Therefore, Su Mo has studied these two forces to a considerable extent.
For him in the past, the study of electromagnetic force was just to understand by analogy, and it didn’t have much practical value.
His main power is still the gravitational force related to [Gravity Manipulation].
After entering the foggy space and sharing his own power from other worlds.
Now Su Mo, through the [Sky Lord] power, can perfectly manipulate and create the power of thunder and lightning.
It can be said that compared to controlling the power of thunder and lightning, he is now above Misaka Mikoto.
The electromagnetic force has also become a force that Su Mo can actually use.
Compared to myself in other worlds.
They all use lightning as a magical power.
Su Mo of the Forbidden World prefers to use scientific methods to manipulate the power of lightning.
For him, using electromagnetic force in this way can maximize the power of lightning.
Anyway, both the power of technology and magic can be perfectly used in his body, so there is no problem in doing so.
Not to mention, the super power of Academy City itself is a kind of magic.
with the laws of scientific physicsPromoting magic ability is the route used by the whole city.
It is safe and feasible and has been verified massively without any problems.
Hearing Su Mo’s words, Misaka Mikoto nodded.
Then, stretched out his right hand.
Heeding Su Mo’s words, he began to show off his ability development results.
First, a burst of blue-white lightning appeared.
Lightning disappeared.
The tip of her index finger appears to be empty.
Su Mo could feel the fluctuations of the electromagnetic field.
The frequency of electromagnetic waves increases gradually.
seconds later…
A red light began to flicker on Misaka Mikoto’s fingertips.
It is different from the previous current flash.
The light this time is a real red visible light.
The frequency of electromagnetic waves continues to increase.
The red light on Misaka Mikoto’s fingertips gradually turned orange.
The color of the light gradually approaches yellow.
However, after trying several times, it still failed.
“Teacher, I can only do this now’々.”
Misaka Mikoto said very embarrassedly.
Next comes yellow-green-cyan-blue-violet, and ultraviolet.
Its frequency is simply too high.
With Misaka Mikoto’s current development progress, it is still difficult to achieve this.
To be orange is to do your best.
After speaking.
Misaka Mikoto looked at Su Mo anxiously.
Some are afraid of being criticized by him.
In terms of ability development, she really admired Su Mo.
Therefore, I don’t want to see Teacher Su Mo’s disappointed expression.
However, to her surprise.
“Good job.”
Su Mo actually affirmed it.
Misaka Mikoto raised her head in surprise.
“It’s not bad to be able to do this in just one month.” Su Mo praised.
“It is not difficult to increase the frequency of visible light. The difficulty is how to restrict the brightness and irradiation range you want. You have done a good job in this regard.”
After affirming Misaka Mikoto.
Su Mo continued.
“This ability can not only be used for lighting, but also can be used as a weapon such as a flash bomb.”
“Blinding the eyes of the enemy without warning.”
“Although it is possible to develop attack methods such as high-frequency laser or laser light, the power of doing so is not necessarily greater than that of lightning.”
Hear him say that.
Misaka Mikoto couldn’t help the cold sweat dripping from her forehead.
“Teacher Su Mo, we are students, not terrorists.” She said speechlessly.
“Not very useful for things like flashbangs and laser weapons.”
Although she also likes to fight.
However, she just likes to decide the outcome.
And even if she is a middle school student, she can tell.
The tactics proposed by Su Mo are all super practical, and there will inevitably be casualties once they make a move.
My main god is Kaguya
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