For her junior high school student.
These fighting methods are just too brutal.
“In this peaceful age, there is no need for such a thing!” Misaka Mikoto said.
I heard…
Su Mo did not refute.
Just a little deep smile.
“Peaceful times…?”
Don’t argue about the subject.
He shook his head.
“No matter what, self-defense skills still need to learn a little bit.”
“You never know, accident or tomorrow—which one will come first.”
After Misaka Mikoto showed off.
Su Mo asked her to sit down.
Looking around for a while, continue to lecture until,
“Misaka-san’s development progress is already good, but we can’t be complacent about it.”
“There are literally endless aspects to the development of superpowers for you to explore.”
“Using electromagnetic waves to develop the application of visible light, although it sounds very good, is only the tip of the iceberg of electromagnetic force.”
“According to the Yang Zhenning-Mills gauge field theory, among the four basic forces, the weak interaction force has been unified with the electromagnetic force.”
“Although the unification of the strong interaction force and gravity is still far away, the theoretical physics community is undoubtedly far ahead of the applied physics.”
“Even for Misaka-san of LV5, the tasks waiting for you are still piled up like a mountain.”
“If the electromagnetic force is used to interfere with the weak nuclear force, the decay of b can be induced.”
“.-even capable of direct generation of positrons.”
“Once it can be formed in batches, positive electrons can be obtained.”
“Whether it is used to make antimatter core reactors or positron cannons, they are all world-changing inventions.”
“And these powers are related to the superpowers in your hands.”
“So, don’t slack off.”
“What you are carrying on your back is the future of mankind!”
After some speeches.
The students were stunned for several seconds.
It was only after he realized that there was a burst of warm applause.
This is the first time for these Tokiwadai masters to know that they still have such a great mission.
Although I didn’t understand many things in Su Mo’s words.
But it didn’t prevent them from feeling Su Mo’s enthusiasm.
Immediately, their admiration for Su Mo deepened.
For the development of their own superpowers.
He also raised his spirits even more.
Seeing the enthusiasm of the students, Su Mo nodded in satisfaction.
Without love, no matter how much you urge many things, it will still get twice the result with half the effort.
These children must be allowed to develop their own subjective initiative.
Their superpowers can go one step further.
Perhaps, because of the quality judgment.
Their strength may be born with a fixed upper limit, and there is no way to advance to the next (Nuo’s Zhao) level.
However, it doesn’t matter.
LV3 level strong ability user, ifAble to display one’s abilities to a level comparable to that of an LV4 level powerful person.
So what is the difference between her and LV4?
And want to do it.
Although it takes more effort to think about it.
But it is much faster than relying on talent to upgrade.
Outside the lecture theater.
The principal and directors of Tokiwadai Middle School also noticed the content and effect of Su Mo’s lectures.
The directors all looked at the principal with admiration.
“It’s no wonder that you tried your best to reject all opinions before, and you paid a lot of money to invite this person to give lectures.”
“It’s really worth the price!”
“Hahaha, this year’s computer school won’t beat us.”
“With this teacher here, this year’s Dabaxing Festival, our school’s ranking is stable!”
After seeing the actual effect.
They immediately felt that the huge amount of money spent to invite Su Mo was really worth the money.
more importantly.
There is no such teacher in the competition.
No one else has it, which is great!
In this year’s ranking, they must overwhelm their opponents and win the first place! .
Chapter 101 Fantasy Royal Hand and Fantasy Network
Academy City, School District 7. One of the urban legends, in a building without doors and windows.
A man in a green surgical gown opened his eyes.
His head, feet, and feet were suspended in a life support device with a diameter of four meters and a total length of ten meters, made of tempered glass and filled with red liquid.
He is the greatest magician of the twentieth century.
He is also considered to be the magician who gives the greatest insult to magic.
Now, he is the master behind the scenes of this science city.
Academy City’s overall director–Aleister Crowley.
In front of him.
The video of Su Mo’s lecture was played.
I saw Su Mo telling the students about the unity of the electroweak force, the significance of the Yang Zhenning-Mills gauge field theory, the discovery of parity violation, and various applications of emissive decay.
In Aleister’s usually calm eyes, waves could not help but float up.
And behind Aleister.
A figure of an angel with radiant wings emerged.
The air in the building is windless and automatic.
Holy Guardian Angel – Aiwass.
See the sight in front of you.
There was a smile in Aiwass’ tone.
“This magician named Su Mo is really more deviant than you.”
“The world says you have betrayed magic and gone to science.”
“But I don’t know, your power is still the power of magic, and science is just one of your pawns.”
“The magician in front of me… is completely different.”
“As a person with superpowers, he was not punished for being exposed to magic, and he accepted it without any obstacles.”
907 “As a magician, he is more obsessed with science than ordinary scientists.”
“In this city of science that you just use as a tool.”
“But there is such a person who is really pursuing scientific truth…It’s really interesting!”
You can tell from her tone of voice.
Aiwass was really interested in Su Mo.
Originally, he only cared a little about his physique that can avoid phase friction.
However, after noticing his behavior.
Aiwass’ attention shifted from Su Mo’s physique to his thoughts.
Compared to Aleister, this is the true betrayer on the magic side.
This is the real, different guy.
As a magician, there is no one in a million who accepts science so calmly.
And most of them just regard scientific props as another low-level familiar.
Even Aleister.
It is nothing more than using scientific theories as pawns to satisfy one’s own wishes.
My main god is Kaguya
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