“Just one step away!”
Misaka Mikoto sighed sadly.
There is only one person left, and it is my turn.
Just at this time, the gift was sold out.
This must be too bad luck, right?
Just when Misaka Mikoto was lost.
A key chain around Gua Gua Tai appeared in front of her.
Exactly the style given away by this crepe shop.
Misaka Mikoto’s eyes lit up, and she looked up curiously.
It was the gods who heard their prayers.
Where did you send the angels to bless you?
I was thinking so.
She saw the appearance of the “angel” in front of her.
Blonde with star eyes.
Her old enemy – Shokuhou Misaki.
This is not an angel, it is clearly a devil!
If it was normal, Misaka Mikoto would definitely ignore it.
But now, Shokuhou Misaki holds a deadly temptation in his hands.
She couldn’t take her eyes away.
“Misaka-san? Do you want this keychain?”
Shokuhou Misaki had a devilish smile on his lips.
He looked at Misaka Mikoto very funny.
If it wasn’t for Su Mo’s reminder, she really wouldn’t have noticed that Misaka Mikoto would actually like such childish things.
And now…
This thing happens to be in his own hands.
How do you use this to play with Misaka Mikoto?
Shokuhou Misaki was very troubled by this.
She was so distressed that she almost laughed out loud.
“You, what on earth do you want to do?!”
Noticed Shokuhou Misaki’s malicious smile.
Misaka Mikoto felt bad, but couldn’t get rid of the temptation, so she couldn’t help asking.
See Misaka Mikoto’s appearance.
Shokuhou Misaki couldn’t help showing a devilish smile.
The words that come out of the mouth are as attractive as the words of the devil.
“If Misaka-san really wants it, I can’t give it to you!”
“Really? You will have this (book: edited by [“F””lipp:e;!d] How kind?”
Misaka Mikoto couldn’t help showing a suspicious expression.
As far as she knows, Shokuhou Misaki is not a good person.
Shokuhou Misaki nodded.
After Misaka Mikoto showed a happy look, she immediately added.
“Of course… there are conditions!”
“As long as Misaka-san bows respectfully to me and calls me Your Lady Queen, it’s not that I can’t consider giving this thing to you.”
Hearing Shokuhou Misaki’s words, Misaka Mikoto was a little speechless.
She couldn’t say that.
But I really want it.
Seeing her hesitation.
Shokuhou Misaki pretended to sigh.
“Well, it seems that for you, Misaka-san, quack-quack is nothing more than a dispensable thing.”
“It’s such a good opportunity to get this doll, but you don’t cherish it at all.”
“You don’t even want to call me Your Lady Queen.”
“Misaka-san, I misread you.”
Saying this, Shokuhou 907 Cao Qi had an expression of hating iron for being weak.
Misaka Mikoto was stunned.
“Quak, quack, Mrs. Cai is not a dispensable thing!”
She couldn’t help retorting angrily.
However, Her Lady Queen couldn’t say that sentence.
more importantly.
Shokuhou Misaki actually turned on his phone and prepared to record.
Misaka Mikoto is sure, if she said so.
This guy will definitely spread it around the school as evidence that he has surrendered to her.
By that time, it will be too late to refute the rumors.
Just when Misaka Mikoto was very tangled.
There was a loud noise nearby.
The closed bank shutter door next to it was directly blasted open by the flames.
“This is?”
Even Shokuhou Misaki was taken aback.
Shirai Heizi not far away reacted immediately.
“It’s the capable person who committed the crime!”
She immediately put on the armband of the disciplinary committee member.
After ordering Uiharu Shiri to evacuate the crowd, she immediately uses superpowers to teleport forward, preparing to stop the criminals who robbed the bank.
See this scene.
Shokuhou Misaki and Misaka Mikoto looked at each other.
Also gave up continuing to compete.
Both of them have a strong sense of justice in their hearts, and they will not be indiscriminate at this time.
Shirai Kuroko uses space movement ability, as well as physical skills.
One perpetrator was soon overpowered.
Another perpetrator ran away like a child.
It seems that they want to take hostages and threaten them.
“This guy!”
Shokuhou Misaki frowned suddenly.
It’s too bad to use children as a shield.
At this moment, Su Mo, who was behind her, lowered his head and approached her ear, and said.
“Directly control these two people and find the fantasy master.”
Shokuhou Misaki, who received the order, immediately nodded happily.
He took out the remote control in his handbag.
Click on the criminal in front of you.
Suddenly, the perpetrator stopped in place, motionless.
Chapter 105 You and My Brother Fight Three LV5
Saw perpetrators preparing to attack small children. Saten Ruiko and Misaka Mikoto at the side were anxiously preparing toReady to shoot.
It was only after a few seconds that they realized that the perpetrator was standing there without moving.
Only then did Misaka Mikoto realize something.
Turning back suddenly, she looked behind her.
My main god is Kaguya
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