“Shokuhou Misaki?!”
She was very surprised,
Unexpectedly, this guy would actually make a move.
Could it be that Shokuhou Misaki is different from what he thought, and is not actually a bad person?
I feel that my impression of Shokuhou Misaki has been refreshed.
Only then did Misaka Mikoto belatedly notice Su Mo behind Shokuhou Misaki.
“Teacher Su Mo is here too?”
She was very surprised.
“Well, I happened to pass by.” Su Mo nodded, and then said to her.
“I’ve contacted the police and they’ll be here shortly.”
Misaka Mikoto immediately nodded obediently.
In the presence of an adult Su Mo.
As a student, she naturally had to obey orders obediently.
At this time, Shirai Kuroko who stopped another criminal also rushed over.
Su Mo said to her immediately.
“Student Shirai, tie up these two criminals with abilities first!”
“Exactly, I brought the rope.”
With that said, Su Mo took out a long length of strong rope.
Seeing him take out this thing very naturally.
A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay.
“Mr. Su Mo, why do you carry this thing with you?” Baijing Heizi couldn’t help complaining.
“For self-defense!”
Su Mo spoke nonsense solemnly.
“You know, the law and order in Academy City is not good.”
Shirai Heizi looked at him speechlessly.
No matter how bad the law and order in Academy City is.
It won’t affect your LV5 either!
However, as a student, it is not easy to complain too much to the teacher.
the other side……
as a teacher.
Naturally, these little girls cannot be allowed to do it at this time.
After Su Mo and Shokuhou Misaki exchanged a few words, he tied the two ability criminals backhanded together with a rope.
Shirai Kuroko, Misaka Mikoto and others at the side didn’t notice.
While tying these two criminals together.
In the criminal’s pocket, what looked like a music player disappeared directly into Su Mo’s palm.
While Su Mo was tying up criminals.
On the side, Chuchun Shili and Saten Renko looked at the teacher very curiously.
“Misaka-senpai, is that your teacher just now?” Hatsuharu Shiri asked with a little longing.
“As expected of the teacher of Tokiwadai Middle School, he is really handsome!”
Hearing someone praise Teacher Su Mo, Misaka Mikoto couldn’t help being a little happy.
“Teacher Su Mo is not only handsome, but also has strong teaching ability`々!”
“Strictly speaking, he is not actually a teacher of our Tokiwadai Middle School, but a specially hired teacher.”
“It is said that the school spent a lot of money to invite Mr. Su Mo over.”
“Last year, it seemed that because we didn’t invite Teacher Su Mo, our competitor’s long-point computer school hired us, which caused our school to fail in the competition.”
“That’s why this year, the school board has spent a lot of money to successfully invite Mr. Su Mo, hoping to use this to counterattack the Changdian School of Computer Science and regain the number one throne!”
When it comes to Su Mo, Misaka Mikoto knows a lot of news.
Immediately, everything crackling was said.
Hear what’s in her words.
Uiharu Shiri’s eyes became more yearning.
“As expected of a big school, there is still ranking competition.”
“Inviting the strongest teacher for the sake of honor or something, it feels like a shoujo manga!”
She longs for the corrupt life of the nobles.
I am very envious of the competition that Misaka Mikoto mentioned.
The ordinary Zhachuan Middle School where she was, didn’t care much about the ranking at all.
Anyway, it has always been the same, and there is no big change.
And Saten Leiko who is beside Uiharu.
It is very concerned about another point.
“What kind of course does this teacher Su Mo teach?”
“Actually, the power of only one teacher can determine the outcome of the school?”
“This statement is too exaggerated, it’s almost like a counselor like Zhuge Kongming in the Three Kingdoms period!”
In Fuso…
The theme of the Three Kingdoms has always been very popular.
Even people who haven’t read the book will know some plots.
Saten Ruiko made this comparison because she was really surprised.
The development of super powers has always been a slow-moving thing that can only depend on accumulation and luck.
I have never heard of anyone whose course can achieve such a great effect.
If it weren’t for the fact that it was Misaka Mikoto who said this, LV5.
Saten Ruiko almost thought they were being cheated.
How could a teacher be able to control the ranking between the two strongest schools?
This is exaggerated.
Hear Saten Ruiko’s words.
for this skeptical attitude. Misaka Mikoto was no stranger to it.
She shook her head immediately, rectifying Su Mo’s name seriously.
“In the past, we also had doubts, thinking that it was just rumors that were exaggerated and embellished.”
“However, after listening to Mr. Su Mo’s class, we realized that Mr. Su Mo does have this level of importance.”
When it comes to this.
Misaka Mikoto looked very ashamed.
Once, she was also one of the students who questioned the quality of Su Mo’s lectures.
However, just listened to a class.
She was completely overwhelmed.
Regarding the development of superpowers, she thought she had done a good job.
After hearing Su Mo’s introduction, she realized that she hadn’t even started yet.
Use electromagnetic force the way you used to.
It is completely to these four basicAn insult to the power of one of the forces.
Magnetic rotation, positron cannon, gamma ray burst…
These things are the direction in which you should develop.
Scientific knowledge is vast.
I should not be complacent if I only immerse myself in the framework of Faraday’s electromagnetic induction.
“Under the guidance of Teacher Su Mo, many students in our school have made great progress in their abilities.”
“There are not a few people who use LV3 superpowers to produce LV4 effects.”
“Even, many students’ abilities have been directly upgraded.”
“Just this morning, during the physical examination, more than a dozen students’ abilities have been upgraded to one level.”
“They are all students who have attended Teacher Su Mo’s class.”
Speaking of the actual effect of Su Mo’s teaching.
Misaka Mikoto cheered up.
The physical examination that their school just conducted in the morning.
It turns out.
Su Mo’s teaching results are very effective.
There are more than a dozen students who directly upgraded from LV3 to LV4.
My main god is Kaguya
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