And that’s not counting those with enhanced application of abilities.
This result was not very surprising to students like them.
Even the principals present and the school managers were completely shocked.
After rechecking several times, this result was confirmed.
Hear what Misaka Mikoto said.
Uiharu Shiri and Saten Saten couldn’t help but widen their eyes.
“No, it is indeed a big school, to be able to hire such a strong teacher!”
Uiharu’s tone trembled a little.
For Tokiwadai School, I immediately looked forward to it even more.
As expected of a noble girls’ school, even the teachers are people with such a big background.
Saten Ruiko at the side.
It looks like a broken worldview.
“Is it so exaggerated!”
There are more than a dozen students who have upgraded their abilities.
In addition, there are countless abilities that have been improved.
The teaching results of a teacher can actually reach this level.
It’s just unbelievable.
Even the legendary fantasy master is probably only comparable to it.
Think here.
Saten Reniko couldn’t help having a bold idea in her heart.
“If I can hear Teacher Su Mo’s lecture…”
Is it possible (No Zhao)—
Can you improve your LV0-level super power?
Saten Ruiko’s request is not high.
Even if she is only promoted to LV1 level, she is satisfied enough.
In this city where superpowers are developed, ability levels are not everything in an absolute sense.
But it is also the biggest reason why parents send their children here.
Saten Ruiko doesn’t need a high level of ability to flaunt herself.
She only needs even a little bit of super power that can be displayed.
Even if it’s just a lighter-level superpower.
As long as I can give myself something to prove to my parents, my hard work for so many years is not in vain.
She is already content.
After thinking about it, she felt a little unlikely.
Even a noble girls’ school like Tokiwadai has to spend a lot of money to invite Teacher Su Mo to give a lecture once a month.
An ordinary family like her.
How could he possibly afford the cost of inviting Teacher Su Mo to take lessons?
That is basically impossible.
Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but look a little depressed.
It’s hard to see a glimmer of hope.
However, he was rejected by this high threshold condition.
The pain in it is unknown to others. call.
Chapter 106 Absolutely Capable Person Evolution Plan
Saten Ruiko’s emotions. Friends nearby didn’t pay much attention.
Because at this time.
The harsh siren sounded.
The security guard who is in charge of dealing with crimes committed by capable people finally arrived long overdue.
“Huh? Su Mo?”
Security officer Aiho Koizumikawa got out of the car holding a protective shield.
Then, he immediately noticed the two prisoners who were tied up.
And, Su Mo, who was studying the binding technique.
“You solved the prisoner this time?”
Her tone was a little surprised.
“Long time no see, Huang Quanchuan!”
Su Mo greeted this old friend, then shook his head.
“I didn’t solve the prisoner this time, but my lovely student.”
“I’ll just say it.”
Huang Quanchuan Aiho nodded as expected.
“The prisoner looks unharmed, it doesn’t look like your handwriting.”
“It seems that the prisoner was lucky this time, and he didn’t meet you.”
look at her expression.
It seems that I am really grateful for mortals,
“What are you talking about, it makes me sound like a violent maniac.”
Su Mo retorted back confidently.
“So far, I have never killed an ordinary prisoner!”
Huang Quanchuan Aiho heard this, looked at him speechlessly, and complained.
“It’s already a very dangerous idea to think about killing people!”
As for what Su Mo said, what kind of treatment did the extraordinary prisoners receive.
She once worked in Anbu, and she didn’t intend to get to the bottom of it.
At this moment.
Huang Quanchuan Aiho died.
A little girl who was wearing glasses and obviously wearing a security guard’s uniform, but with an unexpectedly timid expression spoke.
“Senior Huang Quanchuan, senior Su Mo! Calm down, now is not the time to quarrel!”
She is Aiho Huang Quanchuan’s junior policeman – Tie Zhuoli.
A timid bespectacled giant (marshmallow) bitch.
Hear her.
Huang Quanchuan Aiho shook her head amusedly.
“Hahaha! Don’t worry, we are not arguing, this is how we communicate normally.”
She and Su Mo areI’m familiar with it, so I won’t pay too much attention to the tone.
“G, is it?”
There are some surprises in the iron decoration.
But looking at the expressions of Su Mo and Huang Quanchuan Aiho, it really doesn’t look like they are angry.
Immediately, she bowed her head in embarrassment and apologized.
“Sorry, I misunderstood!”
“do not mind.”
Su Mo waved his hand.
After exchanging pleasantries, we learned about the situation.
Huang Quanchuan Aisui and Tie Zhuangli were ready to escort the two prisoners to the rear compartment.
when approaching the prisoner.
Only then did Huang Quanchuan Aiho notice the dull eyes of the two prisoners.
“Is this…mind control?”
She realized that the prisoner had been subdued with superpowers.
She immediately looked up at Su Mo.
Su Mo turned his attention to Shokuhou Misaki.
“The ability can be unlocked!”
At this time, Shokuhou Misaki was secretly observing Aiho Huang Quanchuan.
His eyes fluttered, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.
My main god is Kaguya
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