Su Mo waved his hand to bid her farewell.
Turn around and take out your phone.
He dialed the phone number of a contact named [Bushu Dixin].
“Good afternoon! My unlovable student, are you off work?” At the beginning, Su Mo asked with great concern.
It’s just that the other party doesn’t seem to appreciate it very much.
“Mr. Su Mo, strictly speaking, it should be evening now, so I should say good evening.”
A cold girl’s voice came from the phone.
“Besides, you actually have the nerve to ask me if I’m off work…”
“Thanks to you, recently I have been working at 007 every day. Not only did I not get off work, but I was also working late shifts full of energy!”
The girl said she was full of energy.
But listening to her cold and slightly resentful words, it doesn’t look like she is really energetic.
“It sounds like a lot of hard work!”
Su Mo sighed that the matter had nothing to do with him.
Then, he skillfully comforted his employees.
“Then I’ll bring you a cup of milk tea now to reward you. What flavor do you like?”
Hear him.
The girl on the other side of the phone couldn’t help but complain.
“Mr. Su Mo, you don’t think you can get rid of me with just a cup of milk tea!”
“The London capitalists of the Victorian era were not as dark as you.”
“By the way, I want lychee flavor, go ice!”
Tucao to half.
The girl probably knew that it was useless.
So it was very realistic, and I reported my favorite taste.
“No problem, I’ll be there later.”
Su Mo ignored the girl’s complaints and hung up the phone.
Opposite the phone.
In the office of a certain research institute.
Bu Shu Texin looked at the collection page that had been hung up, and sighed.
“Teacher Su Mo is really…”
He groaned softly.
She shook her head.
At the corner of his mouth, there was a faint smile.
She remembered her encounter with Teacher Su Mo.
Bushu Toxin is a student of Changdian School of Computer Science.
At the same time, he was also a researcher who participated in both the [Mass-produced Ability Person Project] and the [Absolute Ability Person Evolution Project].
[Mass-produced capable person plan] is a plan initiated by “Kao Shipu┭Xinke”.
Since the number of LV5s is so rare, why can’t they mass-produce LV5-level ability users by cloning existing LV5s?
Based on this idea.
They started collecting cells from superhumans.
And, it is cultured into clones.
Want to get clones that also have LV5 level abilities.
…seeking flowers 0…
This experiment ended in failure.
Do not know why.
The cloned Misaka sister has only one percent of the strength of the body Misaka Mikoto.
In other words, generally only about LV2.
It didn’t reach the ideal level of LV5.
Due to the failure of the experiment, the funding chain of the research institute was also broken, and the [Mass-produced ability user plan] was finally forced to freeze.
And this time.
【Absolutely Capable Person Evolution Plan】appeared.
As you can tell from the name, this is a plan formulated to create LV6 level absolute ability users.
The most powerful supercomputer in Academy City, the precise calculation of the “tree diagram designer” floating in the sky satellite.
Among the eight LV5s in Academy City, only Accelerator, who is the first, has the chance to evolve into an absolute ability user.
However, I want to let Accelerator reach this point.
Requires 250 years of regular competency course training.
Humans naturally cannot live for 250 years.
The supercomputer “Treegraph Designer” has figured out another way.
——Promote the growth of capabilities in actual combat.
According to the calculation results.
As long as the fourth Misaka Mikoto in LV5 is killed by Accelerator 128 times in the battlefield, Accelerator can evolve into an absolute capable person.
… 0;
However, 128 Misaka Mikotos do not actually exist.
Therefore, the target turned to the clone of Misaka Mikoto.
Through “mass productionThe Misaka sister created by Project Power.
The ability level of the Misaka sisters is generally only LV2 to LV3, and their strength is far inferior to that of the plain Misaka Mikoto.
If the strength is not enough, the quantity will make up.
Therefore, Accelerator only needs to kill 20,000 Misaka sisters on 20,000 battlefields.
It can also achieve the goal and grow into an absolute ability.
For the birth of a person with absolute ability, 20,000 lives were created for him to torture and kill.
Such an experimental plan made Bu Shu Texin feel horrified.
However, in the eyes of those lunatic researchers, it was an experiment worth trying.
Nunsu Toshin was only 16 years old at the time.
But in terms of research, he is quite talented.
As early as in the [Mass-produced Ability Person Project], she had already been hired by “Relying on Po”┭Xinke.
Come to guide and study the project about the learning device of the Misaka sisters.
After the [Mass-produced ability user plan] was frozen.
Naturally, it was also transferred to the research project of [Superman Evolution Project].
Just when the experiment is about to start.
Su Mo intervened.
With overwhelming strength, the [Physical Evolution Plan] was completely ended.
Most of the researchers who took the initiative to participate in it were punished.
At that time, Bushu Texin also thought that he was also doomed.
After all, no matter what, she was involved in the project of helping the evildoers.
Just when she was willing to accept the trial.
It happened by accident.
Su Mo actually recognized her.
At that time, Su Mo happened to be teaching at Changdian School of Computer Science.
In several lectures, I have seen this somewhat withdrawn student.
After meeting at the research institute this time, he immediately recognized the identity of the girl in front of him.
I remembered that in the original work, Fushu Teshin once took the initiative to destroy this inhumane experiment.
Su Mo thought for a while and left her behind.
Let her continue to be responsible for the body maintenance of the Misaka sisters, as well as the research on the learning device and the Misaka network.
Hold the mentality of redemption.
Bushu Dixin has been working seriously under Su Mo’s command until now.
Moreover, they have gradually grown into scientific research talents who can stand on their own. three.
Chapter 108: Index, You Are a Nun
less than half an hour. Su Mo has arrived at “Kaipu┭Xinke”.
This formerly led the [Mass-produced Capable Person Project], and later participated in the research institute of the [Absolute Capable Person Evolution Project].
My main god is Kaguya
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