After being thoroughly cleaned by Su Mo, he bought it directly.
Currently, this institute is responsible for taking care of Misaka sister who has been born.
And, conduct further research on the Misaka network.
Su Mo naturally knew.
Whether it is the [Mass-produced ability user plan] or the [Absolute ability user evolution plan].
In fact, it’s all a pretense.
It was a blindfold deliberately set up by Aleister in order to carry out the artificial heaven plan.
Aleister’s real purpose is to spread Misaka-sister all over the world.
As a node, expand the artificial heaven to the whole earth.
Stop all magical activity in one fell swoop.
Su Mo sabotaged the [Absolutely Capable Person Evolution Plan].
In fact, it didn’t touch Aleister’s bottom line.
on the contrary……
Although his actions surprised Aleister.
But to some extent, it actually helped Misaka sister survive.
At least for now.
It is not a bad thing for Aleister that so many Misaka sisters are being raised.
Therefore, “September 20”, the two sides have been living in peace.
There was no disturbance.
As for Su Mo, he naturally had his own plans.
Go into the research institute.
Su Mo came to the deep office of the research institute unimpeded.
Pushing open the door, I saw a deputy researcher dressed up.
A blue-haired girl who is working hard on technical analysis in front of the computer.
Su Mo put the cold milk tea on the girl’s cheek.
Fusu Toshin, who was concentrating on his work, was taken aback.
“Teacher Su Mo, please knock on the door before you come in!”
After Bushu Texin complained.
Stop working on the computer.
He took the milk tea handed over by Su Mo.
Insert the straw and take a sip.
The girl who always had a cold expression raised her head to look at Su Mo.
“It’s been a long time since you came to see me…”
“He was kind enough to bring me milk tea.”
“Sure enough, is there any new job you plan to hand over to me?”
Hear the girl’s words.
Su Mo couldn’t help asking back.
“Why, in your eyes, am I the kind of unscrupulous boss who only looks for you when I have something to do, and treats you as a tool?”
“What do you say?” Bu Shu Texin blinked and asked back.
“Isn’t it?”
“Hiss—you have changed, you have learned to contradict the teacher.”
Su Mo covered his heart with a hurt expression.
“Originally, you are a very respectful child.”
“What made you like this?”
“Even starting to doubt the teacher’s character?”
He showed an expression—”Xiao, the teacher is very disappointed in you!”—.
Seeing Su Mo like this.
Bu Shu Texin covered his head with some headaches.
“If it weren’t for the previous few times, Mr. Su Mo, you assigned tasks to me like this, I would have almost believed it.”
Slightly helpless sighed.
She looked at Su Mo.
“So, what’s the matter, just tell me directly!”
“Anyway, I have no way to refuse Teacher Su Mo’s request.”
“You don’t need to comfort me like this every time, I will accept the task.”
Bushu Dixin responded to the task assigned by Su Mo.
In fact, there is not much reluctance.After all, these tasks are not something that Su Mo just asks her to do with a slap on the head.
It was something she was asked to do only if it was really necessary.
So despite the usual complaints.
But that’s just a routine of communication between them.
Bushu Dixin was still very willing to accept Su Mo’s task.
Of course, if Su Mo brought milk tea a few more times to visit her.
That’s even better.
I saw Bushu Texin say so.
Su Mo showed a gratified expression.
He patted Bushu Texin on the shoulder.
“It’s not in vain for the painstaking efforts of the teacher to cultivate you.”
After speaking.
Before Bushu Toshin wanted to complain about himself.
Su Mo handed her the music player in his hand.
“This is?”
Bushu Toshin showed a puzzled expression.
“What new song do you want me to listen to?” She asked puzzled.
“No, it’s the fantasy master inside.”
Su Mo shook his head.
Then briefly introduce the principle of fantasy hand.
After hearing Su Mo’s explanation.
Fusu Toshin plugged the music player into the computer.
And the audio is analyzed directly.
While the computer is still processing data.
She looked at Su Mo suspiciously.
“Through synesthesia, the brain waves of different people are connected and made to oscillate at the same frequency, thereby sharing computing power.”
“Why does the principle of this fantasy master look so much like a learning device we developed?”
Worthy of being a professional scientific researcher.
Nunsu Toshin immediately realized the essence of the fantasy master.
And, I quickly thought of something that my research institute had developed before.
Learning device——It is a device specially developed for Misaka sister.
Sister Misaka is a clone of Misaka Mikoto.
Because of the accelerated growth of its body.
The personalities of the Misaka sisters have not yet formed, not only are they unable to perform tasks, they are even unable to carry out basic basic necessities of life.
If you teach them common sense like treating babies.
It will take at least a few years, which is too time consuming.
So, something like a learning device was developed.
Directly instill knowledge-like information into Misaka sister’s mind.
Then, through the Misaka network, it spread to the minds of all the Misaka sisters.
In this way, the Misaka sisters can acquire the necessary knowledge in a very short period of time.
This ability device based on the Misaka network.
My main god is Kaguya
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