It works almost exactly the same as Phantasm.
Professionals can see it at a glance.
The developer of Fantasy Royal Hand borrowed the concept of learning device.
Fantasy Network is a low-profile version of Misaka Network.
Adjust the brain waves of the capable person through music.
Let ordinary ability users produce special products like the Misaka Network.
So as to share computing power.
Although it is said that computing power is shared between ordinary ability users.
Far inferior to the high efficiency and low loss of the Misaka network.
But the sand becomes a tower.
If the number is huge, it is enough to gather a very powerful force.
“After the ability device was completed, didn’t you publish a paper?”
Su Mo guessed it casually.
“The developer of the Fantasy Royal Hand should have been inspired by your paper and came up with this approach!”
Bushu Toshin nodded.
Then, he turned his attention to Su Mo.
“Then what are you going to ask me to do?”
“By analyzing this audio, it is not difficult to find the brainwaves of the developer of Fantasy Royal Hand.”
“If you compare them, you can easily find the criminal behind the scenes.”
“It’s not difficult to develop audio that allows capable users to undo their fantasy network connections.”
Just know the principle.
Whether it’s finding the developer behind Fantasy Royale.
It is not difficult to cancel the audio connected by Fantasy Royal Hand.
And Su Mo’s choice is naturally——
“I want it all.”
“Illusion Master, can the brainwaves of the network controller be encrypted?” Su Mo asked very concerned.
Naturally, he would not let go of the power of fantasy networks.
If the fantasy network can be cracked so easily, it will be difficult to be regarded as a reliable force.
At least, the brainwaves of the controller must be encrypted with high precision, so that people can use it with confidence.
And for this question.
Bushu Texin’s answer is in the affirmative.
“Brain wave encryption technology, I remember that when I was researching the protection measures of external brain replacement, I have already researched specific results.”
“If you use that random encryption method, you can encrypt the brainwaves in the fantasy master’s hand.”
“This makes it difficult for others to analyze the brainwaves of the fantasy network controller from the audio.”
mentioned before.
[External Brain Replacement] is a biological device capable of displaying superpowers [Psychological Mastery].
As long as the user is logged on to the device.
You can get the same super power as Shokuhou Misaki.
However, there is only one risk with this device.
You may be forced to log in by means of brainwave coherence.
In the original book, Shokuhou Misaki was swayed by Kihara Genki because of this.
Lost the control of [External Brain Replacement].
Su Mo, who knew this, naturally would not make mistakes.
After successfully mastering the Talent Workshop and “Relying on Shipu┝Reef Bayxinke”.
Encryption measures were immediately developed.
Randomly encrypted the brainwave frequency of the Exobrain 0.3.
There is absolutely no chance for outsiders to take advantage of it.
This encryption technology.
It can also be used in fantasy hand.
only–“The problem is that this kind of encryption is very taxing on the brain.”
“Ordinary people can’t afford it.”
This is also the reason why Mushan Chunsheng did not encrypt his brainwaves.
Encryption itself consumes a considerable amount of computing power.
And it puts a very heavy burden on the brain.
Ordinary people simply cannot bear it.
So, she took a gamble.
He wants to complete his calculations before he is discovered.
This is no choice.
This situation is also true for Su Mo.
If Su Mo wants to build his own fantasy royal hand network.
If you want to encrypt the brainwaves of the fantasy network controller.
It will inevitably put a burden on the brain of the fantasizing network controller.
And this kind of burden, even for LV5, is not a small pressure.
But it is not encrypted.
Through the music of Fantasia Yushou, it is easy to find the brainwaves of the network controller.
There is even the possibility of being stolen by others.
Chapter 109 My big family can sleep when tired from playing
“That’s a real problem.”
Su Mo was lost in thought.
He wants to use the power of the fantasy network to strengthen the strength of his staff.
The computing power of the fantasy network is not much improved for LV5.
For LV4, it can be improved to a considerable extent.
That’s a nice power.
It’s just that it’s not easy to choose a candidate for the fantasy network controller.
Not only do you need to be able to trust yourself 100%.
It also needs to be able to withstand the burden of brainwave encryption.
There are not many people who meet these two conditions respectively.
There is no one that meets both conditions at the same time.
Misaka Mikoto has an excessive sense of justice, and she is not considered one of her own for the time being, so she cannot fully trust her.
Shokuhou Misaki can be completely trusted, but her physique is too poor to bear the burden of encryption.
The other LV5s either have personality flaws, or have little intersection with themselves, and they also cannot meet the conditions.
After pondering for a moment.
Su Mo thought of the answer.
“Speaking of which, no one stipulates that the controller of the fantasy network must be a human being!”
Bu Shu Texin blinked his eyes, looking a little surprised.
“what do you mean?”
“How about replacing the brainwaves in the Fantasy Royal Hand with the brainwaves of [External Brain Replacement]?” Su Mo touched his chin and said.
“Directly hand over the management authority of the fantasy network to [External Brain Replacement].”
“In this way, as long as you log in to [External Brain Replacement], you can master the computing power of the entire fantasy network.”
“At the same time, it can also master the superpowers of all network connections.”
“In this way, the pressure of encrypting brain waves can be perfectly avoided.”
After all, [External 14 Installed Brain Replacement] itself has been encrypted once.
For this huge biological calculation device.
My main god is Kaguya
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