This pressure is really nothing.
Hear Su Mo’s thoughts.
After Bushu Toshin thought for a while.
“Teacher Su Mo, you are such a genius!”
The feasibility of this approach is surprisingly high.
When you don’t usually log in to [External Brain Replacement].
Fantasia Network is just sharing computing power in general, and it is a cloud computing platform that simply helps everyone increase their superpowers.
Once you log in to 【External Brain Replacement】.
You can use the computing power of the entire fantasy network for your own use.
Moreover, there is no need to worry about being detected brain waves.
Not to mention that the brain waves have been encrypted.
Even if the encryption is cracked.
It is estimated that it is difficult to find the person who matches the brain wave frequency in the library.
After all, [External Brain Replacement] is not human at all.
His brain wave data was not recorded in the library at all.
So even if the corresponding brain waves are obtained, it is absolutely impossible to find the corresponding object.
“Then I’ll leave it to you!” Su Mo said after thinking about it.
“The [External Brain Replacement] version of the fantasy master, it is best to produce results within three days.”
“Besides, it’s best to combine the music of dispelling the fantasy hand with this, and I will be useful at that time.”
“Within three days?”
Hear the time limit given by Su Mo.
Bushu Toshin breathed a sigh of relief.
“A little tight, but enough!”
It’s just a synthesis along the direction that others have developed.
Not a problem.
After getting an affirmative reply from Bushu Toxin.
Su Mo was relieved.
Then, after about half an hour of small talk.
Bushu Toxin began to see off the guests.
Probably because he wanted to complete the task ordered by Su Mo ahead of schedule!
Seeing this, Su Mo generously offered to double her monthly salary.
It’s a pity that Bu Shu Texin’s expression is not eager.
It seems that at a young age, he lost interest in money.
I don’t know what the kid is interested in.

At this time, it was completely dark.
Su Mo paced slowly on the street.
As he walked home, he was thinking about the matter of Fantasia Miter, whether there were any omissions.
After thinking about it carefully, he roughly confirmed that there was no problem.
Just wait for the next event to happen.
Intervene when appropriate.
Doves can occupy the magpie’s nest.
Get the results you want.
After thinking about it.
Looking up, he found himself in a small alley.
Because it is too remote, even bad boys will not gather here.
After all, looting is only possible where there are people.
Just as he passed a trash can in the alley.
Suddenly, I noticed that there was a breath of human life in the trash can.
Someone is hiding in the trash can.
DisasterDo you plan to sneak attack yourself?
Subconsciously, he thought of this possibility.
However, he quickly denied this conjecture.
The road he took today was just a route Su Mo chose at will.
Even he didn’t know that he would walk into the alley at will, let alone be ambushed in advance.
more importantly.
He felt the life in the trash can, the breath was very weak.
Even compared with researchers like Bu Shu Dixin.
The breath of life should be weaker.
Although the power of a person with superpowers cannot be determined by their physique.
However, the guy whose breath is so weak.
Either there is a disease in the body, or the long-term hunger leads to malnutrition.
No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like you can be a killer.
After thinking about it, Su Mo doesn’t think there will be people who are hungry for a long time in Academy City.
Even the poorest LV0 incapable people still have food subsidies.
There are almost no people who can’t afford to eat.
So, it should be a patient?
Thinking of this, Su Mo felt that it was necessary for him to take a look.
The guy in the trash can might just die here.
As long as you are not facing a criminal who is too bad.
Su Mo still has a considerable degree of humanitarian spirit.
Just as he took a step forward, he stopped.
The people in the trash can also seemed to have sensed the movement, and struggled to get out.
With a “click”, it fell to the ground.
I saw a figure lying on the ground.
Su Mo was silent.
It’s this guy?
Platinum nun clothes, a petite figure, and long silver hair leaking out from under the nun’s hat.
No matter how you look at it, there is only one person in this world who is dressed like this.
Not to mention.
The figure raised his head and looked at himself.
“I am hungry!”
“Excuse me, this kind hearted person, can you treat me to a meal?” The girl with silver hair and blue eyes asked Su Mo in front of her.
“My name is Index, and I am an English Puritan nun.”
“I would be very grateful if you could help me!”
The silver-haired nun said her name without thinking.
His eyes were shining, full of anticipation without impurities.
Judging by her appearance, it is estimated that she has not eaten several meals.
However, when he asked for food, his eyes were still clear and natural.
If Su Mo refuses, I’m afraid she will accept it calmly and leave like this.
However, Su Mo would not refuse.
“If it’s just a meal, it doesn’t matter.”
He nodded and agreed to Index’s request.
then asked.
“It’s just that you are like this now, is there no problem?”
Because this alley is too remote.
My main god is Kaguya
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