“My name is Su Mo, just call me by my name.”
“Su Mo…Su Mo!”
After hearing his name, Index murmured several times.
As if wanting to remember it deeply in his heart, he nodded.
“I remember, you are counting…modulo…”
It was a bit strange to hear the tone behind.
Su Mo turned his head to look over.
It was found that Index stuffed another pile of snacks in her mouth.
This gluttonous nun is enough.
Don’t wait for her to finish eating.
Su Mo started talking about business directly.
“It’s not convenient to talk about it outside.”
“Didn’t you ask me before if I was a believer?”
“Now, I can answer you.”
“Actually, in addition to being a superpower, I am also a Roman Orthodox magician.”
“The reason why I stayed in Academy City was just to be an undercover agent here.”
According to his original plan, Su Mo blurted out his identity candidly.
As soon as the words came out.
“Hmm, cough, cough…”
Index, who was surprised, suddenly choked.
The expression became a little painful. purchase.
Chapter 111 The Difference Between the Pope and the Fire of the Right
“Gudong Gudong!”
Choking Index, with the help of Su Mo, took a gulp of water. Finally back to normal.
This time, her attention was not on the dim sum at all.
Instead, he looked at Su Mo in surprise.
“Roman Orthodox magician?” Even if she had no common sense, she probably knew it.
Relations between Roman Orthodoxy and Anglicanism were not friendly.
Not to mention, Su Mo’s identity is actually an undercover agent sent by the Roman Orthodox Church.
Can such an identity be made public?
Index is not so naive as to think that the Christians are the type who are friendly and help each other.
However, it is true that Su Mo helped him before.
Index is not the type to doubt a benefactor who helps her.
After hearing Su Mo’s confession, she was not worried about what Su Mo would do to her.
Instead, he asked worriedly.
“Is it okay to tell me this kind of thing?””Although I will keep it secret, be careful that walls have ears!”
She wasn’t sure if the two magicians who had been chasing her were still there.
“Don’t worry, those two magicians are not here.”
Su Mo shook his head.
Then said.
“The reason why I confess to you is because I have some things I want to ask you carefully.”
“However, since those are topics for magicians, if you ask too much detail, it will inevitably cause doubts between you and me.”
“Doubt is the seed of doubt.”
“Instead of developing like this, it is better to tell the truth and gain mutual trust in advance.”
Very frankly.
Su Mo spoke out the thoughts he had just made up.
For Index.
Su Mo didn’t intend to use lies to deceive this nun.
He also doesn’t think that that kind of method can really keep people.
Way to get reliable companions.
Attacking the heart is the top, deception is the bottom.
For Index.
Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl were originally her friends.
But because of the wise operations of these two magicians, she cast a complete psychological shadow on them.
So, even if you finally know the truth.
These two people are still untrustworthy to her.
British Puritanism should have been Index’s backing.
But English Puritanism was also a misnomer.
The magic formula of the collar was set by the Puritan Church in England.
The English Puritanism that made this kind of thing is also not trustworthy.
At the end of the day, Index’s relationship seems to be more than that.
But in fact, for this girl.
There was no one she could really rely on.
The only thing she can rely on is the hero who rescued her from trouble.
Precisely because of seeing through this.
Su Mo would use this method to communicate with her.
Tell Index everything directly and honestly.
From the very beginning, a bond of trust is forged.
Heart to heart.
Only in this way can we win the 100% trust of this nun.
After doing so.
Only needed in follow-up cases.
Then expose the conspiracy of the British Puritans.
Index will find out.
Worldwide, seven billion people.
The one who can really be trusted is Su Mo who has been honest with each other from the very beginning.
Wait until this time.
This is when the relationship between them truly becomes unbreakable.
Su Mo did not deny that this approach was indeed a kind of trick.
However, even if Index knew about this conspiracy, it would be nothing.
After all, Su Mo really didn’t hide anything, and revealed his secret identity completely.
This level of trust is a kind of entrustment.
Just trust, Index will definitely respond to this trust.
If she is aware of this, not only will Index not think that this is Su Mo’s design, but she will also be moved by it.
Compared to Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl who made decisions for her without authorization.
Compared with the British Puritanism who kept her in captivity and guarded her as a pet.
Su Mo has such innocent sincerity and trust.
It is simply crushing other people.
Not on the same level at all.
Don’t say it was then.
Even now.
Index was also shocked and moved by Su Mo’s frankness.
“Su Mo, if you want to ask me a question, you really don’t have to tell me everything!”
“Anyway, Su Mo is my benefactor, no matter what I ask, I will answer.”
“There is no need to use this method to deepen mutual trust!”
Index said so.
But it’s obvious to notice.
Now she is much more relaxed than before.
My main god is Kaguya
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