It has to be said that Su Mo’s decision was very effective.
Index is the type who treats her well when others treat her well.
Not to mention.
Because of being hunted down, she has received countless rejections and cold looks in the past year.
Every time I encounter even a little bit of kindness.
She would respond with a very grateful smile.
And on Su Mo’s side.
The kindness she received was simply unmatched by others.
Even for such a long time, the goodwill of so many kind-hearted people has been added together.
It was not as shocking as Su Mo’s frank dialogue.
Because I want to ask myself questions.
Worrying about mutual misunderstanding.
Just be straight and honest.
This trust, which she had never felt before, made Index’s heart tremble heavily.
Even if the Lord is here.
Order her to tell the secret Su Mo told her, I am afraid that Index will not tell it.
Just words.
In Index’s heart, the level of trust in Su Mo just jumped up.
“So, Su Mo, what do you want to ask?” Index asked curiously.
“What I want to ask is—you just said that there was a saint who chased you down.” Su Mo asked seriously without delay.
“I want to know the specific appearance of that bead.”
“Appearance?” Index froze for a moment, then said immediately.
“It’s a woman with a single ponytail who looks a little over 20 years old.”
“Wearing one-legged jeans, she looks very indecent.”
“Her companion seems to call her Kanzaki.”
He was hunted down many times.
Index also has some information about chasing and killing her own magician.
However, in her mind, she had no impression of these two people.
Thought they were magicians from other magic associations.
He thought that these two magicians were going to snatch the 103,000 grimoires he guarded.
After hearing Index’s description.
Su Mo showed a hesitant expression.”If that’s the case, I might know who the saint who hunted you down is.”
“It’s just that, because it’s a bit unbelievable, I don’t know whether I should tell you this information.”
“What do you mean? Could it be that this saint is your acquaintance, Su Mo?”
Index looked at Su Mo innocently.
Obviously not aware of the seriousness of the problem.
“Do not!”
Su Mo immediately shook his head.
“Strictly speaking, this saint should be your acquaintance.”
Seeing Index’s bewildered expression.
Su Mo finally exposed the truth.
“Among the less than twenty saints left in the world, the ninth female saint, Kanzaki Kaori, is quite famous in the magic world.”
When he said this, Su Mo looked directly into Index’s eyes with a very serious expression.
“Moreover, the most important thing is that this female saint also belongs to the English Puritan Church, and like you, she is a member of the Church of Necessary Evil.”
After hearing what Su Mo said.
Index was stunned.
Then, he showed a dazed expression.
“What? How is it possible?”
“The guy who chased me… actually came from the same church as me?”
“Why do I have no memory at all—and, why is that guy hunting me down? Aren’t we from the same church?”
Hearing Su Mo’s information, Index was completely dumbfounded.
For a long time, he has been chasing and killing himself.
Is it actually a companion from the same church as me?
How is this going?
If it wasn’t for Su Mo’s frank treatment before.
There was a real possibility that Index might not believe this.
Because it’s just too absurd.
Since he is a companion, why is it necessary to keep chasing and killing himself?
This is not in line with common sense!
“I don’t know the specifics of your church either.”
Su Mo shook his head.
“However, Kanzaki Kaori is a member of the Church of Necessary Evil, and almost the entire magic world knows about it.”
“If you have doubts, I can help you ask.”
Index blinked.
“Ask who?”
“Roman Orthodox!”
Su Mo took out a notebook and waved his hand.
“Didn’t I say that I am an undercover agent of the Roman Orthodox Church? Naturally, there are channels to keep in touch with the church.” Hearing Su Mo say this.
Index showed a surprised expression.
However, she still hesitated.
“Isn’t this kind of contact method generally used in emergencies?”
“If you use it for me, will Su Mo be punished or something?”
With Index’s eyesight.
Immediately distinguish the magical spiritual equipment represented by the notes in Su Mo’s hand.
It is indeed a magic tool used to communicate with the Vatican.
The undercover identity of the magic side must also be true.
Although she had no doubts about it.
But after fully confirming this point, Index still panicked.
If what Su Mo said before is true.
So what exactly is his escape this year?
Why did the person who was supposed to be his companion hunt and kill him again?
Index felt a little dazed and uneasy.
At this time.
Su Mo pressed her shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I’ll find out the truth, just trust me.”
Feel Su Mo’s sincerity.
And that serious look.
Index immediately felt an unprecedented peace of mind.
She smiled sweetly.
“I trust Su Mo!”
He also entrusted his trust to Su Mo.
Chapter 112: The Art of God’s Right Seat
Su Mo took out a special quill and spread out a notebook on the table. Ask Index to come over and watch together.
think about it…
Su Mo wrote in the blank notebook.
My main god is Kaguya
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