[Related information about the saint Kanzaki Kaori, urgent-needed]
After writing this line.
Soon, the black ink stains disappeared as if they had been washed clean by white paper.
After a few minutes.
Information about Kanzaki Kaori appeared in the notebook.
Starting from her experience as the Pope of the Amakusa-style Cross Church.
It is recorded until she joins the Church of Necessary Evil.
The dense text, recorded more than half of the paper.
And at the end of the transcript.
A black and white photo floated on the notebook.
See the photo of the girl on the notebook.
Index’s voice trembled a little.
“It’s her!”
She recognized this member of the Church of Necessary Evil, a saint named Kanzaki Kaori.
It is the magician who has been chasing and killing himself!
After confirming this.
Index didn’t understand at all.
He is obviously a member of the same church, why the other party wants to hunt and kill him.
Could it be that, without knowing when, he was listed as a traitor to Puritanism?
Su Mo also saw her doubts.
After thinking about it, I picked up the pen to write again.
[Information on Index of Prohibited Books, urgently needed]
This time, after only a few seconds, there was a response.
[Insufficient authority of the intelligence officer, unable to answer]
Intelligence officer here.
It wasn’t referring to Su Mo.
It was the clergyman who was writing the answer. He didn’t have enough authority to answer Su Mo’s question.
In this case.
Su Mo was no stranger to it.
[Let the superior intelligence officer answer! 】
Soon, get a reply again.
[The authority of the superior intelligence officer is also insufficient. Only the Pope and the Right Chair of God have sufficient authority to view the information related to the forbidden book catalog. 】
It seems that Index’s intelligence is very important.
Even the intelligence agencies with the highest level of secrecy do not have the power to leak information.
Thinking of this, Su Mo wrote directly.
[then putThe Pope shouted, it’s time for the old man to wake up too]
See this line.
Index couldn’t help casting a surprised look at Su Mo.
“Su Mo, is your level so high?”
“Can you wake up the Pope directly?”
It’s okay to ask for information and get an immediate answer.
How could they ask the intelligence personnel to wake up the Pope?
How much authority is this?
I heard Index’s question.
Su Mo smiled.
“Although I am the only and biggest undercover agent in Academy City, I really don’t have this authority at ordinary times.”
“If there is nothing too important, if you call the Pope, even I will be punished!”
Hearing this, Index was taken aback.
“Then you still say that—”
Halfway through the speech, her eyes became a little moved.
For his own affairs, Su Mo actually did not hesitate to offend the Pope?
This is too good for yourself!
“Although I don’t know what you are thinking, but you obviously misunderstood.”
See Index’s expression.
Su Mo shook his head.
“The reason why I did this this time is mainly because of you.”
“With your news here, the Pope is too late to be happy, how can he be punished?”
“Also, maybe I can take this opportunity to blackmail these guys!”
As if thinking of something, a smile appeared on Su Mo’s face.
Index was confused.
I don’t quite understand what Su Mo wants to do.
After Su Mo finished speaking, the notebook became silent.
About thirty minutes passed.
Finally, there is a note to respond.
[Su Mo, good evening! 】
[Why, do you suddenly want the information of the banned book catalogue? 】
Looking at the tone, Su Mo knew that this was the tone of Pope Matthew Liss.
The old man was obviously well-bred, and he didn’t feel any resentment at being disturbed so late, but he was very curious about Su Mo’s request.
Of course, if the answer Su Mo gave couldn’t convince him.
The Pope will not give him information.
Su Mo, who had expected this a long time ago, replied immediately.
[Recently, traces of the catalog of banned books were suspected to be found in Academy City, and it is observed that it is currently in a stocking state. 】
[One hundred and three thousand original books of magic books may be useful to the Roman Orthodox Church, so I want to inquire about relevant information, confirm and try to capture the list of forbidden books. 】
See here.
Index finally understood what Su Mo said before.
She didn’t think Su Mo really wanted to capture her.
If you want to do this, Su Mo has already done it, why wait until now?
Now it seems that Su Mo is using this incident as an excuse.
This is how to deceive the Roman Orthodox Church.
Thinking of this, Index blinked.
Isn’t Su Mo an undercover agent of the Roman Orthodox Church?
How dare you deceive your church for yourself?
Suddenly, when Su Mo didn’t know.
Index’s level of trust in him has been improved again.
While Su Mo and Index were waiting for the pope to answer.
Inside the Vatican.
Pope Matthew Lis sat on the chair, looking at the notebook in his hand, with a hesitant look on his face.
“Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic, 103,000 original books of grimoires…”
He didn’t expect that Su Mo, who was located in the base camp of the science side, could bring him important news about the magic side.
Moreover, there is news about this catalog of forbidden books, which is very special to the entire wizarding world.
As the pope, he is naturally familiar with the information of this forbidden book catalogue.
This is one of the trump cards of British Puritanism (this book is edited by [”F”li.;pped?]: finishing (more “;new book.” Contact.,1?3??4!3″1774;7?8 )one.
The catalog of forbidden books contains the knowledge of 103,000 magic books, and there are even rumors that as long as you master all of them, you can become a demon god.
It can be said.
Even for the rich Roman Orthodox Church.
The knowledge of the forbidden book catalog is also a treasured item.
In the past, the British Puritans kept it highly secret, and it was fine if they couldn’t find out their whereabouts.
It is also impossible for them to take the risk of going to war with the British Puritans to forcibly snatch the list of banned books.
But now, according to Su Mo, the catalog of banned books is rarely out of stock.
Moreover, the location where the catalog of banned books appears is in Academy City, a place where it is difficult for the British Puritans to intervene on a large scale.
My main god is Kaguya
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