With his strength, there is indeed no need to fear the saint.
On Su Mo’s side, he cast his eyes on the two unconscious magicians.
“These two guys…”
After thinking about it… Su Mo made a decision.
“Just lock it in the basement!”
Anyway, they couldn’t ask questions in a coma.
If you want to expose the truth and thoroughly expose the British Puritan conspiracy, you still need to wait for them to wake up.
that’s it……
After about half an hour.
Kanzaki Kaori woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he could see the dim light in the basement.
And Su Mo standing in front of her with an inexplicable smile on his face.
If this scenario is still in her expectation.
The thing in Su Mo’s hand.
It was completely beyond her expectation.
Obviously there are electric lights, but candles are used for lighting.
The oil from the candle dripped on the ground and quickly congealed into lumps.
And the purple whip in Su Mo’s hand is even more eye-catching.
That was not a hard whip, nor did it look very strong.
Not even dangerous, not even barbs or anything.
Obviously it is not a torture tool at all.
However, when Kanzaki Kaori saw the shape of the whip.
When you see the purple heart shape on the handle and the capital “S” in the heart.
She panicked completely.
Even in the face of torture, she can maintain absolute sanity.
But for this kind of thing, I am very at a loss.
Never in her life had she faced such a scene.
No matter how you look at it, this kind of whip looks like the sex prop that Tsuchimikado introduced before!
“You, what do you want to do?”
The female saint, who is not afraid of anything, rarely stutters.
Only at this moment did she realize that the Su Mo in front of her seemed to be a young man with full of vigor.
Kanzaki Kaori has never regretted his request for a spell like he is now.
Leg-length jeans and a cool T-shirt.
Kanzaki Kaori’s usual attire can be said to be very cool.
But that was not her wish.
In fact, Kanzaki Kaori is quite reserved.
The reason for dressing up like that is only because of the requirements of the Amakusa style.
Because her own strength is enough to protect herself, although she sometimes feels embarrassed, she has never encountered a dangerous situation.
But it’s different now.
Kanzaki Kaori suspected that it was because of her revealing attire that attracted Su Mo’s attention.
As a result, it has developed to this point.
Could it be that the treasure she had guarded for eighteen years was about to be lost on this day?
Just when she was very uneasy.
A familiar voice sounded beside him.
That was Index’s voice.
The silver-haired nun came to Su Mo with a candle, and then looked at Kanzaki Kaori in front of her.
“Su Mo Su Mo, do you want to help?” The innocent little nun asked enthusiastically.
“Help, help?!”
Kanzaki Kaori gasped.
This guy, not only intends to do that kind of thing…
Still planning to let Index watch and even help? !
This is too much!
That child is not yet an adult!
Thinking of this, Kanzaki Kaori showed a generous expression.
She said it aloud immediately.
“What’s the matter, come to me!”
“I only have one request, don’t let that child watch by!”
Only that child must be protected.
She is only fourteen years old.
Still a kid!
Hearing her determined words.
Su Mo’s tone was very flat.
“Even if you don’t say it, it will come for you!”
“However, it’s impossible not to let Index join in.”
“After all, the protagonist this time is not you, but Index.”
Hearing this, Kanzaki Kaori’s heart sank suddenly.
The protagonist is Index?
What’s going on…not to mention Index’s age.
They have only known each other for a day.
How could Index agree to such a thing?
At this time, she finally realized that she might have thought wrong.
“What are you planning to do?” Kanzaki Kaori asked hesitantly.
“Find out the truth!”
Su Mo said without hesitation.
“There must be a reason for chasing and killing Index for so long!”
“Ah… uh… woo!!”
Hearing Su Mo’s natural tone, seeing his clear eyes.
Kanzaki Hichi covered his face with his hands and let out a shameful cry when he realized that he had completely misunderstood.
“Huh? What happened to her?”
Index tilted her head innocently.
I don’t know why Kanzaki Kaori did this.
“Who knows…”
Su Mo smiled slightly, and threw away the whip in his hand.
As if he didn’t even know it.
It took a while for Kanzaki Kaori to sort out his emotions.
At this moment, Stiyl on the side also woke up.
Soon, he understood his situation.
“You two…why did you hunt down Index?” Su Mo finally started the interrogation.
And hear the question.
Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl looked at each other, and then at Index in front of them.
The two chose to remain silent.
“Don’t you want to say it? That’s okay.” Su Mo didn’t intend to use torture, but said very calmly.
“Although I don’t know who you are, according to Index, you should be villains who covet 13,000 grimoires.”
“So, even if I won’t kill you, I won’t let you go.”
“Since you don’t want to talk, I won’t ask any more.”
“Within a month, you two will stay in this basement all the time, and I will find someone to bring food in.”
“As for Index, I’m going to take her on a tour and send her back to England in a few days.”
…seeking flowers 0…
“She must be safe back there.” Hearing Su Mo say this.
Index’s expression tightened, and she couldn’t help but grab the corner of Su Mo’s clothes.
Although I don’t know the truth yet.
My main god is Kaguya
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