But for Index, English Puritanism is not as trustworthy as it used to be.
Therefore, what Su Mo said made her subconsciously a little afraid.
Sensing Index’s small movements, Su Mo grabbed her palm with his backhand, reassuring Index.
Naturally, he had no intention of actually sending Index back.
The reason why I say this is just to deceive these two people.
After hearing what Su Mo said.
Both showed nervous expressions.
Stiyl looked at Su Mo and Index holding hands together, his face turned dark.
Kanzaki Kaori’s face was full of worry.
If it is normal time.
They would applaud Su Mo’s approach instead.
Anyway, sending Index back to Puritanism is not a bad thing.
However, at this point in time, it is absolutely impossible to do so.
… 0;
According to the Supreme Bishop of the Puritan Church in England.
Because Index has a complete memory ability, 103,000 grimoires occupy 85% of Index’s brain capacity.
The remaining 15 percent can only accommodate one year of memory.
Therefore, Index must regularly clear her memory every year, otherwise she will die due to the explosion of her brain capacity.
And the time to clear the memory every year is just the last few days.
If during this period of time, Su Mo took Index to somewhere else.
And if Index’s brain capacity has just reached its limit.
She will go into a coma directly due to insufficient brain capacity.
At that time, both Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl were trapped in the basement, and there was no way to erase the memory for Index.
If it goes on like this.
Su Mo, who doesn’t know the specific reason, is likely to seek medical treatment everywhere.
Thus missing the only means of rescue.
Index would also lose her life because of this.
Such a future is completely foreseeable.
And, the possibility is quite high!
“and many more!”
Thinking of this, Kanzaki Kaori couldn’t help but speak.
If you don’t say anything.
It is very likely that Index will die because of this.
Su Mo in front of him will also feel guilty for this for the rest of his life.
Kanzaki Kaori did not want to see such a tragedy happen.
“I can tell you everything!” Kanzaki Kaori said.
She looked at Index in front of her.
“You can’t let her know these things, I can only tell you alone!”
After thinking about it, Kanzaki Kaori felt that this was the only way.
Now, Su Mo is in complete control of the situation.
You must let him know the complete information before you can make a decision.
Kanzaki Kaori believed that if Su Mo was really doing it for Index’s good, he would definitely understand him.
In a few days, the child will have his memory erased.
Can’t let her be the same as last time.
So sorry and so sad. three.
Chapter 118 Newcomer Su Mo Creates Life
“Can’t Index know?”
Su Mo stroked his chin and shook his head. “I have nothing to hide from Index. If you have anything to say, just say it in person.”
Of course he knew why Kanzaki Kaori had to talk to himself alone.
However, it didn’t prevent him from taking this opportunity to gain favor.
Opportunities picked up in vain, do not use them for nothing.
It is clear……
After hearing what Su Mo said.
Index’s favorability continued to rise, almost reaching its peak.
Kanzaki Kaori probably also expected his attitude.
On that front, though, she’s not prepared to back down.
“This is my only request! If you think you can tell her after listening, I won’t stop you.”
“But I’m sure you won’t do that.”
Kanzaki Kaori’s expression was very determined.
She could see that Su Mo really wanted to help Index.
Because of this, he who knows the truth will definitely stand by his side.
She is very confident about it.
After a stalemate between the two.
IndexOffered to leave.
“Anyway, Su Mo will definitely tell me!”
Index looked at him trustingly.
I don’t think Su Mo will listen to Kanzaki Kaori’s words and hide the truth from himself.
“Well, of course.”
Su Mo nodded “September 20”.
“This is an agreement.”
“that would be great!”
Index nodded happily.
Just as she was about to leave the basement, she ran back with small steps.
The silver-haired nun raised her head and looked at Su Mo with clear eyes.
“Although we have made an appointment.”
“However, if Su Mo finds out and feels that he really shouldn’t tell me, I can understand.”
“If Su Mo decides this way, it must be better that I don’t know about it!”
“So, I am willing to trust Su Mo!”
“Whether Su Mo tells me or not, I will believe you!”
After speaking, the little nun left the basement.
Only Kanzaki Kaori with complicated eyes and Stiyl remained.
They always knew that Index was a simple and gentle child.
But I didn’t think of it either.
In just one day, the child had such a good relationship with Su Mo in front of him.
For a year, the real reason for the two of them to hunt down Index.
Even if it is such an important thing.
Even if Index cared about it very much.
But he still handed over the choice to Su Mo.
Whether Su Mo told her or didn’t tell her, it will not affect her letter to Su Mo. ;(!. More,, more: new book:, contact 1;3431.:7!7!4′:78?) Ren.
To be honest, I heard Index say that.
Not to mention Stiyl, Kanzaki Kaori is a little tasteless.
It’s as if the cabbage that I have carefully raised is actively running over to other people’s pigs.
There are mixed feelings in my heart.
Even before, Index’s trust in herself.
I’m afraid it’s not as good as the trust in Su Mo now!
My main god is Kaguya
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