“0.3 If everything is a conspiracy by the Supreme Bishop, then haven’t we been kept in the dark all this time?”
“That child, doesn’t he need to be erased at all?”
Only then did he realize that what he had done was a complete harm to Index.
“It should be.” Su Mo interjected at this moment.
“Since Index is an important weapon of your British Puritanism, either your upper echelons must use some kind of measure to control this weapon.”
“Compared with other methods, there is nothing like clearing memory regularly every year to eliminate potential safety hazards, right?”
He directly pointed out the intention of the Puritan Church in England.
Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl were even more convinced after hearing this.
This is indeed something the Supreme Bishop can do.
Rather, if it weren’t for this, it would be unreasonable for the Supreme Bishop to let Index escape.
That bitch was able to let go with peace of mind, it must be because she had gained control of Index through some means.
And this approach – is the annual memory cleansing.
After realizing that the behavior of the two of them was actually the source of Index’s pain.
Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl both showed very sad expressions.
There was unspeakable regret in his eyes.
Chapter 119 The Philosopher’s Stone, the Gate of Truth
After learning the truth from Su Mo. Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl were very depressed.
After the depression, they proposed that they wanted to go back to the Puritan Church in England for confirmation.
Although he probably believed Su Mo’s words.
But without a thorough confirmation, they are still unwilling.
After thinking about it, Su Mo agreed to their request.
The two were released.
It’s better to let them give up, it will be easier to deal with in the future.
Before leaving, Kanzaki Kaori hesitated for a moment, but couldn’t help asking.
“I heard that the superpowers in Academy City only have one ability.”
“Your power should be to control gravity, gravitational force, etc. Why did you manage to directly interfere with space before?”
Regarding this point, Kanzaki Kaori was very puzzled.
It was precisely because she knew that the other party had only one superpower that she was so careless at the time.
So much so that without noticing, he hit the ground with all his strength.
It was all due to the addition of the stigmata that she was not seriously injured.
If we could have known this earlier, we would have taken precautions.
She may be injured, but she won’t lose her fighting power directly.
Hearing Kanzaki Kaori’s words, Su Mo was a little surprised.
“You still know gravity and gravitational force?”
Kanzaki Kaori looked a little annoyed at what he said.
“Even if I’m a magician and don’t understand science, I still know about gravity!”
She is not stupid!
“Well, it seems that you are not as stupid as I thought.”
Su Mo nodded, and then explained casually. 14;
“The essence of gravity is the distortion of space-time, which in turnIt is not too difficult to use gravity to cause space-time distortion. ”
“Unfortunately, it seems impossible to create a wormhole.”
“I don’t know if it’s because the explanation of general relativity is not complete enough, or we should use the graviton of quantum mechanics to think about the problem at this time.”
After explaining casually, Su Mo shifted his attention to other directions.
Kanzaki Kaori was confused.
She doesn’t understand those scientific theories.
But she finally understood a little bit.
That is, the force that interferes with space seems to be a way of utilizing gravity.
Although it is very surprising that science can connect these two unrelated forces.
But after confirming that the opponent really only has one kind of power, Kanzaki Kaori still breathed a sigh of relief.
A single force is easily restrained.
When we meet next time, I will never lose again——
and many more!
The other party is the benefactor who exposed the conspiracy, so I don’t seem to have any reason to be hostile to him?
That’s when she realized it.
Soon, Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl disappeared before his eyes.
Although it takes less than two days to go back and forth to the Puritan Church in England.
But because, now is approaching the day when Index needs to cleanse her memory.
They have to be in a hurry, go back quickly.
And at this time…
Index in the living room also listened to the recording on Su Mo’s phone and understood all the truth.
The enemy who has been chasing and killing him all this time is actually his companion.
After learning this, Index was completely dumbfounded.
It was hard to understand this.
Another matter, like a dark cloud, shrouded her heart.
“The two of them have already left.” Su Mo walked into the living room and said to Index.
Then, I saw this silver-haired nun, who had always been heartless, running over directly.
Hug yourself.
The silver-haired nun buried her head on Su Mo’s chest, and said in a slightly weeping voice.
“I don’t forget Su Mo! I don’t want to clean my memory!”
Compared to Kanzaki Kaori’s thoughts of these two “bad guys” chasing and killing him.
What Index is more concerned about is that the day when she must cleanse her memory is coming.
That is, all the memories of the year.
Including the memories with Su Mo, all will be washed away.
I will forget everything.
She didn’t want to forget everything, especially Su Mo, the only one who treated her so well.
Seeing Index’s appearance.
Su Mo laughed dumbfoundedly.
No matter how heartless she usually looks, she is still just a girl after all, she never thought that Index would have something to be afraid of.
A hand knife struck Index on the head.
Su Mo said in a firm tone.
“Don’t worry, with me here, I will definitely not let you lose your memory!”
Hearing this, Index’s eyes widened in disbelief.
She thought it was inevitable.
Why listen to Su Mo’s words, there is still a turning point?
“Of course it’s true, when did I lie to you!”
Su Mo said that there is absolutely no problem.
Hearing this, Index finally felt relieved.
She nodded heavily and gave Su Mo a big smile.
“I trust Su Mo!”
“Then thank you nun for your trust.”
Su Mo yawned and looked at the time.
“It’s getting late, you should go to bed too!”
Then, he picked up the little nun and pushed her into the guest room.

After Index fell into a deep sleep.
Su Mo closed his eyes on the bed.
My main god is Kaguya
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