Came to the foggy space.
When I opened my eyes, it was the familiar white mist.
Su Mo walked forward with ease.
Soon, we arrived at the square.
The moment he walked out of the fog.
He saw that in the square, several Su Mo he had seen before were surrounded by a newcomer Su Mo who looked a little strange, looked at the military uniform and had a pocket watch on his waist, as if they were discussing something.
“Is this a newcomer?” Su Mo from the Forbidden World immediately asked curiously.
Although he is also a newcomer who just joined in once, he is familiar with this process.
Without waiting for the answer from the other world.
Su Mo from the Forbidden World directly reached out and put a hand on Su Mo’s shoulder.
Soon, its power was shared.
“The increase in physical strength and spirit is not great… There is no magic power, spiritual power or anything…”
After feeling it carefully, he felt that his body had grown very little.
It’s just a little stronger than normal people.
The spirit is much stronger than that of ordinary people, but it is still nothing compared to the mental power he already possesses.
Is it an ordinary person?
Just when he thought so.
Suddenly noticed, some extra knowledge in the brain.
“Is this…alchemy?”
Su Mo of the Forbidden World finally noticed the change.
Soon, he deduces the newcomer’s world.
“One is all, all is one, this is the world of Fullmetal Alchemist?!”
“That’s right!”
Su Mo of Yuanshen World nodded.
The expression on his face was very happy.
“I just tricked Wendy into the team, and I’m about to deal with the Wind Demon Dragon first.”
“I didn’t expect such good news to appear.”
“With the knowledge and experience of newcomer alchemy, I can be regarded as a master of alchemy now.”
“In this capacity, it will be much more convenient to communicate with Granu and Abedo than before.” Hearing Su Mo from Yuanshen World say so.
Newcomer Su Mo, that is, Su Mo of the steel refining world, nodded.
“The basic part of the alchemy in Tivat is no different from the alchemy on my side.”
“Nothing but understanding,Disassemble and reconstitute. ”
“However, what I’m good at is mainly physics and chemistry.”
“I only know a thing or two about body refinement.”
“Whether it is bioalchemy that Granose is good at, or the method of creation that Abedo is good at, they are all knowledge related to the field of life.”
“If you can obtain their research results, then the application of our alchemy can reach a very wide range!”
Mention the alchemy of the original god world.
Su Mo in the world of steel refining also showed a longing look.
I’ve been in the world of Fullmetal Alchemist for a long time.
Even with his own power from other worlds, he is still more accustomed to using his own alchemy.
As for the creation method of the original god world, he really cares very much.
Creating life is an absolute taboo in his world.
In a world where people are punished for body refining, creating life is simply not allowed.
Su Mo in the steel refining world didn’t dare to try.
If you’re not careful, you can overdo it.
It would be miserable to be swallowed behind the door by that guy named Truth.
Hear the conversation between the two.
Su Mo of Fairy Tail World also had an excited expression on his face.
“If you can obtain the knowledge of bioalchemy and the law of creation…”
“Doesn’t that mean that we can directly use alchemy to create life!”
See them like this.
Su Mo, who was in the wrong world, asked suspiciously.
“Why are you so excited?”
“Creating life sounds really cool…but it doesn’t make much sense.”
It is not that simple to create a life stronger than oneself.
And the creation of a life weaker than oneself doesn’t mean much!
Like a dungeon in his other world.
Monsters are born every day in the dungeon, don’t you see how strong those monsters are?
hear this.
Su Mo of the Forbidden World shook his head and refuted.
“It can’t be said that, the symbolic meaning of creating life is already big enough.”
“If I really learn this kind of alchemy, I can use the ritual of creating life to construct the corresponding spell and obtain part of the power of God.”
“But that’s my opinion, I don’t know why they are so happy.”
With that said, Su Mo from the Forbidden World shook his head.
He looked curiously at the other two Su Mo.
“Does that even matter?”
Su Mo from Fairy Tail World asked back.
“Being able to create life means—”
Having said that, he deliberately paused.
“It means – we can directly create a living Pokémon!” Su Mo from Yuanshen World answered.
One word awakens the dreamer.
Chapter 120 Insane Thoughts
“And this operation!”
It was only then that Su Mo, who was in the Wrong World and the Forbidden World, realized this. yes!
They, who can use receiving magic to transform into Pokémon, know the body structure of Pokémon very well.
If you really learn the method of creation.
They can directly create real Pokémon in their own world.
“If you create a Pikachu to fight Misaka Mikoto.”
Su Mo of the Forbidden World rubbed his chin, finding it very interesting.
The duel between “Pika Pika” and “Pili Pili”.
It’s interesting any way you look at it.
“If I can create lucky eggs, I can directly open a medical clinic!”
Su Mo, who was in the wrong world, was also very excited.
Pokmon’s strength may not be as good as Su Mo’s.
But when it comes to their respective skills, each has its own merits, and many of them are very practical skills.
If it is possible to create medical Pokémon such as Lucky Eggs and Happy Eggs.
I can directly open a medical facility in the future.
Specially for adventurers to recover from injuries.
Absolutely welcome at Orario.
At that time, wouldn’t it be possible to make money lying down?
Hear what the two said.
Su Mo from Yuanshen World smiled.
“Have you two forgotten…Su Mo from the elf world has already gone to capture the beast.”
“If his plan succeeds, then we can even create three holy birds.”
“It’s not impossible to even crack empty seats!”
“And, in addition to Pokmon, you can even create creatures on my side!”
“For example, Wind of Formlessness, Frozen Tree, or Tewarin.”
Alchemy is the ability to transform knowledge into power as long as one has enough knowledge.
My main god is Kaguya
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