Chapter 126: The Loki Familia with Unique Resources
“What, mysterious…”
I heard Su Mo say to keep it secret. Hestia couldn’t help but pouted.
However, she didn’t intend to ask in detail.
There are simply too many puzzles on Su Mo, compared with other puzzles on him.
The plan in his mouth is really nothing.
At least for now, Hestia thinks so.
Mention plans.
Su Mo remembered what Su Mo discussed together in the foggy space before.
——It’s time to find the monsters in the dungeon and do experiments.
Thinking of this, he immediately found out his adventurer novice suit.
“Are you going to the dungeon again?” Hestia couldn’t help asking when he saw Su Mo’s actions.
“Well, there are a few things I want to verify.”
Su Mo nodded.
Equipped in no time.
Even in reality, he doesn’t need these equipments very much.
However, the appearance still has to be made.
“Oh!” Hestia nodded obediently, and then said.
“Even if Su Mo is very strong now, you must be careful!”
Dungeons are not safe places.
“Do not worry!”
Su Mo patted Hestia on the head.
“I won’t let you, Hestia, stay alone!”
“Don’t tease Shangshen, this is disrespect to the gods!”
Hestia glared at Su Mo with reddish cheeks.
Then say goodbye like a newlywed wife.
“Bon voyage, go home early!”
After finishing speaking, Hestia suddenly thought of something and added another sentence.
“Remember, don’t provoke vixen!”
Hearing this, Su Mo waved his hand speechlessly.
“I will try my best!”
Then he pushed the door and left.
Only Hestia was left in place.
920 asked loudly with puffy cheeks.
“What do you mean by trying your best?!” However, Su Mo pretended not to hear it, and did not answer.

After leaving the family residence.
Su Mo soon came to the entrance of the dungeon.
As always, there are quite a few adventurers here.
However, those who go together are basically adventurers from the same family.
Just when Su Mo was about to go in directly.
A dozen meters away, there was a weak aura that he hadn’t noticed all this time. After hesitating for a moment, he suddenly walked towards him.
“Excuse me, Mr. Adventurer, do you need a supporter?”
A little girl who looked very petite and younger than her blue ribbon goddess boldly asked.
In Orario, people with this body type are quite common.
Whether it is a small human race or a dwarf race, they are much shorter than normal humans.
Dwarves are generally good at smelting, and they also have advantages in strength, and often have strange power skills.
Small humans do not have this advantage.
However, there is a certain talent in appearance.
The men and women of the small people generally look very young.
Even if she is dozens of years old, she still looks like an ordinary human loli or Zhengtai.
However, Su Mo can be sure that the little girl in front of him should indeed be only a teenager.
“Little people?” Su Mo couldn’t help asking curiously after feeling a certain sense of sight.
The little girl with the hood took off her hat.
It revealed dark red hair and a pair of furry animal ears.
“Lily is a canine!” the little girl said.
“The dog people at this age… have come out to be (bead) supporters?” Su Mo said meaningfully.
In fact, when he saw the pair of animal ears, he had already realized the identity of the little girl in front of him.
Lily Luca Ode.
One of the female characters who suffered quite a tragedy in the original book.
His parents died early, and the family he was staying with was a family of alcoholics.
Usually not only did not get the care of the family members, but was even bullied and beaten by the family members, and even robbed of money.
For a little girl, such a living environment is not bad.
It can be said that she did have a very sympathetic experience.
It’s just that, compared to her tragic fate, she is not a purely positive character.
She has also done things to deceive adventurers and steal their property.
Although it is not fatal, but it is absolutely not uncommon to make money.
It is precisely because of this that the evaluation of her is a little complicated.
this time……
She focused on Su Mo, probably because Su Mo looked like a stranger, and the equipment was obviously a novice suit.
That’s why I came here, thinking that I could squeeze a little oil from him.
Hear Su Mo ask.
Lily Luca showed an expression of indescribability.
“Everyone in the family prefers to drink and doesn’t like to explore dungeons, and Lily is relatively petite, so they don’t want to hire me.”
Saying so, Lilyluka raised her head and explained.
“Actually, Lily has weight-bearing skills, so she will definitely not hold back.”
What she said is not a lie.
Basically it’s all true.
Therefore, it is easy to attract people’s sympathy.
Of course, it is also easy to attract scum who want to bully the weak.
For this kind of role, Su Mo will not be too harsh.
If the other party asks for help, he doesn’t mind reaching out to help.
“If you can restrain the malice in your heart, I don’t mind helping you.”
Su Mo shook his head.
Lilyluka’s expression froze when she heard this.
“Wh, what malice, is this Mr. Adventurer wrong? Lily is not malicious!”
She thinks her acting is very natural, and it wasn’t really a lie.
But why did the other party say that?
Just when she was racking her brains to think of how to break the situation.
Su Mo spoke again.
“Wanting to obtain property that does not belong to you is also a kind of malice.”
After finishing speaking, Su Mo had no intention of continuing the conversation with her.
Step forward directly and walk towards the dungeon.
Only Lilyluka, whose back was covered in cold sweat, was left looking at his back in panic.
“Who is this guy?”
“Could it be that he has mind reading skills?!”
Lily Luca panicked completely.
My main god is Kaguya
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