She didn’t expect that the fat sheep randomly selected would have this ability.
He looks like a novice adventurer, but he seems to have the ability to read emotions or minds.
Fortunately, the other party did not expose himself on the spot.
Otherwise, if the matter of her transformation into magic is revealed.
Lililuka’s biggest hole card is about to fail.
“No matter what, you must stay away from this man next time!”
Lililuka thought about it, and swore in her heart.
For a person like her who is accustomed to using fraud to obtain property.
People with mind reading skills are simply her natural enemies.
When she thought of the picture of the other party exposing her plot, she felt terrible.

Su Mo, who had already entered the dungeon, didn’t pay attention.
Just a few words by myself caused such a big psychological shadow on Lily Luka.
After entering the dungeon, he forgot about this supporter.
Compared to this, the matter of the Philosopher’s Stone is much more important.
In terms of refining the Philosopher’s Stone.
The monsters in the dungeon, even if they are shallow, have a considerable degree of intelligence.
Originally, it could also be tried as a material.
However, there are too many adventurers wandering within a dozen floors, and the number of monsters is not enough.
Coupled with the matter of refining the Philosopher’s Stone, Su Mo felt that it still needed to be kept secret.
After thinking about it, I continued to go deeper.
Sure enough, the deeper you went, the fewer adventurers there were.
After reaching the thirtieth floor, there was no one there.
For Su Mo, this is a very convenient situation.
Go around a little bit.
He attracted the hatred of more than a hundred monsters.
LV3 level monsters directly formed the trend of monsters, chasing Su Mo’s figure all the time.
Probably after feeling that the number is enough.
Su Mo stopped,
Before the monsters were about to pounce on him—
“Gravity suppression!”
The super power was activated, and suddenly, the gravity in the area around Su Mo instantly became ten times stronger.
More than a hundred monsters were directly overwhelmed by this enormous gravity.
Even the bones are broken.
Although he didn’t die like this directly, he couldn’t move at all.
This situation was exactly what Su Mo wanted.
He who has already seen the door of truth does not need to draw a formation.
Clap your hands.
Alchemy to refine the Philosopher’s Stone is activated immediately.
A bright red light begins to bloom.
The monsters bound by Su Mo lost their lives silently.
And in Su Mo’s hands.
A bright red stone gradually took shape.
give joy to suffering;
give battle to victory;
regenerate the dead;
This is the promise made by the blood-red stone, which people respectfully call – “Sage’s Stone”!
“It’s really possible!”
Su Mo was overjoyed.
If the monster can extract the Philosopher’s Stone, then for him, he can perform a lot of operations.
Many plans discussed before can be tried to implement.
“Furthermore, this size…is actually much larger than the weight of a human being!”
Notice the size of the Philosopher’s Stone in his hand.
Compared with the brain knowledge, the same amount of human-weight Philosopher’s Stone in the steel refining world.
Su Mo found that the amount of sage stones that these monsters could refine was dozens of times that of ordinary people.
“I don’t know, does this have anything to do with the strength of the monster.”
LV3 level monsters are naturally much stronger than humans.
Although, theoretically, there should be no direct relationship between the monster’s strength and the amount of Philosopher’s Stone that can be refined.
The decisive factor should be the amount of mental strength.
However, the stronger the monster, the more spiritual energy it may contain.
Therefore, it is very likely that the higher the strength of the monster, the more sage stones it can refine.
“This aspect needs to be verified.”
As for the verification method, you only need to find the same number of other level monsters.
Refining it into a Philosopher’s Stone, just compare it.
Chapter 127: Refia Swears
Holding the Philosopher’s Stone in his palm, Su Mo looked around at the corpses of monsters. Because all lose their lives.
The corpse of the monster quickly dissipated.
This is the norm in dungeons.
The only unusual thing is–
Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Mo showed an expression he had expected.
“Magic stones, all are gone.”
Kill monsters to upgrade magic stones.
This should have been… a standard configuration for dungeons.
Occasionally, if you are lucky, you will drop solid materials from monsters, which can be used as weapons or something.
This is a normal thing in the dungeon.
But at this moment.
After Su Mo used alchemy to refine it.
The magic stone that should have appeared disappeared along with the corpses of the monsters.
“The composition of the Philosopher’s Stone should be closely related to the magic stone.”
Su Mo already had this guess.
The core of energy for the monsters in the dungeon comes from the magic stones in their bodies.
Their structure is actually very similar to that of the steel refining of man-made humans.
The core of the artificial man in the world of steel refining is the Philosopher’s Stone.
As long as the Philosopher’s Stone is not destroyed.
or be consumed.
Artificial humans basically don’t die.
This is so similar to a monster.
Although the specific ingredients are different, it can be inferred from the scene in front of you.
Magic stone is one of the most important materials that monsters can refine into a sage’s stone.
Therefore, after refining the Philosopher’s Stone, the magic stone will disappear.
It’s just that I don’t know if it’s just a magic stone, can it be refined into a sage’s stone.
This point is worth trying.
After deciding in my heart.
Su Mo continued to go deep into the dungeon.
In order to widen the gap in the strength level of monsters.
Observe whether LV4-level monsters can produce more Philosopher’s Stones than LV3-level monsters.
Su Mo sank nearly ten floors in one breath.
My main god is Kaguya
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