Not only are they not novice adventurers, they are at least first-tier adventurers, with a level above LV5.
Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to appear here alone.
I analyzed a lot just now and referred to the opinions obtained from a lot of people.
Completely overturned at this moment.
The man in front of him simply became stronger at an astonishing speed.
And not only in the novice stage, the speed of becoming stronger in the veteran stage is also amazing.
It is purely a BUG level existence!
After realizing this.
Refiya was shocked at first, and after the shock, she immediately thought of something.
He turned to look at Ace beside him.
Ace’s expression was so shocked that she was completely at a loss.
At this time…
The head of the Loki family, Finn, looked at Refia curiously.
“Mr. Su Mo, does Refiya know him?”
“Can you introduce us?”
Hearing Refiya exclaim Su Mo’s name directly.
Finn thought that the two knew each other, and suddenly his eyes lit up.
Although the Loki family is the leading family of Orario.
But there are only three LV6 adventurers now.
The lone traveler in front of him is very likely to be at the LV6 level. As a leader, he naturally wants to say hello and make friends.
Even if it’s just a nodding acquaintance, it will be useful if the club is uncertain in the future.
Even if the opponent only has LV5, he still belongs to the bold and bold type.
There is no harm in getting to know one more friend.
I heard Captain Finn say so.
Refia looked a little hesitant.
introduce? How to introduce?
With a wry smile, she said so.
“This Mr. Su Mo is the one Ai Si always wanted to ask about how to become stronger.”
She tried to put it as euphemistically as possible.
It’s a pity that there is such a carefree guy as Diona.
After hearing Refiya’s words, she suddenly realized.
“Oh! It’s the man who was said to have dumped Aisi-chan before!”
Then he looked at Su Mo curiously again.
“So handsome and so strong, no wonder our sword girls have taken a fancy to her!”
“Hahaha! If Lord Loki finds out, he won’t be able to hold back his tears!”
Saying that, Tiona laughed heartily.
It seems that he is flattered by the main god of his family, and he is very happy to hear it.
“The man who dumped Aisi…”
Captain Finn froze for a moment.
And immediately understood who Refia was referring to.
――Is this the one who makes Ai Si not think about tea or food for a few days?
He looked at Su Mo curiously.
LeviSo does Leah.
Although she had heard it from Ais before, this was the first time she had seen the rumored man.
I remember that I was just a novice adventurer a few days ago, but now I have become a first-line adventurer.
Could it be that the opponent had hidden his strength before?
Just when they were about to exchange pleasantries and apologize to Su Mo for what Ai Si had done before.
The two found that at some point, Ai Si had already walked in front of each other.
“You… have become stronger again!”
Ai Si raised her head and looked at Su Mo, her tone full of determination.
After the initial shock, she remembered what Refia said earlier.
One thing is absolutely certain.
That is, Su Mo not only became stronger at an astonishing speed, but also reached an astonishing level of strength.
According to what Refia said before.
Su Mo’s method of quickly becoming stronger at a high level.
It is the most suitable method or experience for him to learn now.
none of them.
It is estimated that Refia hadn’t thought of it before.
What I said not only did not relieve Ai Si’s attachment to Su Mo.
On the contrary, it will heighten this.
“A little bit.”
Hearing Ai Si’s question, Su Mo nodded.
The last time I saw this guy, I was still at LV2.
Now it’s LV3.
Naturally, it has become stronger.
However, for Su Mo, this enhancement is nothing more than an improvement in basic quality.
Not a big change.
However, for Ais, this is not a situation that can be taken lightly.
It’s only been a few days.
The opponent directly became stronger to the level of a first-line adventurer.
It’s almost like getting stronger while breathing.
After hearing Su Mo admit this.
Ai Si really wanted to speak, and asked Su Mo to teach herself again.
When I was about to speak.
She thought of Su Mo’s rejection before, and also of Riveria’s teaching.
Immediately, she became confused.
Biting his lips lightly, he dared not speak.
He looked at Su Mo like a stray puppy looking forward to being adopted.
Shiny and looking forward to it.
But he didn’t dare to get close, for fear of being hated.
It is really rare for Olalie’s well-known swordsman to show such a pitiful posture.
Even Riveria, the mother-like existence who has been taking care of Ais since she was a child.
I’ve never seen Ace like this before.
However, she does know Ace’s current psychology.
So there was no dissuasion, just a sigh.
Seeing this scene, Lefiya’s heart was about to bleed.
When could Ai Si act like a baby to herself like this!
If this scene can be exchanged, Refia feels that she is willing to give up ten years of her life.
No, twenty years!
A very slight sound slightly attracted Lefia’s attention.
At a glance, the werewolf Bert, the forward of the family, clenched his fist tightly.
After seeing Ai Si’s eyes on Su Mo.
Refiya is heartbroken.
Burt the werewolf almost had bloodshot eyes.
However, he, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, did not make a sound at this moment, and kept silent all the time.
For Bert the werewolf who always liked to advocate the posture of the strong.
My main god is Kaguya
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