Facing Su Mo, a guy who crushed him no matter in terms of speed or strength, he had no room to speak.
Since accepting the privilege of the strong over the weak.
Then accept the privilege of the stronger over the stronger.
This is two sides of the same coin.
In short, seeing the werewolf Bert looks like this.
Refiya suddenly felt that this grumpy senior seemed a little pitiful.
However, he absolutely cannot let him notice the pity in his eyes.
Otherwise, a werewolf with strong self-esteem will definitely come to trouble him.
And in the center of everyone’s eyes.
Su Mo didn’t notice the delicate emotions of other people.
Looking at Ace in front of her.
He suddenly remembered the guy he met when he entered the dungeon just now.
So far, as a time traveler.
He didn’t even get the necessary magical skill for a traverser-storage space.
Although Academy City’s superpower gravitational manipulation can interfere with space.
But also not to the extent of creating space.
If you go to the depths of the dungeon by yourself and fight against monsters.
Compared to the time to kill monsters.
The time used to attract hatred and collect magic stones may be spent more.
In this case, the efficiency is too low.
If there is a quick-moving tool person who is good at pulling hatred and can be a coolie to help him.
The efficiency of obtaining magic stones by yourself can be greatly improved.
The time required to accumulate enough Philosopher’s Stones will also be greatly shortened.
Think here.
Su Mo looked in front of him, looking at his blond girl expectantly.
Yes, an excellent tool person candidate.
So, he immediately asked.
“Are you interested…to be my supporter?”
hear this.
Ai Si, who had a downcast expression and thought she would not be accepted, immediately raised her head in surprise.
“I do!”
She agreed directly.
Even if the other party didn’t say what the reward was.
Ace didn’t care either.
Compared with the attitude of directly refusing before, wouldn’t it be great that I can help now?
Even if it is regarded as a tool by the other party.
She is also willing.
Because only by becoming a tool person first, can it be possible to get the experience of the other party.
In the past, even if she wanted to be a tool person, she couldn’t do it!
So, there is no reason to say no! .
No. 1Chapter 30 Balor, King of the Fermor Clan
Hear the conversation between the two. Everyone in the Loki family looked at each other in blank dismay.
Low-level adventurers act as supporters for high-level adventurers.
This kind of thing is indeed very common.
During the internal expedition of the Loki family.
The second-line adventurers of LV3-LV4 will basically help the first-line adventurers to do chores and serve as supporters.
However, this is the top-level match that they, the premier family, will have.
Let the first-line adventurers of LV5 level be the supporters.
Not to mention unheard of, at least it is something that Olalie has never experienced.
Even LV6 adventurers don’t have the qualifications, do they?
The Su Mo in front of them, according to their speculation, should be at the LV6 level.
After all, in Orario.
There is only one LV7 adventurer.
――Ota, the mighty one of Freya’s family.
As for this Ota, several of their giants have seen it before, and it is not the man in front of them at all.
They were about to say something.
I didn’t expect it.
Aisi immediately agreed to the other party’s request impatiently.
Moreover, he looked happy, as if he had received some kind of reward.
Refiya and the others were instantly dumbfounded.
What kind of dog-licking behavior is this?
The other party didn’t promise you at all that he would teach you the skills to become stronger!
Did you promise a little too soon?
And why so happy.
If Ais was a dog-human race, they even suspected that the tail behind Ais would wag directly at this time.
Finn couldn’t help covering his face.
He felt that after returning, it was necessary to propose to God Loki to strengthen Aisi’s education.
Riveria understood Aisi’s thoughts.
But I also felt that it was inappropriate for her to promise so readily.
When preparing to dissuade.
Ai Si suddenly looked at them, with some hesitation in her eyes.
Riveria and the others breathed a sigh of relief.
Fortunately, the little idiot Ai Si is not stupid enough.
I also know to ask myself and others for their opinions.
Thinking this way, she heard Aisi’s words.
“Rivelia, Finn… If you want to be a supporter, what about the expedition?” Aisi asked with a look of embarrassment.
Finn sprayed directly on Grace with a sip of water.
“Cough cough cough!”
Started to cough violently.
They also thought that Ai Si was hesitating whether she really wanted to be that man’s supporter.
After all, they still have an expedition.
But did not expect.
In Ai Si’s mind, becoming Su Mo’s supporter was already a given.
Not thinking about it now.
Do you want to give up being a supporter for the expedition?
but thinking about it.
Do you want to give up the expedition just to become a supporter?
Now Finn and others have finally experienced the state of mind of being a parent to a certain extent.
What does it mean for a daughter to be extroverted? This is extroversion.
Before the horoscope was written, the elbow was turned outward.
Finn and Riveria were very calm at first, thinking that the rumors about Jian Ji falling in love were just rumors.
However this moment.
The three giants of the Loki family looked at each other, and found the answer they wanted from each other’s eyes.
Definitely (this book is organized by [F,l;i’;pped].! (more; many new books..link.? Department:;134:3′,1.7,’7!”4!’78) yes Adultery!
If Little Ais hadn’t taken a fancy to the other party, no matter what, it would be impossible to achieve this level.
After confirming this.
My main god is Kaguya
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