Some of the Big Three didn’t know what to say.
Naturally, the relationship between the children of the dependent family should be supported.
Su Mo in front of him looks so young, powerful and handsome.
To be honest, it is very pleasing to the eye to match with Ace.
Even if they are Aisi’s elders, they have to admit that they are a good match.
It’s just that they don’t know Su Mo well.
I don’t know if I can entrust Ais to him.
Also, now is not the time to think about it.
Not to mention whether it should be entrusted or not, little Aisi is ready to run away with other men.
If you don’t speak again, it will be too late.
“Excuse me, is Mr. Su Mo planning to take Aisi on a deep exploration?” Finn took a step forward and asked.
Su Mo nodded.
“For some reason, I need a lot of magic stones recently.”
“If you explore alone, the efficiency of obtaining magic stones will be too low.”
“Half the level of supporters is not enough, so if there are suitable adventurers as support, it will be much more convenient for me.”
He knew that the other party was the head of the Loki family.
As the leader of the family, he is indeed qualified to ask about the whereabouts of other family members.
So I don’t mind the other party’s inquiry, just answer truthfully.
He glanced at the people who were on the expedition.
Su Mo added casually.
“Of course, if you want to go on an expedition now, I can wait a few days.”
“As long as it’s not too long, I’m not in a hurry here.”
“Of course, if it takes too long, I will reconsider.”
He has high requirements for supporters.
So have enough patience.
Not only are there hard conditions in terms of strength, but being able to keep secrets is the most important thing.
A person like Ai Si who doesn’t like to talk naturally fits this point.
Therefore, after careful consideration, Su Mo did not intend to replace others.
However, what I thought in my heart, I couldn’t say it like that.
As a qualified capitalist, it is impossible for tool people to realize their irreplaceability.
After hearing what Su Mo said.
aceHis expression instantly became tense.
“Don’t worry! No, it won’t be too long!”
She said so immediately, and then looked at Finn and Riveria with pleading eyes.
Being looked at by her like this.
The two LV6 members of the family showed wry smiles.
“This expedition will not last long.”
Finn nodded.
“After all, this time is just to clear the road, and the official expedition is the next time.”
“With our current manpower, even if Ai Si leaves now, it doesn’t really matter.”
A formal expedition will definitely take a lot of time.
But this time it was different.
They have already penetrated to the forty-third floor, and they only planned to continue to explore the fifth floor.
It is enough to reach the forty-eighth floor at most.
As for the stratum masters on the forty-ninth floor, they have no intention of challenging them.
That is the target that needs to be reserved for the next official expedition with more preparations.
After all, the stratum master on the forty-ninth floor.
Its strength has reached LV7.
Even this time, there is a magician fort called Riveria.
They didn’t dare to try rashly if they were not fully prepared.
Finn said this.
Mainly to explain along the words of Ai Si.
Otherwise, if Su Mo really thinks the time is too long.
If she really went to someone else to be her supporter, wouldn’t little Aisi have to blame them to death.
They don’t want to stand in the way of young people’s romances.
After hearing his words, Ai Si’s eyes lit up.
“Really, Finn?” she asked slightly concerned.
“Is it okay if I leave now?”
ah this…
Finn fell silent.
Just so impatiently walking with your sweetheart?
Alas, he couldn’t understand the enthusiasm of young people.
However, if the child Ai Si can change from thinking about becoming stronger all the time, she becomes interested in other things.
It is also a good thing for her growth.
So, after thinking it over, Finn nodded.
The floor master that should be eliminated has been eliminated.
There was no big fight after that.
In addition, several of their LV6s are here, and LV5s such as Diona and Dione are also here.
Even if Aisi’s LV5 combat power is not there, it doesn’t matter.
Therefore, if Aisi wants to leave, it will have no effect on the expedition team.
more importantly.
Even if Su Mo and Ai Si plan to continue going deep into the dungeon.
With the strength of the two of them, they can reach the forty-eighth floor at most.
The owner of the forty-ninth floor, they should also be incapable of attacking.
Perhaps if they pack lightly and avoid monsters, they will be faster.
But not too much faster.
Sooner or later, their expedition team will catch up with the two.
That way, you don’t have to worry about security.
If Ai Si and Su Mo are in danger or something.
I and others still have the ability to rescue them.
Of course, if it is really in danger.
Except rescue.
They will definitely stop Ace from continuing this dangerous activity.
If there is no danger, everyone will be happy.
(Promised) It can also prove that Su Mo does have the ability to single-handedly brush with Ai Si.
Be a leader.
Finn made the decision after considerable thought had gone on in his head.
Let Ai Si follow Su Mo in front of her to explore.
whether in danger or not.
He has the strength to make amends and retains the ability to react in the next step.
Ace here.
She naturally didn’t know that Finn had considered so much for her.
However, she knew that it was Finn’s special care that she could leave the team temporarily.
So, she immediately bowed to Finn gratefully.
“Thank you, Captain!”
“Yeah!” Finn nodded, and then said to Ace.
My main god is Kaguya
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