In just a few minutes, the two of them crossed the fifth floor and reached the forty-ninth floor.
This time, it wasn’t that Su Mo wanted to stop.
His goal is not this shallow.
The reason why they stopped was because the monsters on the forty-ninth floor blocked most of the direction of the passage.
Although it is not impossible to detour.
But compared to doing this, it would be easier to get rid of this monster.
After making a decision, the wings of the storm behind Su Mo dissipated and landed directly on the ground.
And beside him, Ais felt the supersonic flight for the first time.
Pretty face was completely pale.
She grabbed Su Mo’s arm, but her leg was not weak, but (bead) her arm was a little sore.
Now, Ace finally understood.
Su Mo taught her how to use the Wing of Wind simply to let her go faster.
And Su Mo’s speed.
It’s really only hundreds of millions faster than the speed of ordinary flying monsters.
Even a person like her who frequently engages in high-mobility combat can barely adapt to that speed.
Moreover, I would think of the sonic boom cloud I saw when I crossed the speed of sound.
Although Aisi didn’t know the formation principle of that thing.
However, I know that it is absolutely impossible for ordinary speed to be achieved.
At least it is many times of his full speed.
“Can you still bear it?”
Seeing Ai Si’s expression, Su Mo asked.
Ace nodded immediately.
She wasn’t trying to be brave.
But I really feel that I can adapt to it.
After all, she has been using [Wind Spirit Sprint] for many years, and she has quite a lot of experience in the speed of explosive growth.
In addition, for the Wing of Wind that Su Mo just made on her.
It also surprised her.
Although he knew that Su Mo was very strong, he became strong very quickly.But it was the first time that Ai Si knew that Su Mo’s attainments in wind elemental magic were actually so powerful.
He is countless times stronger than himself who has been using the magic of wind all year round.
It is easy to build such a sensitive and fast usage.
And it also took into account [Wind Spirit Rush]’s own comprehensive defense against the body.
It is completely an extension technique for oneself [Wind Spirit Sprint].
After realizing this, she finally understood why Su Mo commented on her magic like that before.
— Flexible, but not flexible enough.
Indeed, one’s own magic is naturally very flexible compared to others.
After all, the magic of all-round improvement is also very rare in the whole of Orario.
However, compared with Su Mo’s use method, it pales in comparison.
At least for now, when it comes to flying.
The way to use the Wings of Wind is to completely beat the gliding intermittent flight of [Wind Spirit Sprint].
If you can master this flying method proficiently.
Later, she will be more mobile when dealing with monsters.
Even in the face of flying monsters, as long as she can master the Wing of Wind proficiently, she has the confidence to catch up with them.
And this Wing of Wind.
It’s just the magic taught by the other party to make it easier for him to travel.
Aisi didn’t know how powerful it would be if it was magic used for fighting.
Now she only knows a little.
There is nothing wrong with your own choice.
Therefore, you must listen to Teacher Su Mo’s words in the future, and you must not be disliked by him or driven away by him.
Otherwise, I will miss this greatest opportunity.
For her who wants to become stronger, this is unacceptable no matter what.
Thinking of this, her expression became very serious.
And at this time…
The floor master, who was watching eagerly from the side, also noticed the adventurer who came in front of him.
Adventurers are the enemies of monsters, this is an unquestionable truth.
Let out a roar that belongs to a monster.
The gigantic monster assumed an attacking posture.
After noticing this, Aisi’s back immediately burst into cold sweat.
Because she didn’t master the Wings of Wind, it was always Su Mo who took her to fly.
She didn’t know the specific floor where it descended.
However, after feeling the tyrannical aura of this huge monster, she immediately understood where it was.
He also immediately understood the identity of the monster in front of him.
Only an LV7 floor master can have this kind of desperate aura that makes her, an LV5, have no chance of winning at all.
However, having said that, she didn’t feel really hopeless.
After finally getting Teacher Su Mo to accept him, how could he die here? !
Holding the long sword in her hand tightly, fighting spirit was ignited in Ai Si’s heart.
the other side……
Su Mo looked at the monster in front of him with an expression of interest.
“King of the Fomor, Balor?”.
Chapter 132 The task of the supporter’s job master
Balor, King of the Fomor. Said the name may not be famous.
But in the myths and legends, as well as various adapted stories, the legend of the evil-eyed demon king Balor is widely spread.
According to legend, – Balor has two eyes.
One of them has been closed tightly, unable to see his eye-ball.
And once this closed eye is opened, within its visual range, whether it is a human or a god, it will die immediately.
In Celtic mythology.
In the second war between the Danu Protoss and the deep-sea giants, the Fomor Clan.
With his magic eye, Balor killed everything he saw.
Even including the god king of the former Daedanu Protoss, the silver-armed giant Nuada.
Compared to Balor itself.
The story of his magic eye spread even more widely.
The prototype of the magic eye of death in Xingyue world is also the dead eye of Balor.
Even among the gods, Balor’s status has always been very special because of the magic eye that can kill even gods with a single glance.
However, in Orario where the gods gather.
But there is no god named Balor.
It’s just that in the dungeon, there is a LV7 monster named Balor.
Su Mo has always been curious about this.
Gods and monsters are sometimes united in mythology, and sometimes they are distinguished.
Apparently, in Wrong World, Balor is considered one of the monsters.
“It’s just a monster of LV7 level, so it shouldn’t have the original magic eye!” Su Mo muttered softly.
“What magic eye?”
Ace on the side was a little puzzled.
In her world, there are no Celtic myths.
“A skill that can attack with eyes.”
Su Mo explained casually.
My main god is Kaguya
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