Then, he noticed right away.
In the distance, Balor, the floor master, had one eye that shone with an ominous red light.
After feeling its energy fluctuations, Su Mo didn’t notice any danger.
“It looks like it should be just a low-end version.”
His tone was slightly disappointed.
If it is the original magic eye.
If you’re lucky, if the materials drop out, you might have a chance to get Balor’s Dead Eye.
It’s a pity that it’s not the original magic eye in mythology.
However, he had already expected this.
A mere LV7 monster naturally cannot have the power to kill gods.
According to Su Mo’s estimation, there is no problem for a monster of this level to destroy the mountain.
But that’s about it for the highest strength.
Not to mention the gods, they are far worse than ordinary beasts.
Even this monster has some kind of magic eyes.
I guess evenA low-end version that can’t beat the magic resistance of Godslayer.
It doesn’t really make much sense.
Therefore, there is no need to continue to observe.
Thinking of this, Su Mo stopped staying any longer.
When preparing to step forward.
Ais beside her drew out the long sword at her waist first.
“Teacher Su Mo! I’ll test the enemy first! You come to formulate a strategy!”
Follow the usual style of fighting with other teammates.
She is ready to fight the enemy.
Create opportunities for Su Mo who is obviously stronger than himself. Let him take the opportunity to output and defeat the opponent.
However, Aisi was about to muster up the courage to step forward.
But Su Mo grabbed the clothes at the back of his neck and pulled them back directly.
“Leave the title of teacher aside for now.”
“The monster in front of you doesn’t need your hand.”
“Didn’t it be agreed before that your role is to be a supporter, just pick up the magic stones.”
Hearing Su Mo’s words, Ai Si was stunned.
“Teacher, are you going to deal with this monster alone?”
This is a level LV7 monster.
Moreover, because it is the owner of the floor, its strength in all aspects is stronger than that of ordinary LV7.
How could a monster of this level be able to be dealt with by an LV6——
and many more!
Thinking of this, Aisi’s pupils shrank sharply.
Could it be, Mr. Su Mo is not actually LV6, he has already reached LV7, right?
In other words, there are now two adventurers of the highest level in Orario?
Consider this possibility.
She immediately opened her eyes wide, watching Su Mo’s actions.
I want to use this to analyze whether Teacher Su Mo is a strong person who has reached the LV7 level.
However, the next scene.
Let Ai Si’s abacus come to nothing.
Su Mo raised his head and glanced at the huge monster.
Then, he took a step forward.
Hands together.
A magic circle emerged from him.
Covers the entire open space in no time.
The huge magic circle completely enveloped the figure of the floor master Balor.
Immediately after…
“The law of goblins!”
Su Mo directly activated the magic.
The ruthless light instantly defeated the monster directly.
After the light dissipated.
The floor master Balor just fell to the ground.
When used back and forth, no more than ten seconds.
See this scene.
Ace was completely bewildered.
If it is said that it is the hallmark of an LV7 adventurer to have an evenly matched battle with an LV7 floor master and then defeat him with difficulty.
Then who can tell her.
With a direct move, this floor is mastered in seconds.
What level of adventurer is the sign?
Is this really the combat power that LV7 level adventurers can possess?
If it wasn’t for a huge magic stone lying there tens of meters away.
Ai Si even thought that she was dreaming just now, or saw some illusion.
The unparalleled strength that Su Mo showed just now.
More like a god than an adventurer.
Thinking of this, Ai Si couldn’t help but speak hesitantly.
“Teacher Su Mo… are you really human?”
She looked at Su Mo with doubts in her pupils.
“Of course.” Su Mo glanced at her, and immediately gave an affirmative answer.
Perhaps in the future, there will be God? Su Mo, demon? Su Mo and other races of him appearing.
However, as long as there is another world, he is a human being.
Su Mo’s identity as a human being is beyond doubt.
Not to mention, Su Mo in all the current worlds is not out of the category of human beings.
…seeking flowers 0…
Hear Su Mo’s acknowledgment.
Ace breathed a sigh of relief.
Immediately, his eyes became hot.
“Can humans…can actually become so strong?”
She felt that her worldview had been refreshed.
“If I show this level, it should be fine.”
After thinking for a while, Su Mo gave a responsible answer.
Just kill LV7 level monsters in seconds.
Whether it is in Olalie or in other worlds, it is far from reaching the level of an alien world.
In the wrong world, human potential is not low at all.
Hearing Su Mo’s affirmation, Ai Si clenched her fists excitedly.
If one day, I can become so powerful.
Maybe even my father can surpass it.
And my long-cherished wish to become stronger…
Just when she was full of emotion in her heart.
Su Mo’s voice sounded again.
“Where are you staying in a daze?”
… 0;
“Do you still want me to help you with your job?”
Ruthless urging from the boss.
Let Ai Si’s thoughts be directly interrupted.
When she regained her senses, the breeze around her turned into an afterimage with a slight jump.
My main god is Kaguya
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