As long as he can stay by Su Mo’s side and get a way to become stronger, that’s all.
Thinking of this, Ace nodded immediately.
“I will work hard!”
She is confident in attracting monsters and fighting.
Massage tea, bed making, singing and so on.
She has no experience.
Therefore, this aspect still has to be addedStrong learning.
I can only try hard.
“very good!”
Su Mo was very satisfied with Aisi’s attitude.
If you have this motivation, you will be able to become a qualified supporter sooner or later.
Although, this so-called “supporter” is Su Mo’s subjective limited fusion of PRO, PLUS, and + versions.
After Ai Si nodded in agreement.
Su Mo didn’t waste time either.
Immediately let her go to attract monsters.
With Ace’s current level of agility.
Level LV5 monsters, even if gathered in a pile, should not be able to harm her.
After Aisi got the task, she immediately drew the long sword from her waist.
After calling out the magic [Wind Spirit Sprint] to wrap itself.
She began to try, using the wind element control method that Su Mo had taught her before.
not for a while.
Behind Ais, a pair of simple wind wings appeared.
Her maneuverability was immediately greatly improved.
The Wings of Wind flapped quietly.
Wrapped in the gust of wind, Aisi immediately rushed to the monster not far ahead.
After leaving a scar on the monster and successfully attracting hatred.
Ace stopped there.
While she was in the air, Wings of Wind just turned slightly and took her to the next monster.
Then, repeat the same trick again, leaving a scar on the next monster, enraging it.
With the flexibility of Wings of Wind, Aisi is very light and smooth.
Within a few minutes, it attracted nearly a hundred LV5 level monsters, chasing him all the time.
This amount is already the limit of what she can do at present.
If there were more, they might be overwhelmed by the tide of monsters.
So, after reaching the limit.
Ace turned back directly.
According to the previous agreement, the monster was led to Su Mo.
And Su Mo’s side.
Looking at the rushing tide of monsters, he showed a satisfied smile.
“Sure enough, it’s different to have tools.”
It’s much easier than doing it by himself.
“Teacher Su Mo!”
A light landing.
Ai Si removed the breeze around her body and stood behind Su Mo…
Seeing the surge of monsters coming from behind, she was a little startled.
Even with her strength, this is definitely a monster that is difficult to deal with.
However, behind Su Mo, she didn’t have any worries.
He can instantly kill LV7 level monsters with one move, isn’t it easy to deal with these monsters.
But the reality is exactly the same as she thought.
Watching the tide of monsters in front of you.
Su Mo just clapped his palms together.
“The law of goblins!”
The familiar bright light flashed by.
After the light faded, there were magic stones all over the ground.
See these magic stones.
Ai Si finally understood why Su Mo wanted to find a supporter.
With such a large piece of magic stones, it took a lot of time to clean them up.
However, this is also the time to show your worth.
Therefore, Ai Si is not lazy.
Before Su Mo could give an order, she went forward consciously and collected all the magic stones.
After liberation, Su Mo was completely free.
Watching Ai Si busy.
He was sitting on a rock, leisurely looking at the Philosopher’s Stone in his hand, thinking about the future plan.
Wait until Aisi collects all the magic stones.
The next round of harvest.
It started again.
Repeated tricks.
The wings of wind behind Aisi fluttered.
Fly to a place not far away, once again to pull the monster’s hatred.
And it didn’t take long.
Another bunch of monsters were attracted by her.
The bright light lit up again and again.
Wave after wave of monsters were attracted by Aisi.
Leaving piles and piles of magic stones.
piled up in the shape of a hill.
Probably when the sixth wave is attracted.
The time needed by Aisi began to increase significantly.
It seems that this layer, which is relatively rich in monsters, has been attracted.
Only some remote and hard-to-find solitary monsters remained, scattered around.
It is starting to be a bit difficult to gather enough numbers for a wave.
In the process of constantly attracting strange things.
Aisi’s control over Wing of Wind has also become much stronger by 0.3.
Although she is not up to the level that Su Mo demonstrated before.
However, the flexibility has been greatly increased compared to before.
It may be an exaggeration to say that the world has been turned upside down.
However, in terms of dexterity and dodge, Ai Si felt that she was indeed completely different from before.
Therefore, the speed of constantly searching for monsters has also been improved.
Although it took some time.
But it didn’t make Su Mo wait too long.
The seventh wave of monsters was brought over.
After the last wave of monsters was wiped out by Su Mo.
Ai Si asked Su Mo for instructions, saying that she needed to rest for a while.
Although she is a swordsman, the magic power in her body is not inferior to that of a mage.
But even so, it is difficult to bear such a long battery life and high-intensity magic use.
Up to now, this level is already her limit.
Su Mo naturally would not disagree.
Even screws need maintenance.
My main god is Kaguya
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