Tool people, of course, also need to rest.
Although he sometimes acts like a black-hearted capitalist, Su Mo is not stupid enough to make such an excellent tool person like Ais too tired and may be dangerous.
Taking the road of sustainable development is the right way.
Chapter 134 Replenishing Mana and the Challenge of Being an Adventurer
Ace is resting, recovering her magic power. Su Mo circled around the hill-like magic stone.
So many magic stones gathered together.
Existing packages do not fit at allgo down.
Not to mention bringing out the dungeon.
It will definitely cause a massive sensation.
Now Su Mo is not so afraid of exposing himself.
After all, strength lies here.
However, it is better to have less unnecessary trouble.
Moreover, I chose Ai Si, a natural idiot, as a supporter, and I didn’t intend to keep her too secret.
However, there are still some instructions and measures that should be taken.
“As mentioned before, as a supporter, you must learn to keep it secret when necessary.”
Su Mo looked at Ai Si.
“Do you remember this incident?”
“I remember.” Ace nodded.
Even if Su Mo doesn’t mention it, she still knows to keep it secret.
The method of becoming stronger is the secret of every adventurer.
Ai Si was very grateful to Su Mo for agreeing to herself.
Naturally, it is impossible, and he will not reveal Su Mo’s secret.
She felt a little strange that Su Mo mentioned this at this time.
Along the way, whether it was the super strong wind magic displayed by Su Mo, or the super powerful kill magic.
Shouldn’t they all be top secret among top secrets?
If you want to talk about confidentiality, shouldn’t you have brought it up long ago?
Why did you only say this until now, when it was almost over?
Su Mo didn’t notice Ai Si’s doubts.
14 After seeing her nod.
Su Mo took a step forward, and immediately grabbed the soft little hand of the blond sword girl.
——This is definitely not taking advantage.
“Just remember.”
Su Mo nodded, grabbed Ai Si’s hand, and said in a slightly serious tone.
“Then let’s make a contract!”
“What happened after that, without my permission, you must keep it absolutely confidential.”
“Those who violate the contract will be punished by wild boars.”
It’s like the words of a child playing house.
It was said by Su Mo in a slightly serious tone.
If someone sees it, they will surely laugh.
You’d think he was teasing a little girl.
However, Aisi felt an incredible binding force from the connection between the palms of the two.
She recognized it immediately.
This word has a very strong binding meaning.
If he agreed to the contract and then violated the contract, he would definitely be punished.
Although I don’t know what the Boar’s Punishment is, it is definitely not an ordinary wild boar.
After realizing this.
Ais had no intention of breaking the contract.
There was no hesitation at all.
Nod immediately.
“it is good!”
After this sentence is finished.
She felt that this contract seemed to be formally established.
Some kind of inexplicable connection was connected between her and Su Mo.
Regarding this point, Aisi, who didn’t intend to leak the secret, naturally didn’t care much.
Her cheeks were slightly red.
It was rare to show some embarrassment, and looked at Su Mo shyly.
“Teacher, is it okay now?”
Her eyes drooped slightly, and her eyes focused on the interlocking wrists of her and Su Mo’s fingers.
The warmth of the palm, strange and familiar.
It’s just a little – too close!
Now she is still full of thoughts about becoming stronger.
As for the matter of men and women, I have not yet enlightened.
The reason why he blushed was also because of the gesture of signing the contract.
Why are you so close!
The intimate gesture of interlocking fingers.
Since leaving her mother, she has never lived again.
Although Su Mo is her master.
But after all, she is also a man, and she felt uncomfortable to have such intimate contact with a man hastily.
Hearing what Ai Si said, Su Mo noticed the posture of the two.
With a serious expression on his face, he withdrew his hand unhurriedly.
This is the necessary gesture to reach a contract!
――Beautiful girls only.
I thought I knew enough about Aisi.
Su Mo believed that she would keep this secret.
However, trust is one thing, constraints are another.
Insurance is not too much.
Therefore, he still used the power of authority to draw up a contract with Aisi.
The contract just now was the power to usurp the authority [God of War of the East] from the Zoroastrian army god Veleslana.
Among them, the flexible use of the incarnation of the beast wild boar.
Veleslana is the guardian deity who serves Mithra, the god of light.
And Mithra, god of light and covenant,
The incarnation of the white horse in the power [God of War in the East]——the white horse carrying the sun flame.
It is the embodiment of Weileslana as the guardian god, protecting the light.
And the violent and irritable wild boar incarnation.
It is the embodiment of Welleslana as the protector of the law and the protection of the contract.
Harness the power of this avatar.
It is possible for Su Mo to add power as a guarantee when drawing up a contract with others.
This contract will be subject to power constraints.
If someone violates this contract, it will not only incur the divine punishment of the wild boar.
The special attack will also be added by the beast wild boar, and the damage will be greatly increased.
It can be said that this is a skill that is quite effective even against gods and godslayers.
Although it is probably useless for Aisi.
However, being prepared and keeping one hand in hand is Lao Yinbi’s basic code of conduct.
After the contract is formally concluded.
Su Mo was naturally more at ease with Aisi.
My main god is Kaguya
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