After consuming a Philosopher’s Stone that doesn’t even have a hair in it.
Immediately restore Aisi to full blood and mana.
Let her be very grateful to Su Mo.
A tool man who can assist Su Mo to obtain a large number of Philosopher’s Stones.
However, all he needed was the Philosopher’s Stone, which couldn’t reach even a single hair, to restore his physical strength and magic power, and he could happily continue working for Su Mo.
Other than that, no salary is required.
I will also be very grateful to Su Mo.
Such an easy-to-use labor force can make other capitalists envy and hate.
After entering the next level.
There are a lot more flying monsters.
But for now, he has been able to skillfully use the wings of the windFor Ace, it’s nothing.
She will attract the next wave of monsters.
Fly to Su Mo.
Then leave a place of magic stones.
So many times.
Finally, all the social monsters on this floor were almost exhausted.
The magic stone in front of Su Mo also accumulated another hill, slightly larger than the previous one.
Just when Ai Si attracted the last wave of monsters.
After flying over.
Su Mo is preparing to easily deal with the tide of monsters as before.
At this time…
Ace spoke to him with some hesitation.
“Teacher Su Mo, can you leave the enemy this time to me?”
She looked at Su Mo with pleading eyes.
Su Mo was a little surprised.
“Do you want to deal with this wave of monsters alone?”
Nearly a hundred LV5 level monsters gathered together.
The difficulty of defeating enemies of this level is no less than that of defeating an LV6 floor.
To some extent, the difficulty is even higher than this.
Even if Ais learned the Wings of Wind.
It is also quite difficult to deal with this number of monsters.
Since it is a difficult thing, after crossing it, it must be a great cause.
If she can really do it.
The accumulated great achievements may be even richer than the crusade against a LV6 level floor master.
Hearing Su Mo confirm the general inquiry.
Ace nodded firmly.
“I want to try ‘々!”
She thinks she can!
After such a long period of tempering, she is no longer who she was before.
If it was her before, she would definitely not be able to deal with it.
But now she has this confidence.
“Want to try?”
Naturally, Su Mo would not refuse.
“Then go and try!”
Anyway, this is the last wave of monsters, and we can call it a day after finishing the fight.
If Aisi is willing to take action to solve it, he will naturally not refuse.
“Thank you, teacher!”
After hearing an affirmative answer.
Ace immediately cheered up.
She drew out her long sword and was about to go to meet the enemy.
at this time.
Su Mo behind the scenes reminded her casually.
“The magic of wind is more suitable for dodge than defense.”
“The point of dodging is to grasp the direction of the wind.”
“Just remember that.”
After finishing speaking, Su Mo said no more.
Ai Si deeply remembered these few words in her heart, and then rushed out directly.
The wings on the back are no longer as simple as they were originally used.
Rather, it was somewhat close to the beautiful shape Su Mo taught.
Like a flying elf.
The blond-haired sword girl went straight into the monster.
After dodging a few attacks sideways, the rapier pierced through a monster’s head cleanly.
It took away the life of an LV5 level monster.
Then, before being surrounded by yourself.
A flash of Wing of Wind freed her from the wave of monsters.
In this way, under this style of play similar to flying a kite.
Aisi quickly dealt with five or six monsters.
But after that, it gradually became more difficult.
LV5 level monsters are not as fragile as ordinary mountain wolves and beasts.
It’s hard to do enough damage without hitting the vitals.
Moreover, many of these monsters have some long-range attack skills.
Whether it’s wind blades, ice arrows, venom, spider webs… they are all things that must be avoided.
If she is accidentally tricked, even she will find it difficult.
It can be said that fighting a wave of monsters alone is like dancing on high-tension lines.
If you are not careful, you may put yourself in fatal danger.
Front, back, left, and right, and even on the walls, there may be enemy attacks at any time.
In such a high-pressure environment, dodge is particularly important.
This is not Che Wan’s barrage game, there are judgment points, and there is no save file to start over.
Although the density of the barrage is far inferior to Che Wan’s barrage.
But it is not the range that ordinary people can deal with.
In this kind of environment.
Ace’s spirit became highly tense.
Su Mo’s previous words also emerged in his mind.
——Grasp the direction of the wind.
Calm down, she decided to believe in Su Mo’s teaching.
I began to feel silently, the small romance that I usually didn’t pay much attention to.
At this moment, a deadly ice blade attacked her vest.
If it follows her previous habits.
Either increase the strength of the wind around the body and bounce the ice blade away.
Either go back sideways and block it with a rapier.
After following Su Mo’s teaching.
She did feel the subtle flow when the ice blade broke through the air.
――If it is in this direction.
A wing of wind behind Aisi.
Flank the body slightly.
Then, the breeze on the left side of the body is also (this.! The book is organized by 【F, l.ip?:ped!】. (More, more,! New book, contact 1″:34;? ) changes trajectory and blows outward.
My main god is Kaguya
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