So, both ways.
The ice blade behind her was easily dodged without any extra movement.
And at this time.
Her rapier had swung an invisible thrust.
Killed two monsters.
Compared with my original actions, the efficiency of killing monsters has been greatly improved with the current approach.
After realizing this.
Ace’s eyes lit up.
Continue to try, according to the direction of the wind, to avoid the attack.
Then focus on attacking yourself.
After you don’t have to bear and block the attack abruptly.
Aisi’s flexibility has been further developed.
Step technique is more flexible than before.Just ten minutes.
More than 20 monsters were solved again.
After she became proficient, she became more and more handy in dodging monster attacks.
You don’t even have to pay attention to your surroundings at all.
Just based on the direction of the wind, the direction and speed of the attack can be preliminarily judged.
All kinds of attacks passed by her.
Or it can’t be attacked at all.
Or be deviated by the airflow around her.
It’s almost impossible to get close.
Twenty minutes later.
Looking at the remains of magic stones all over the floor.
Aisi stopped where she was, her slender hands holding the long sword trembling slightly.
“.-Did I do all of this by myself?”
Seeing the scene in front of her, she looked a little dazed.
Although want to try.
But she didn’t expect that either.
He was actually able to deal with this entire tide of monsters so cleanly.
Except for the very beginning, after resisting a few attacks with [Wind Spirit Rush], the later self was basically uninjured.
She only felt tired until the last monster was dealt with.
But it didn’t feel too dangerous.
Before, it was considered almost impossible task.
At this moment, it was successfully completed without too much effort.
Let her have an incredible feeling.
When did I… have become so much stronger?
After asking myself this question in my heart.
Ai Si cast her eyes on Su Mo.
“After meeting Teacher Su Mo!”
In just one day.
She felt that the change in her own strength even took more than a year of hard work.
What kind of power can a powerful teacher (Nuo Hao Zhao) possess.
Ace now understands this.
She couldn’t help but be thankful for her previous decision.
Fortunately, I found Mr. Su Mo!
Fortunately, I agreed to Teacher Su Mo’s request!
Fortunately, Teacher Su Mo gave himself a chance!
Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for her to reach the current speed of progress.
“Good job!”
After seeing Ai Si comprehend what she taught so quickly.
Su Mo did not hesitate to praise the other party.
Being able to learn to judge the direction of the wind so quickly and dodge it.
And self-taught, using airflow to actively deflect the trajectory of other attacks.
This talent is worthy of her name of genius.
Although, the understanding of the concept of wind element.
Now Ace is still in the introductory stage.
But this learning speed is amazing enough.
If the training continues, Aisi’s strength may reach a level that others can hardly imagine.
It is not difficult to surpass Ota and her father.
“Thank you, teacher!”
Aisi who was praised by Su Mo.
Like a child who is praised by his parents, he immediately showed a happy smile.
Compared with the natural look before.
Maybe now is the real expression of her inner feelings! .
Chapter 136 The tree-lined path you thought was already full of traffic
When Ais cleaned the final battlefield and gathered the last pile of magic stones. Slightly above.
The main force of the Loki family finally reached the forty-eighth floor.
Command the companions of the family to clean up the monsters along the way.
The head of the Loki family – Finn showed some doubts.
“Why didn’t I see Ai Si and Mr. Su Mo along the way?”
The two said that they were going to have a deep experience.
This is already deep enough!
The forty-ninth floor on the next floor is the main floor with LV7 level.
Aisi and the others would never go down.
The deepest floor they could reach should be the 48th floor.
However, they have cleared the road until now, and they have not noticed any movement of the two, nor have they encountered any traces of fighting.
This was completely unexpected for Finn.
Hearing his words, everyone in the Loki family also showed worried expressions.
Refiya bit her lip and guessed.
“Could it be that Aisi and the others are on the front floor, and we missed it?”
In fact, she knew that this possibility was not great.
But she would rather believe that than a worse possibility.
Riveria shook her head, completely cutting off Refia’s thoughts.
“On the floors I passed by before, the number of monsters hasn’t changed from usual. They shouldn’t be there.”
“Then what the hell…”
Refiya’s face froze, and she couldn’t hide her anxiety.
With Aisi’s strength.
Even if there is only one person, if you encounter a wave of LV4 monsters on the forty-eighth floor.
Even if you lose, you can definitely escape.
Therefore, they will definitely not have an accident here.
It is indeed true that no sign or footprint of them was found along the way. 937;
If this is the case, there is only one possibility——
But she didn’t want to say it.
After all, that possibility is too dangerous.
But at this time, the carefree Tiona didn’t pay attention to the subtle expressions of everyone.
Instead, he said excitedly.
My main god is Kaguya
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