Further, there is further joy.
Thinking about it this way, they felt that they could accept a lot.
Rested for about ten minutes.
Everyone’s energy also recovered.
Seeing this, Finn also commanded them, preparing to return.
At this time.
The werewolf Bert who was walking in front heard something.
Immediately stopped.
The vertical pupils in his eyes narrowed and looked towards the passage leading to the fifty floors.
“There is movement!”
He warned everyone.
Werewolves have excellent senses of smell and hearing.
Therefore, when everyone heard his words, they immediately became vigilant.
After setting up the formation, he looked towards the passageway in readiness.
Only Refiya, who is at the LV3 level, is protected in the middle.
She swallowed, and looked in the direction of the passage nervously.
After a few seconds.
The wind sounded like an eagle flapping its wings.
Even ordinary adventurers can hear it.
Then, very quickly.
Two figures appeared from the sky above the passage.
A pair of handsome men and beautiful women who look like gods with the wings of the wind on their backs flew together.
Then, it seemed that they saw the members of the Loki family on this side.
The wings behind the two fluttered, leading them to land on the ground in an elegant and neat posture.
Such a picture is so beautiful that many young adventurers are dazzled.
“Is this an angel?” the second-line adventurer of the Loki family, the cat-eared lady Ankiti couldn’t help but ask.
Refia recognized the identity of the blonde girl flying in the air at first sight.
However, even so, she was completely fascinated by the figure of Ais carrying the transparent wind wings.
That posture was too slender and beautiful.
Compared with angels, they are actually more like fairies flying among flowers.
And Su Mo next to Ais—although Refiya didn’t want to admit it.
But this Mr. Su Mo’s clean and neat posture, and the same handsome appearance.
Standing with Ace is indeed a perfect match.
These are two people who both have god-level looks.
Even Lefia doesn’t want to see Ais get too close to other men.
at this point……
An idea also had to emerge in her mind.
——The man and woman are very good-looking, how can I get a monster like myself to oppose it?
For a moment, she only felt that Ai Si had left her and wanted to stay and fly with Su Mo.
Suddenly, her heart was filled with tears.
Woohoo, Ace!
Woohoo! Her Ace!
Refia bursting into tears.
Suddenly a “tick” sound was heard.
Is it because I didn’t control myself well and cried out?
Realizing this, she hastily wiped the corners of her eyes.
No, be strong!
I can’t be too fragile, I must bless Aisi!
Thinking of this, Refiya found that the corners of her eyes were only slightly moist.
…seeking flowers 0…
Not to the point of crying.
In other words, I didn’t cry.
What was that voice just now?
with doubts.
She subconsciously looked at the werewolf Burt not far away.
Everything works fine, nothing is found.
But when she looked down, she immediately saw that there were spots of water marks on the soil under Bert’s feet.
Refiya realized it immediately.
The worst thing was that it wasn’t her.
Even if Ai Si has a lover, as a girl, she still has the opportunity to stick with her.
However, if it is a man, there is no chance at all.
——Although originally, there was no chance.
But now, it is impossible to formally pronounce a sentence.
It’s like the last ray of hope is gone.
No wonder, this guy who usually has a bad voice, half-spoken.
Someone wept.
Someone broke the defense.
Refia knew who it was, but she didn’t dare to say it.
After a glance.
She immediately looked away.
He turned his attention back to Ace.
Strange to say.
Originally, she was so sad and angry that she was about to cry.
However, after seeing a certain werewolf in such a miserable state, she suddenly felt that she was okay?

Perhaps, the happiness of human beings is to like to witness the misfortune of others!
the other side……
It was Ai Si and Su Mo who noticed coming.
Riveria, Finn and the others breathed a sigh of relief.
Although he knew that Su Mo was powerful, seeing Ai Si come back unharmed was still reassuring.
“We are about to leave! I didn’t expect to meet Ai Si and Mr. Su Mo and return.”
Finn stepped forward and exchanged pleasantries.
Riveria looked at Aisi with some curiosity.
“What were the wings just now?”
She didn’t remember that Aisi had learned the magic of flying.
However, looking at the way Aisi controlled the Wing of Wind just now, she is very proficient, and it doesn’t seem like she just learned it.
This surprised her a little.
Naturally, Aisi would not ignore Riveria’s question.
She glanced at Su Mo.
After getting permission, he told Riveria honestly.
“This is the technique Teacher Su Mo taught me just now!”
“Taught it just now?”
Riveria was shocked.
So quickly, can the magic of flying be introduced?
And it’s so well controlled?
No matter how talented Ais is, she can’t do this!
Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but look at Su Mo.
My main god is Kaguya
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