Sure enough, this must be the work of this teacher Su Mo.labor.
After realizing this point.
Riveria was completely impressed by Su Mo’s teaching ability.
Not only is it powerful, but it can also teach such complicated magic in such a short period of time.
Simply the perfect teacher.
No wonder, the child Ai Si is going to pester him.
Su Mo saw Riveria’s eyes, but just shook his head.
“Although the flying speed is a bit slow, and the sound control is also flawed, but as far as the first learning is concerned, the progress is not bad.”
When returning.
Because I am not in a hurry.
He didn’t fly with Aisi.
Instead, let her control the Wing of Wind by herself, so the flying speed is much slower than when she came here.
Wind Wing’s voice was not as hidden as Su Mo’s control time.
Burt had only seen the two of them for a few seconds after hearing the voice.
Otherwise, if it is at Su Mo’s supersonic speed.
When Burt the werewolf heard the voice.
They should have already appeared. three.
Chapter 138 Opening the Door of Truth and Implementing the Plan
Hear what Su Mo said. Riveria froze.
She thought that Ai Si had done a good job.
Unexpectedly, in Su Mo’s eyes, there are still so many problems.
But yes.
If you want to compare.
Aisi’s Wings of the Wind before was indeed a bit loud.
Moreover, in terms of more details, it is indeed not as smooth as this Mr. Su Mo showed.
After realizing this, Riveria was full of admiration for Su Mo.
Such excellence is worthy of being an LV7 level powerhouse.
“Thank you for teaching Aisi!” She immediately thanked her sincerely.
In terms of the wind magic that Ais possesses, there is no one in Olalie who can teach her.
Even Rivilia, a mage, doesn’t have a deep understanding of this kind of auxiliary magic that is wrapped around her body instead of being emitted.
In this regard, Su Mo is still the first.
Probably the only one.
Someone who is capable and capable enough to teach Aisi.
Just relying on the usage of Wings of Wind.
It’s enough for Ace to call it a teacher.
So, for Aisi’s previous title.
None of them had any objections.
Hearing this, Su Mo shook his head.
“It’s not really teaching.”
“It’s just for convenience.”
This is true.
The capitalists let the tool people learn more skills of “937”.
Can that be a sincere teaching?
It’s not to squeeze the opponent’s labor better!
But obviously, Riveria and the others didn’t understand this.
I just thought Su Mo was more modest.
Such a humble and low-key strong man is very rare in this impetuous Olalie.
Immediately, the few of them became more enthusiastic.
(?. This book’? By.【;;Fl!,ipped】”Whole;” (;More “more new book contact’1?:3’43:1.77”,478) It’s just…
Su Mo didn’t intend to talk more.
After introducing each other a little bit, and getting acquainted with a few people.
He chose to say goodbye and leave.
Ais, of course, stayed and went back with the Loki family.
Looking at the back of Su Mo leaving.
Ace felt a little lost.
Then, she turned her head immediately.
Looking behind her, for some reason, she kept looking at her Lefia with the gaze of an abandoned puppy.
“Refia, have you been bullied?” Aisi asked with concern, tilting her head.
“No, no.”
Refiya tearfully denies it.
But in my heart, there was inevitably a flash of joy.
Sure enough, Ace still loves her!
Otherwise, why would you care so much about your own feelings!
She felt that she could do it again.
Even if Ai Si and Mr. Su Mo have a tryst in the future.
It’s not that she can’t stand guard from the sidelines!
In this case, wouldn’t it be possible to get closer to Aisi?
——Probably, this is dog licking!
“Refia, it’s a little strange.”
Ace was puzzled.
But looking at Refia’s appearance, it really didn’t look like she was being bullied.
At this time.
Tiona on the side leaned over.
asked her very curiously.
“So, Ai Si, how many levels have you and Mr. Su Mo descended?”
She really cared about this question.
Hear this question.
The adventurers on the side also pricked up their ears.
Even the leader Finn is the same.
Seeing Finn like this, Riveria couldn’t help feeling a little funny.
“Didn’t the leader say before that you don’t need to worry about it?”
“How could you not care?” Finn said with a wry smile.
How could there be no difference between the person who arrived first and the person who arrived second?
He said that before, just to boost morale.
In fact, he himself is very concerned about this.
Everyone pretends not to care.
In fact, it is very concerned about the line of sight.
Ace thought for a second.
Then he opened his mouth.
“The specific floor I have reached is—”
Having said that, everyone held their breath.
The adventurer who was drinking water didn’t even have the energy to swallow it.
are waiting for an answer.
in this case.
Ace said the answer.
My main god is Kaguya
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