“What is secrecy!”
“Aisi-chan, you’ve failed your studies!”
Everyone coughed and coughed, and sprayed water.
Ace’s words made her embarrassed.
Even her little fan girl, Refiya, couldn’t help but look at her complainingly.
See people like this.
even finn and leviLeah is a little out of control.
The corner of Aisi’s mouth curled into a mischievous smile that was very difficult to notice, and then quickly restrained it.
She shook her head.
So said.
“I have an appointment with Teacher Su Mo, keep it a secret!”
In fact, this is not confidential content.
But Aisi didn’t know whether the previous things should be kept secret.
So after thinking about it, I simply didn’t say anything.
“G, why are you doing this!”
Tiona made a coquettish voice.
Continue to harass Ais, trying to make Ais tell some information.
It’s a pity that these harassments have no effect on Aisi.
In the end, nothing came out.
Other adventurers on the side.
After hearing the “confidential” result.
They were speechless at first, but then they breathed a sigh of relief.
Just don’t know how many layers they went to!
Then it is possible to surpass them.
Their exploration is likely to be meaningful.
Thinking of this, most of their fighting spirit returned.
Finn, who noticed this, exchanged glances with Riveria, and the two shook their heads with a smile.
I didn’t expect that Espi’s move would have an unexpected effect.
that’s it……
With curiosity and excitement for the mysterious boss Su Mo I met today.
The members of the Loki family quickly returned to the ground.
Returned to the resident of the family.
when they come back.
It was almost evening.
In the hall of the Loki family.
The gods of their family are waiting for their safe return.
Seeing that everyone came back without casualties.
The companions stationed by the family immediately cheered.
Hearing the cheers, Loki was naturally in a very happy mood.
He even stood up and walked directly to the entrance of the hall to welcome his family members.
until this second.
She still looks like a reliable leader.
When Ais came into her sight.
Goddess Loki immediately changed her appearance.
“Hey hey… Aisi-chan’s expedition has worked hard!”
“Let me check your whole body to see if there is any injury!”
This red-haired, barren goddess looks like an uncle.
The fingers kept twisting, and flew towards Aisi.
He was kicked away by Aisi’s clean kick.
“Boom” slammed on the door, making a dull sound.
In other families, it might be called the following offense.
In the Loki family, it is no surprise.
Even the head of the group, Finn, didn’t pay much attention to Ais’s actions.
Just shook his head and sighed.
——God Loki is good anywhere, but this kind of place is a headache.
Riveria’s mouth twitched.
One last step forward…
He helped Loki up.
“It hurts!”
Loki touched his ribs.
Standing up with Riveria’s support.
She wasn’t angry, though.
Just looked at Ace curiously.
“How does it feel, Aisi-chan’s movements are more agile than before!”
She looked at the blond sword girl curiously.
“Maybe it’s because of Mr. Su Mo’s teaching!”
Riveria sighed and reported helplessly.
Although Finn ordered, Su Mo cannot be told to others.
But the gods of the family are the objects of their absolute trust.
Even if Loki is like this, they still trust him very much.
Naturally, she would not hide anything from her.
Hear descriptions from Riveria and Finn.
The god Loki’s expression became serious, and he began to squint his eyes and think about the newly obtained information.
See what she looks like.
Finn, Riveria and the others nodded in approval.
Don’t look at ordinary times, Loki looks like a pervert.
But that’s just what it looks like when it’s a joke.
In fact, when it comes to business, Loki’s qualities as a leader are on display.
In this respect, she is still very reliable.
Think so.
Finn and Riveria looked at Loki with respect.
I hope that this godly lord can draw some effective conclusions.
After half a minute.
Loki finally spoke.
Finn and the others immediately held their breath and listened intently to her conclusion.
Then, I heard such a sentence.
“So, you want to rob me of the purity that Eschan has guarded for sixteen years?!”
Loki slapped the table angrily.
After holding back for a long time, I choked out such a sentence.
Finn and Riveria looked at the god in front of them speechlessly.
I feel so tired, I don’t even have the strength to complain.
The god of their family is also a pervert when he is serious.
Destroy it, quickly.
Seeing the expressions of the two helpers he relied on.
Beside her, Ai Si drew out half of the long sword.
My main god is Kaguya
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