Loki waved his hand immediately.
“Just kidding!”
In this way, she finally got serious.
“About Su Mo, you are right, Finn.”
“Let’s keep 0.3 a secret for the time being. A strong player of this level really cannot be offended.”
“You guys go to collect a little bit of information about him, you don’t need to go too deep, superficial information is fine.”
“Judging from the current situation, the other party is not only not hostile to us, but also has good intentions because of Essan.”
“So we don’t need to do too much here, just continue like this for the time being.”
“The only thing worthy of vigilance is not to let this guy have a chance to attack Ai Sichan!”
In the end, Loki still revealed his true nature.
However, hear her words.
Both Finn and Riveria shook their heads inwardly.——It’s not that Mr. Su Mo wants to attack Ai Si.
——It’s Ai Si who has been running over to pester Mr. Su Mo!
However, if this is the case, Loki will definitely not listen to it.
Naturally, they didn’t say much, and just agreed.
After this matter is resolved.
The Loki family fell into a short period of peace.
until half an hour later.
Loki, who was updating the abilities of his family members, let out an exclamation that resounded throughout the family members.
“Big news! Ace sauce is LV6!!!”
The news spread throughout the entire family in an instant.
It quickly spread throughout Olalie.
Shock all adventurers.
――The strongest female swordsman “Jian Ji” successfully broke through LV5 today and officially became a LV6 level adventurer! ! .
Chapter 139 My love for the Goddess Father is like a mountain and the title of the God Council
Time reversed by several hours. When the Loki family members were still deep in the dungeon.
Su Mo has left from the dungeon.
Returned to the family.
Somewhat unexpectedly, Hestia is not at home now.
According to the social situation of this abandoned house goddess.
Probably to meet her friend, the God of Fire and Forging.
The relationship between Hestia and Hephaestus is quite good.
Before that, she had been boarding at Hephaestus’ house and eating rice.
Until the goddess couldn’t stand Hestia’s life of eating and waiting to die, she couldn’t bear to drive Hestia out and let her be self-reliant.
Hestia was wandering outside and met Su Mo officially.
And concluded a family contract.
After gaining power in the foggy space.
Su Mo had already set up a backhand on Hestia.
Therefore, he was not worried that this loli goddess would be in danger.
After closing the door, Su Mo immediately put the two huge Philosopher’s Stones in his backpack on the table.
The red stone, like blood, shone with a magnificent brilliance.
“Finally we can start planning.”
Looking at the Philosopher’s Stone in front of him, Su Mo was very satisfied.
With so much weight, it can be obtained by sacrificing countless human souls in the world of steel refining.
In this world, it can be obtained only by consuming monsters.
Simply not too convenient.
I don’t know how far these Philosopher’s Stones can do.
Everything is ready.
After Su Mo took the Philosopher’s Stone, he closed his eyes.
Hands together.
The next moment, he appeared in a boundless space 14.
There is no limit to all sides.
And in front of him, stood a huge stone gate.
——The door of truth!
On the door of truth, there is a pattern of Kabbalah tree of life engraved.
It looks quaint and mysterious.
behind this door.
All the knowledge, all the mysteries, and all the power of this world are hidden.
However, none of these things come for free.
You need to pay enough to get what you want.
Equivalent exchange is one of the most emphasized philosophies of alchemy.
But this time.
Su Mo’s goal is not this door of truth.
Turning around, he looked behind himself.
A large ball of light quietly suspended in the air.
This big ball of light has various names.
Truth, Wholeness, Oneness, God…
In itself, it is the realization of the knowledge behind the door of truth.
Consciousness similar to Alaya, Gaia, etc.
But it doesn’t stop there.
If I have to say it, the truth itself is closer to the realization of the root.
It is different from the root princess of Satiao Aige.
Similar to the consciousness of the root itself.
“However, the truth itself should be unconscious, right?” Su Mo asked curiously, looking at the big ball of light in front of him.
“No consciousness.” The big light sphere vibrated and gave the answer.
“Truth possesses knowledge of consciousness, but has no definite will itself.”
“In some people’s eyes, truth is a human form, in some people’s eyes, truth is a book, and in some people’s eyes, truth is a big ball of light.”
“No matter what kind, it is not the whole picture of the truth.”
“Truth is only based on the imagination of the questioner to determine the answer to the questioner.”
Simply put, the ball of light in front of you is just a mimic.
The truth itself is just an information integration, just a collection of information, and has no entity.
However, if you want to communicate with people, you must have a subject.
The big ball of light in front of him is the appearance of truth in Su Mo’s subconscious mind.
So, the truth becomes the big ball of light.
Form has no meaning to it, and words are only a way of consultation and communication to it.
If here is a mechanical life form.
The truth estimate will be transformed into a hard disk with a corresponding interface for direct data communication.
In the face of human beings, they often use speech and text to communicate.
After listening to the big light ball, Su Mo nodded.
“It seems that the truth seems to be different in different worlds.”
Compared with the very rigid and emotionless big ball of light in front of him.
The truth of the steel refining world obviously has some kind of gloating malice.
――In order to prevent human beings from being conceited, give them the correct despair, which is the truth.
The person who said this didn’t look like an emotionless information complex.
to be frank……
Compared with the “truth” with a certain human color in the steel refining world.
Su Mo is more fond of the truth of the world of wrong earth, which is beyond emotion.
However, he didn’t procrastinate, and immediately asked the big ball of light in front of him.
My main god is Kaguya
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