And later, became one of the Four Wind Guardians protecting Mond.
—Twarin, Dragon of the East Wind.
And later, some dark age.
At that time, the Lion Tooth Knight had no successors, and the West Wind Knight was withered.
Mond, who was in the weakest state, was attacked by the poisonous dragon Durin.
To protect Mond.
Twarin appeared on the earth and fought with the poisonous dragon Durin.
After the fight, the poisonous dragon Durin was successfully defeated, but Twarin was also seriously injured and polluted with poisonous blood.
I have been sleeping ever since.
Until recently woke up from a deep sleep.
But it became the enemy of human beings and was called the Wind Demon Dragon by people.
Twalyn’s story is over.
Su Mo and Ying also finished their breakfast.
The guests at other tables naturally heard Wendy’s singing.
Applause immediately.
Although the story is a bit old, the music is indeed master level.
——The best bard in the world, this title is by no means a boast.
After the applause.
Sarah, the waiter at the Deer Hunter, came over.
“Here, are you here to ask for an autograph?” Wendy said with a light smile.
“Unfortunately, I’m having dinner with my friends now, and I can’t satisfy your wish.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Sarah kept a professional smile on her face.
“Actually, I’m here to urge you to pay the bill, a total of two thousand moras!”
“Oh, so it’s the bill!”
Wendy looked at Su Mo without embarrassment at all.
Su Mo turned his eyes to Ying.
——Yesterday, he put the money here with Ying.
Ying cast her eyes on Paimon.
Because Paimon had storage space, the money was on her.
Paimon swallowed the last piece of toast.
Then she looked around and saw that everyone’s eyes were focused on her.
It’s making her pay the bill.
She suddenly exploded.
Paimon put his hands on his hips and looked at Wendy angrily.
“Hey! Singer, don’t you pay the bill today?”
Fortunately, she thought this bard was a good person, and even praised him.
Unexpectedly, this guy didn’t intend to treat guests at all!
“Actually, I really want to treat you…”
Wendy took out her wallet with an innocent face.
“But as you can see, I’m broke.”
“Since we are all companions, I will leave it to you to treat me this time!” He said in a very skillful manner.
“You guy, you’re just cheating and cheating!”
Paimon stomped anxiously.
“It’s disgusting!”
However, there is no way not to pay.
With a face of reluctance, he counted enough Mora and handed it to Sarah.
Wendy, who had a meal for nothing, was very happy.
Except for the aggrieved little Pymon.
Ying and Su Mo didn’t care too much about the meal money.
Think of the story Wendy told just now.
Ying said with some doubts.
“If the story you just told is true.”
“Then why did the Wind Demon Dragon attack the people in Mond City?”
She is very concerned about this.
Twarin is one of the Guardians of the Four Winds.
Even if he wakes up from a deep sleep, he should be the Guardian of Mond.
Then why did it attack Mond City and was called the Wind Demon Dragon?
“For this, I don’t know very clearly.”
Wendy shook her head.
“The last time I communicated with Twarin, I found that his mind seemed to be affected by something.”
“I don’t know why, but I feel resentment towards Mond City, towards me… towards Fengshen.”
…seeking flowers 0…
“If I had been able to talk to Twalin a little longer then, maybe I would have known the reason.”
Speaking of which.
Wendy glanced at Ying and Su Mo with her jewel-like emerald green eyes.
Then, with a pointed tone, he sighed.
“Oh, what a pity!”
“Just when I was about to trace the cause.”
“I was disturbed by two unexpected visitors. Otherwise, I might have resolved the misunderstanding with Twalin a long time ago.”
Saying so.
This guy just stared at Ying and Su Mo with a smile on his face.
Seen by him like this.
Ying immediately retreated tactically.
A look of surprise.
“You mean…it’s our fault?”
As a young girl, she took Wendy’s words directly.
Unlike Su Mo, who just pretended not to hear, would never be caught up in the conversation.
Old and treacherous Wendy.
Naturally, Ying’s immature performance would not be let go.
“Since you know it, you have to take responsibility!”
He climbed straight up the pole.
I want Ying and Su Mo to shoulder the responsibility of waking up Twalin.

“What? This is too treacherous!” Paimon couldn’t help complaining.
The upright Ying felt that what Wendy said seemed to make sense?
If Wendy’s words are true, then he and others have indeed disturbed Wendy’s affairs.
Seems like it needs some help.
And Su Mo on the side.
But suddenly he raised his head and looked somewhere.
Then, he asked in a strange tone.
“Wendy, since you said we interrupted your communication.”
“If you don’t have time to trace the reason for Twalin’s temperament change.”
“Is that enough to create enough time for you to communicate?”
Hearing Su Mo’s question.
Wendy felt a little weird, but nodded anyway.
“That’s not wrong.”
“It seems to me that Twarin’s resentment is not a product of nature but of corruptedresult of erosion. ”
“If we can communicate further with Tewarin, we will definitely be able to figure out the reason for its drastic change in temperament.”
My main god is Kaguya
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