Saying so.
Wendy began to talk about her plans.
“So, now, we need to get the Qin of the Sky from the West Wind Church.”
“Only this thing can call Twarin and let me continue communicating with it.”
“It’s not too late, let’s go!”
After speaking, Wendy urged the two of them.
I’m going to ask them to help him get the zither of the sky.
He skillfully turned Su Mo and Ying into his tool people.
This may be the talent for fishing!
However, what he didn’t expect was.
Hearing Wendy’s words, Su Mo didn’t get up immediately.
Instead, he shook his head.
“I don’t think it’s that troublesome at all!”
He stood up and looked towards the sky.
“Is there something over there?”
Paimon leaned over curiously.
At this very moment.
The situation changed, and a gust of wind hit.
In the distant sky, the roar of the giant dragon turned into a shock wave, blowing the roof of Mond City.
“The Wind Demon Dragon is here.”
Su Mo said calmly.
As soon as the words fell, the cyan dragon descended along with the storm.
The huge wind disaster directly turned the streets into a mess.
The entire Mond City fell into chaos. three.
Chapter 143 The Frozen Wind Demon Dragon Congeals the Ice Crossing the Sea True Monarch
See the cyan dragon above your head. Wendy was very surprised.
Even he didn’t expect that Twarin would attack Mond City at this time.
I remembered what Su Mo said before.
He suddenly tensed up.
“What are you going to do?” Wendy asked immediately.
“Of course it is to make up for our “mistakes”, let you have a good communication with it! “Su Mo said with a smile.
When mentioning fault, the tone was deliberately accentuated.
Wendy immediately covered her face, she didn’t expect that one day, she would fool herself.
Speaking of which, it was the second time that he was deflated at Su Mo’s place.
“Could it be that you…want to attack Twarin?” He asked worriedly.
“of course not.”
Su Mo immediately shook his head.
“Since the agreement has been made, I will naturally not break the agreement to restore Twalin’s consciousness.”
“However, with Twarin’s current state, it is inevitable to do something.”
“Presumably Fengshen doesn’t want to see Twarin destroying Mond City just like this?” He asked meaningfully.
Hear Su Mo’s question.
Wendy sighed and nodded.
“Indeed, Twarin cannot be allowed to destroy Mond City just like this.”
“Then please!”
He didn’t want to let special “937” Valin get hurt.
But he also didn’t want Twarin to hurt the Mond City he guarded.
Therefore, Su Mo’s words are actually the best way.
Of course, the premise is that Su Mo really won’t slaughter the dragon Twalin.
After reaching a consensus with Wendy.
Su Mo didn’t make a move.
Instead, he turned his gaze to Ying beside him.
“What’s the matter, Su Mo?” 17’7;47:8,) asked in confusion.
“Do you need my help?”
She really wanted to help Su Mo.
It’s a pity that she can’t fly, and she doesn’t have wind wings or anything now.
There is no way to fight the dragon.
Hearing Ying’s words, Su Mo laughed.
“Of course I need your help, you are the heroine this time!”
What heroine?
Ying looked at Su Mo in bewilderment.
“Now, the Wind Demon Dragon is harassing the entire Mond, and all the citizens of Mond have seen the horror and threat of the Wind Demon Dragon.”
“At this moment, what else is more worthy of admiration than a hero who drives away the dragon?”
Su Mo asked back.
I want to win the favor of the people of Mond and the Zephyr Knights.
This is the best opportunity.
“You mean… let me go?”
Ying understood Su Mo’s words.
He immediately understood that Su Mo was thinking for himself.
Otherwise, with her current strength, she would not be able to intervene in this incident.
“But, I can’t fly!”
She shook her head.
Not to mention anything else, she has no way to deal with Fengmolong now.
“This is not a problem.”
Su Mo shook his head.
“I will let the wind around you help you! It’s just that you need to make a little sacrifice.”
“However, in order to find your brother, this is also a necessary sacrifice.”
Hear what Su Mo said.
Ying tilted her head, looking very cute.
“A small… sacrifice?”
She didn’t quite understand what Su Mo meant.
Wendy on the side looked at the two curiously.
He can let the millennium Liu Feng help Ying defeat Twarin.
However, this cannot be said directly.
After all, he still has to hide his identity as Fengshen.
I thought that Twalin could only be handed over to Su Mo to solve it.
But he didn’t expect that Su Mo actually wanted Ying to appear on the stage.
Think about it, indeed.
Ying’s trip was to find her elder brother, so of course she wanted to make her image known to everyone.
Even if the missing person notice has no effect.
But Ying’s own reputation can be spread all over the world.
If one day, Ying’s brother heard about Ying’s fame.
Might as well reunite siblings.
Therefore, Ying’s appearance is necessary.
However, Wendy was very concerned about how Su Mo would give Ying the power to fly.
to be frank……
Wendy has always been curious about the nature of Su Mo’s power.
This time it was rare to be able to observe it head-on, so he naturally would not let this opportunity pass.
And at this time……
My main god is Kaguya
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