With the protection of Su Mo, she can fly in the air like a duck to water.
Whether it is physical fitness or the power of the wind, they have all been greatly enhanced.
Not inferior to the dragon in front of him at all.
Soon, one person and one dragon will sendThere is a conflict.
Start fighting.
Tewarin, who was in a weak state, was not an opponent in a protective state, but was suppressed and beaten by her for a while.
At this time.
Su Mo sent a message to Ying through Liufeng.
“Ying, attract Tewarin to the square!”
Hear Su Mo’s voice.
Ying recalled what happened before, and felt shy in her heart.
In particular, Su Mo also said before——I also look forward to doing the same.
Is this a confession?
It’s a confession!
For a moment, her heart was pounding again.
However, at this time, business matters.
She nodded immediately.
Following Su Mo’s guidance, Twalin was gradually led to Fengshen Square in front of Mond Cathedral.
Chapter 144 Cavalry Captain Where’s Your Horse?
The arrival of the Wind Demon Dragon plunged the entire Mond City into chaos. Although the knights in the West Wind Knights are strong, they really can’t fly.
Even with Wings of Wind, it is absolutely impossible to fight the Wind Demon Dragon in this environment.
Therefore, in the face of the attack of the wind demon dragon, the knights can only do basic defensive work for the time being.
at this time.
A stranger who suddenly soars into the sky.
In the sky, he fought the Fengmolong and seemed to have the upper hand.
This scene was naturally witnessed by all the citizens of Mond City.
It immediately attracted everyone’s attention.
Whether it is the Knights or the Church, or the people of fools.
They all raised their heads, watching the battle in the sky.
The citizens of Mond City prayed, hoping that this strange hero would win.
at this time.
Ying guides the wind demon dragon Tewarin.
Following Su Mo’s instructions, take it to the direction of Fengshen Square.
halfway through the flight.
The sky gradually became cloudy.
In less than ten seconds, the torrential rain slanted down.
The heavy rain seemed to be pouring water from a basin, instantly wetting the ground.
But I don’t know why.
Ying found that there was not even a drop of water on her body.
Even if you don’t use wind element protection.
No water splashed on her either.
In an instant, Ying understood something.
He couldn’t help but glanced down.
“It must be Su Mo’s power!”
14 She judged it immediately.
Ying’s judgment was not wrong.
At this moment, Su Mo and Paimon were on their way to Fengshen Square.
And the sudden torrential rain in the center of Mond City was also written by Su Mo.
Huge rain, bypassing Ying.
Wet Twarin directly all over.
“That’s it, let’s add a wet state!”
Su Mo muttered.
After seeing that the fire is almost done.
Immediately snapped his fingers.
The torrential rain stopped immediately.
However, the dark clouds did not dissipate.
Bitter blizzards, and hail.
To be more precise.
It’s localized snowstorms and hail.
In the sky, hailstones and snowflakes kept hitting Fengmolong as if they didn’t want money.
Like rain, wind and snow completely avoided Ying.
Feng Molong let out an angry roar.
However, it cannot get rid of this locking attack.
Hail and snowflakes can’t do any harm to it.
It wouldn’t even hurt so much to hit the dragon.
What remained in Twalin’s brain was the cognition of elemental reactions telling it.
Absolutely can’t go on like this.
By Su Mo’s side.
Wendy, who finally understood what he wanted to do, exclaimed.
“Oh! So this method is used! It’s amazing!”
If it is not clear, it is his voice.
Su Mo almost thought it was the future knight Irene coming.
Wendy on the side didn’t know what he was thinking.
After knowing Su Mo’s plan, he was very happy.
Knowing that Su Mo possessed power even surpassed his heyday.
So Wendy was always worried that Su Mo would attack Twalin and kill the dragon directly.
Now, after noticing Su Mo’s solution.
Wendy finally breathed a sigh of relief.
at this time.
Even Paimon on the side could see Su Mo’s plan.
“Is this the elemental reaction?”
“I remember, adding ice to water…it should be freezing?”
Paimon without the eye of God.
I don’t remember very clearly about the elemental reaction.
However, she still knows the most basic freezing reaction.
“That’s right.”
Su Mo nodded.
At this time, they have already crossed the last step and arrived at Fengshen Square.
In front of them was a huge statue of Fengshen.
“My plan is to freeze Tewarin first, so that it loses its ability to create chaos.”
“As for the back, how to appease it, how to make it regain consciousness.”
“That’s what bards do.”
Su Mo explained his plan to Paimon.
The elements of Tivat itself are not special.
However, the reactions between various elements are slightly different from other worlds.
My main god is Kaguya
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