Ice elements alone cannot be frozen.
It needs to be combined with the water element to trigger the freezing reaction.
That’s why he manipulated the celestial phases successively.
It is to attach the moisture first, and then trigger the freezing.
In the original game, as a BOSS, Fengmolong does not suffer from control effects.
However, before the power of the gods.
Even if it is a giant dragon, you have to stand up obediently.
After Su Mo finished explaining.
The voice just fell.
The Fengmolong in the sky was lured to Fengshen Square by Ying.
And this time.
The intensity of hail and blizzards increases instantaneously.
“Crunch! Crunch!”
The water marks on the surface of Fengmolong’s body had already frozen into ice.
Then from the outside to the inside, layer by layerIt completely froze the struggling Fengmolong, turning it into a huge ice sculpture.
An ice sculpture of a giant dragon floating in the air.
It should have hit the ground hard.
But under the soft backdrop of the wind element, it was able to fall slowly.
Finally, there was a “pop”.
Placed on Fengshen Square.
In front of the huge Fengshen statue.
The same huge Fengmolong ice sculpture is crawling.
A scene as if Twarin first met Barbatos, the god of wind, appeared in front of Wendy.
He couldn’t help feeling a little dazed, recalling the past.
After a moment of trance.
Ying, who was in charge of attracting Fengmolong’s attention, landed lightly on the ground.
She and Su Mo looked at each other, their eyes still flustered.
But not as shy as before, running away.
“Is this big guy the Wind Demon Dragon?”
Paimon leaned in front of the ice sculpture curiously.
It was the first time for her to see the giant dragon so close.
In the transparent ice, Twarin’s appearance was lifelike.
Or, in fact, it is alive at all.
In the original god world.
Wild boars frozen in ice for centuries, and butterflies sealed in amber for thousands of years are all alive and kicking.
The preservation effect of freezing can be said to be brought to the extreme.
Wendy was relieved.
It is also because Su Mo’s actions can save Twalin’s life to the greatest extent.
At the same time, it also solved the disaster of the wind dragon.
It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.
The previous Wendy didn’t think of this method, not because of laziness.
It’s just because, except for Su Mo, almost no one can freeze a big guy like Twalin.
Don’t have to say anything.
It also requires the ice god and the water god to be together.
However, this is also impossible.
The previous Wendy knew that Su Mo could manipulate the sky and wind and thunder.
But it was the first time he knew that he could manipulate wind, frost, rain and snow.
It was stronger than he imagined.
Compared with before, he still has a somewhat apprehensive attitude towards Su Mo’s power.
Now Wendy is not worried about Su Mo’s excessive strength.
The person who can make travelers feel so close is definitely not a bad person.
So, he nimbly jumped onto Twalin’s head.
I didn’t think my butt was cold, so I just sat on it and plucked the strings lightly.
“Yes! It’s Tewarin!” he introduced to Paimon with a happy face.
And he didn’t care that Twarin was staring at him from under his ass.
——Su Mo didn’t freeze Twalin’s consciousness 937, but just made his body unable to move.
“Such a big Wind Demon Dragon can be directly frozen into an ice sculpture.”
Paimon flew up and took a look at the whole picture of Fengmolong.
Immediately sighed.
“Su Mo is too strong!”
Wendy and Ying also nodded.
Although he has been with Su Mo all the time.
But even Ying formally glimpsed a corner of Su Mo’s power for the first time.
Compared with the previous destruction of the Qiuqiu people’s camp, the performance of the celestial phenomena was changed at will.
This time, the feeling of freezing the dragon Tewarin is more intuitive.
It is simply a mighty power like a god.
She was also very surprised by the power of protection that Su Mo bestowed upon her.
Even she, who has just acquired the power of the wind element and hasn’t had time to study it carefully, can hang and beat Twarin after using the protection.
It’s just outrageous.
Ying felt that if she had fought that strange god back then.
If you have the protection given by Su Mo, you might not lose.
It is the way to obtain protection, which makes people feel a little shy.
Just when several people felt the same way.
A strange, young man’s voice sounded.
It sounds glib, but there’s also a fair amount of earnestness.
“It’s really strong!”
“It’s actually possible to have the power to fight a giant dragon and freeze it in ice.”
“Are you Mond’s guests, or are you a new storm?”
A man wearing a snow-white fluffy shawl of an unknown creature and wearing an eye patch on his right eye, who looked a bit like a pirate, walked over.
Attracted everyone’s attention.
Su Mo also looked up.
It’s you!
True Monarch Frozen Crossing the Sea!
Meanwhile, the young man introduces himself.
“I am Kaia, the cavalry captain of the Zephyr Knights.”
“Welcome to Mond, the two heroes who brought down the dragon!”.
Chapter 145: The Arrival of the Real Monarch and Fools
Kaiya, a four-star one-handed sword character, is a miner leader who is often sent by travelers to mine. Ah no…
This introduction is only applicable before time travel.
Now, Kaia standing in front of Su Mo is the guardian knight of Mond City.
He is the cavalry captain of the Zephyr Knights and the trusted deputy of the acting head of the Zephyr Knights.
It can be said that the status in Mond City is very high.
Obviously, he has a certain degree of guard against Ying, who can fight the Wind Demon Dragon, and Su Mo, who can freeze the Wind Demon Dragon.
After all, the strength of these two people is really too strong.
It is difficult for people to give trust without contact.
However, guarded heart does not mean malicious.
My main god is Kaguya
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