The matter of the frozen wind dragon, in any case, was an act of saving Mond.
In Kaiya’s heart, he was very grateful for the two men’s shots.
Only then, as the captain of the cavalry, he respectfully called the two heroes, which was regarded as qualitative.
Su Mo didn’t care about these official words.
After seeing Kaya, he asked a question that he had always cared about.
“You said you were the cavalry captain…”
“But what about your horse?”why don’t you have a horse
This is not a dirty word.
Rather, Su Mo was really curious about this question.
Hearing his question, Kaya was taken aback.
No one really asked him such a question.
He spread his hands and said.
“In the city of Mond, riding horses is prohibited unless it is necessary. This is the rule of Captain Qin.”
He really has horses.
Just haven’t ridden yet.
“Isn’t it an important moment yet?” Paimon asked a little strangely.
The Wind Demon Dragon attacked Mond City… Could there be a more urgent moment than this?
Kaiya looked curiously at Paimon who was flying in the sky and could still talk.
Mouth replied.
“Now is indeed a very critical time.”
“But under the disaster of the Wind Demon Dragon, even horses can’t play much role, and they may be in danger.”
“For safety reasons, the horses are housed indoors.”
For the knight, the importance of the horse needs no statement.
That’s something that needs to be protected.
Because of this, the horse cannot be allowed to sacrifice when it cannot play its role.
Instead, place it in a safe place.
That’s why he didn’t ride a horse.
After speaking, Kaiya didn’t want to continue discussing the issue of whether there were horses or not, and she always felt a little strange.
He looked at Su Mo and the others, and asked curiously.
“How do you call them?” I heard him say so.
Paimon was about to introduce himself.
At this time, above the sky, a fiery red girl who looked very hot glides down with the wings of wind.
It’s not the real Jun Keli who fried fish in the confinement room.
It’s the True Monarch of Burning Torch and Burning Vine – Amber.
Seeing a girl gliding down from the sky.
Cavalry captain Kaiya slapped his hands and activated the Yin-Yang strange energy skill.
“Sometimes I really admire your courage. When the storm has not dissipated, you dare to use the Wings of the Wind`々?”
As a hang glider, the Wing of Wind itself cannot adapt to too complicated airflow.
If you are not careful, you may fall and die.
Although the Fengmolong has been crusaded now.
But the turbulence of the wind element has not been completely eliminated.
Such a move by Amber is really dangerous.
Amber, who is enthusiastic and cheerful, thinks that Kaya is really praising herself.
“Anyway, the Wind Demon Dragon is frozen, and the storm is nothing to me now! Captain Kaiya, don’t worry about me!”
After laughing, Amber turned his gaze to Su Mo and Ying.
“You, you, you are the scouting knight from last time!”
Paimon recognized Umber immediately after seeing the tiara on her head.
Amber also recognized Paimon.
“You are the emergency food from last time… and the cup!”
She immediately remembered the introduction when they met last time.
Hear what Amber said.
Paimon immediately stomped his feet in rage.
“Paimon is not emergency food, nor is it a cup!”
I saw the two people “talking very happily”.
Kaiya on the side was a little concerned.
He looked at Amber curiously and asked.
“It looks like you know each other?”
“Yeah! I saw it during the reconnaissance yesterday.”
Amber nodded immediately.
“At that time, they will be clearing the nearby Qiuqiu camp…”
Without any scheming, she immediately told everything about what happened yesterday.
Su Mo and others also introduced a few people at the right time.
Only then did Kaiya know the names of several people.
“Mr. Su Mo, thank you for lending a helping hand to Mond!”
Kaiya bowed to Su Mo with knight etiquette.
After Su Mo accepted the thanks.
He turned to Ying who was beside him.
“My traveler, I understand the pain of separation between blood relatives.”
When he said this, his tone was a bit heavy, probably because he remembered his own life experience.
“Although I don’t know why you are looking for Fengshen, everyone has their own secrets.”
“We will try our best to help you!”
He made a promise to help.
Ying was overjoyed when she heard that.
Isn’t this one of the goals that Su Mo helped her plan!
She immediately thanked happily.
“You’re welcome, this is what we should do.”
Kaia smiled.
He turned his attention to Wendy again.
He, who has always been good at dancing with long sleeves, couldn’t help but feel a little stuck.
“What? Thinking about how to thank me?”
Seeing his appearance, Wendy chuckled and jumped off the top of the dragon.
Then, he showed a very relaxed smile.
“If you want to thank me, it’s very simple!”
“I just need to bring a bottle… a barrel of dandelion wine, and I’m satisfied!”
The greedy poet would have only wanted to say one bottle.
After thinking about it, I immediately changed it to a barrel.
The old blackmailer is gone.
Compared with the big event of saving Mond City from the wind demon dragon.
A bucket of dandelion wine is not a big expense.
Kaya hesitated and said.
“Actually, I was thinking just now, this bard named Wendy…”
“Excuse me, did you help me before?”
No matter what he thinks about it.
My main god is Kaguya
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