Listen to what Su Mo and Ying said before.
Wendy didn’t make any effort, did she?
Even if you want to thank… it seems that it is not his turn.
Wendy was dumbfounded (“‘This book is organized by’【F.;l.,ip.p.,ed”,] (! More new books contact? Contact 1″‘3:!43177.4?78;) .
This Kaiya, why doesn’t he play cards according to common sense.
After thanking Su Mo and Ying one after another, why did he change when he came to me?
This man is too fickle!
However, an old fritter like Wendy will not be trapped by such words.
“Although I have no positive windThe dragons are fighting, but I am Su Mo and Traveler’s teammate! ”
“Since ancient times, after the brave has defeated the dragon, the brave will of course receive extra welcome, but the teammates of the brave will also be treated with respect, right?”
“.-Right, right?!”
As she said that, Wendy blinked her eyes, as if you would hang on to me if you don’t agree.
“Well, it does sound reasonable.”
think about it…
After seeing the indescribable expressions of Ying and Su Mo, but they did not deny their teammates.
Kaya nodded anyway.
Recognized Wendy’s treatment as a teammate of the brave.
After talking to the three of them.
Kaya spoke again.
“The thanks from the Knights of the West Wind will not be late.”
“But the matter of the Frozen Wind Demon Dragon is indeed very important.”
“So, please wait a moment, the deputy leader is already on his way!”
Unlike in the original book, it’s just to drive away the wind dragon.
Now, Fengmolong is directly frozen in Fengshen Square.
For such an important matter, it is naturally impossible for Captain Qin to sit still in the office.
After hearing the news, he rushed over here directly.
Hear Kaya’s words.
Su Mo, Ying, and Wendy didn’t have any objections.
After all, this is Mond City, and Twarin is the Guardian of the Four Winds of Mond City.
How to deal with the Wind Demon Dragon naturally needs to listen to the opinions of the West Wind Knights.
On the side, Paimon, who was floating in the sky, had a lot of opinions.
“Wait! The blindfolded one!”
She looked at Kaya angrily.
He crossed his arms and said dissatisfied.
“Why did you even thank the singer, but you missed me!”
“Whoever sees it has a share! I (Nuohao Zhao) mean… I am also Su Mo’s teammate!”
“Pimon also needs to be treated like a teammate of the brave!” Seeing Paimon say this.
Ying and Su Mo looked at each other, both feeling a little funny.
As expected of Paimon, it is very clear in this respect.
Paimon said so.
Kaiya couldn’t help but laugh a little too.
“It’s my fault! Sorry, neglected this emergency food!”
He then ignored Paimon’s protests.
He suggested in a coaxing tone.
“If you want a thank you gift, how about a fried meat with carrots in honey sauce?”
“Fried meat with carrots in honey sauce?”
Hearing the name of this dish, Paimon immediately recalled the dinner the day before yesterday.
She couldn’t help drooling a little.
“This tastes delicious! Yes, Paimon wants this!”
I don’t know if she is smart or stupid.
It was directly sent away by a portion of fried meat with carrots in honey sauce.
When Paimon was finally satisfied.
The Zephyr Knights of Mond City finally arrived here.
And the central envoy of the knights.
A heroic looking woman with a golden ponytail walked towards Kaiya, Su Mo and the others.
“This is the acting captain of our Zephyr Knights!”
Kaiya introduced it to everyone.
“We generally call her the head of Qin!”.
Chapter 146 “Madam” Threat Su Mo Takes Action
“Mond welcomes you, travelers with the wind.”
“I am the acting head of the West Wind Knights, Qin.”
“This is Lisa, the librarian of the Knights.”
After coming to Su Mo.
The acting head, Qin, immediately introduced herself to them with a serious expression.
Although she is a woman, her capable posture does not appear weak.
On the contrary, it makes people feel very tenacious.
“Are these two the heroes who froze the Wind Demon Dragon?”
Lisa, dressed as a witch, looked at Su Mo and Ying with great interest, and greeted Su Mo and Ying in a very friendly manner.
Kaya spoke and told what happened before.
Several people also exchanged a little bit, and they knew the basic information of each other.
“I would like to ask, can you give the matter of the Wind Demon Dragon to our Knights to handle?”
After learning that Su Mo and Ying are adventurers.
Qin asked with some trepidation.
“I have no intention of asking for the spoils of adventurers, but Twarin—”
“I’m talking about the Wind Demon Dragon. After all, it used to be one of Mond’s Four Wind Guardians.”
“Since it is now, it will no longer endanger Mond City.”
“I hope to not harm it for the time being, but to investigate further.”
Qin was very clear about Twalin’s identity.
Therefore, she respects the East Wind Dragon who saved Mond under the claws of the poisonous dragon Durin.
So I didn’t want to really hurt Fengmolong.
According to the usual practice, the prey that the adventurer kills should belong to the adventurer.
But Twarin is special.
She didn’t want the guardian of the four winds to die in such a muddle, and hoped that Su Mo and Ying could stop doing anything to Feng Molong for the time being.
At the very least, it is necessary to investigate the specific situation.
Hear the words of the head of Qin.
Su Mo and Wendy looked at each other.
937 He could see the smile in Wendy’s eyes.
It seems that this Fengshen is very happy with Qin’s decision.
“To tell you the truth, the leader of the knight order!”
Wendy wandered in front of Su Mo, and answered the call.
“Actually, we didn’t intend to really hurt Twalin.”
“That’s why Tewarin was deliberately frozen into ice cubes.”
“Otherwise, my friend named Su Mo would have killed Twalin in one move!”
As she spoke, Wendy patted her chest with a proud look on her face.
“Kill Tewarin with one move…”
After hearing his words.
Captain Qin couldn’t help looking at Su Mo and Ying who were on the side.
My main god is Kaguya
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