“This is a thank you gift from the Knights of the West Wind!”
Wendy’s eyes lit up.
Hold the barrel and don’t let go.
“You guys are quite generous!”
These three barrels of wine are worth a lot!
“Hahaha! Anyway, it’s public money!” Kaiya said with a happy look.
“Also, except for the barrel, which is a gift from the Zephyr Knights.”
“The other two barrels were given to you personally by a certain winery owner after hearing about your deeds.”
A certain winery owner, although he wanted to conceal his identity.
But those present, except Paimeng and Ying.
It is estimated that no one can guess the identity of the other party.
Diluque – who else but him?
Paimon flew around the barrel in surprise.
“That is to say, there are two barrels, and we also have a share, right?!”
She, who has always been stingy, immediately realized this.
Although she doesn’t likeHappy to drink.
But he didn’t want to just give up what he deserved to Wendy, an alcoholic.
“That’s right, that’s right.” Kaiya was stunned for a moment, then nodded to Paimon.
“It’s just that minors are not allowed to drink alcohol. This is Mond’s rule.”
As he spoke, he added in a low voice.
“Of course, drinking in private is out of the control of the Zephyr Knights!”
Looking at his skilled expression, one can tell that he must have been drinking a lot when he was a child.
Amber on the side showed a dissatisfied expression after hearing what he said.
“You can’t instigate minors to drink alcohol!”
“Mr. Su Mo, you will never do such a thing, right?”
With that said, Amber looked at Su Mo with reverence.
Obviously, he admired this hero who had frozen the Wind Demon Dragon and defeated the Fools.
Su Mo hesitated for a moment, he really couldn’t live up to Amber’s innocent eyes.
“Of course, I will stop underage drinking!”
He nodded and agreed.
Anyway, at Ying’s age, she was already an adult.
Paimon’s age was definitely not as young as it seemed.
The two of them can drink legally.
Claire and Diona are genuine young girls.
However, Su Mo felt that he couldn’t do anything to fill these two little guys with alcohol.
After getting dandelion wine.
In order to prevent Wendy from sneaking away, Paimon directly put the two barrels of dandelion wine that belonged to them into the storage space.
At this time, Qin, who had formally tidied up her attire, walked up to Su Mo and Ying.
Speaking very formally.
“On behalf of the Zephyr Knights and the people of Mond City, I would like to thank the two heroes for their contributions.”
“If possible, I hope you can accept our thanks, and—”
“The title of honorary knight of the Knights of the West Wind!”
Here comes the mission rewards.
“Honorary knight?”
Paimon was a little strange to hear this name.
“Sounds like a great position!”
“To put it simply, an honorary knight can obtain the honor and status comparable to an official knight.” Kaiya explained from the side.
“But at the same time, in a critical moment, it is necessary to help Mond City tide over the difficulties.”
Normally, you only need to hang a professional title to catch fish.
Work is needed only when it matters.
Sounds like a very casual position.
“How about the salary?” Su Mo asked.
“It’s not working for nothing, is it?”
He doesn’t want to continue to be a tool man running errands like in the game.
I heard Su Mo say that.
Qin showed a somewhat dumbfounding expression.
Since ancient times, the award of honorary knights has been a very honorable thing.
That is the desire of all Monds, and there are few instances where it is denied.
There is no example of directly asking about salary packages.
The immediate situation is different.
With the power of Su Mo and Ying.
The title of Honorary Knight is not sure who is taking advantage of whom.
So Qin didn’t care when he asked this question.
Instead, he patiently explained.
“The usual salary of an honorary knight is equivalent to the level of a knight captain.”
“Weapons and equipment can also be taken care of by the logistics of the Zephyr Knights!”
“Except for the need to help Mond in times of crisis, there are no restrictions at ordinary times.”
Honorary knight is naturally not a title for empty teeth.
But with corresponding treatment.
And the salary sounds really good.
After listening, Su Mo’s first reaction was.
——Mihayou has done all the bad things! Take advantage of the piano for yourself and eat kickbacks! Can this be tolerated?
“Sounds great!”
If you have this salary.
They don’t even have to do the tasks of the Adventurers’ Association in the future.
The salary at the level of the captain of the knight order is really not low.
It is at the same level as Kaiya, Youyan and others.
Much higher than a scout knight like Amber.
And without going to work.
Simply not too comfortable.
“Is Su Mo going to agree?” Ying couldn’t help asking when she heard what Su Mo said.
She was indeed a little moved.
If Su Mo wants to agree.
Then she was ready to agree without hesitation.
Hearing Ying’s question, Qin, Amber, Wendy and the others also looked expectant.
It seems that everyone hopes that Su Mo, a powerful man with amazing combat power, can accept the title of honorary knight.
Su Mo still hesitated.
If you just travel to the Seven Kingdoms like this, and bring the seal of the Seven Kingdoms or something, it sounds good.
However, Su Mo still has doubts about the position of the Seven Gods.
The Seven were all involved in the destruction of Kanria’s civilization.
Although there is definitely a deeper inside story behind it.
The current position of the Seven Gods also vaguely wants to resist the law of heaven.
My main god is Kaguya
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