But what did the Seven do when Kanria fell?
If he didn’t know this point, he didn’t think it would be a good thing to rashly join the position of the Seven Kingdoms.
Becoming an honorary knight would only relieve the pressure on money.
But for Su Mo now, money is not an important thing.
Probably because Barbara voted for her trust (;’this. “Book by:?【,F”!lippe”d’!],;Organize (for more new books,! Contact; contact 134?.317: 7478,), worshiped by Noelle.
He was also chased by Keli and shouted “.-Brother Honor Knight”.
So thinking about honor knights doesn’t seem so bad?
Su Mo, a veteran loli control, admitted that he was a little moved.
At onceat this time.
Seeing his hesitation, Captain Qin gave him a fatal blow.
“By the way, I heard that the two heroes don’t have a place to live yet.”
“Whether Mr. Su Mo is willing to accept the title of honorary knight or not, I am willing to present a house to the two heroes in my personal capacity!”
As the eldest daughter of the Gunnhild family, Qin said so.
Damn, is this the charm of rich people!
Su Mo suddenly felt that he didn’t want to work hard anymore.
“I am willing!” Immediately gave his own answer.
Without going to work, you can get super high wages and return them to the company that allocates housing.
Where to find it?
It doesn’t make sense to miss it!
“Then I accept it too!” Ying also said immediately after seeing Su Mo’s statement.
“We will have a place to live in the future!”
Paimon said happily.
Hearing the two heroes, he agreed to his request.
Qin and the others immediately showed happy expressions.
At this (promising Zhao) moment, Su Mo remembered something.
“By the way, I have another merciless request!”
“Just say it!”
After accepting the title of honorary knight, Qin’s tone was obviously much closer.
“I have a little research on alchemy, and I have always been curious about Mond’s alchemy.”
Su Mo said that except for his own request.
“But if possible, I would like to meet the alchemist of the Mond Knights.”
He has not forgotten his mission.
Learn the law of creation and extend alchemy to the forbidden realm of the gods.
Qin was a little surprised. She didn’t expect this amazingly powerful honorary knight to be an alchemist.
However, Qin immediately agreed to his request.
“No problem! I will greet Abedo, Granose and the others!”
“Besides, there are also a lot of alchemy content in the library of the knight order.”
“If you are interested, you can go and read it!”
A lot of information is actually confidential content within the Knights.
But if it’s Su Mo, an honorary knight.
Nature has the right to borrow.
On this point, Jean is very generous.
After talking about alchemy.
She and Barbara took Su Mo, Ying and his party to the mansion that was going to be given to them.
Chapter 151 Big Uncle’s Entrustment to Godslayer’s Waiting
Looking at the huge villa in front of him. Paimon and Ying’s eyes widened, and they fell silent immediately.
I heard that a house was given away as a gift.
They thought it was just a hut as a gift.
At most, what I think of is a small house.
However, now, what appeared before their eyes was a huge villa.
Gardens, fountains, everything.
It is still in the center of Mond City, not far from Fengshen Square.
Seeing Ying and Paimon not talking.
Qin said with some embarrassment.
“This residence is the property of the Gurnhild family. Although no one has lived in it for many years, it is usually cleaned by maids.”
“Although it’s not very big, it’s the house with the best location in our family.”
“But if you are not satisfied, you can change it to something else.”
In a place like the city center where every inch of land is very expensive.
Even the Gurnhild family couldn’t build such a huge villa like Chenxi Winery.
However, the size of the house in front of him is definitely not small.
Moreover, in terms of decoration and other aspects, it is more generous and refined than Chenxi Winery.
After hearing Qin’s words.
Paimon was dumbfounded.
Redefine what is meant by “not very big”.
The entire hotel they stayed in for the past two days was not half the size of the house in front of them.
In this villa, there might not be dozens of rooms on the first floor.
Only Su Mo remained calm.
This villa is really big.
But compared to the Dust Song Pot presented by Immortal Liyue, which is the size of several mountains.
That would completely pale in comparison.
Having seen the big world, he will naturally not be moved by this little scene 937.
Instead, he set his sights not far away.
It is obviously the same style as this villa, and the house is exactly the same size.
“Who’s that over there?” He asked curiously.
“That’s where Barbara and I are living now,” Jean explained immediately.
“That is to say, are we neighbors?”
Su Mo was a little surprised.
Unexpectedly, the house given by Qin was next to her own.
But also, if it is the best location, they will definitely live there themselves.
Meanwhile, Ying and Paimon beside them were surprised by another point.
“Captain Qin lives with Barbara? What’s going on?” Paimon asked suspiciously.
“Sorry, I forgot to introduce it before.”
Only then did Qin realize that she didn’t seem to have mentioned the relationship between the two.
“Barbara is my sister.”
Paimon was completely surprised.
She leaned in front of the two of them in disbelief, glanced left and right.
“It does look similar, but the temperament is very different, so I haven’t noticed it all the time!”
After a closer look, I found out that the two were indeed carved out of the same mold.
Only Barbara is a little younger.
After hearing the news, Ying was also very surprised.
After that, under the leadership of Qin, I visited the house.
Both Ying and Su Mo were very satisfied.
Immediately lived in.
As for Qin and Barbara, they left at the right time.
“It always feels like a homely atmosphere!”
My main god is Kaguya
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