Sitting in the living room, holding a cup of tea, Ying suddenly sighed.
“So Paimon is a child?”
Su Mo looked at Paimon who was curiously wandering around the room with some amusement, and received it casually.
Ying immediately panicked.
Paimon is a child, so what is their relationship?Is Su Mo’s words implying or expressing?
Somewhat bewildered, she stood up hastily.
“I, I, I, I’ll cook!”
ran into the kitchen.
hear this.
Paimon suddenly appeared.
“Do you want to eat? Yes!”
When it comes to food, her hearing is very keen.
Not long after.
Just cooked.
There was a knock at the door.
Wendy, Amber, Kaia, Jean, Barbara and others, came to celebrate the two honorary knights with gifts.
Su Mo suspected that they also came here by smelling the aroma of Daoying’s cooking.
But there is no evidence.
However, several people are not empty-handed.
In addition to gifts, everyone brought one or two dishes.
There is also the fried meat with carrots in honey sauce that Kaiya originally agreed with Paimon.
When it comes to dinner, it’s quite lively.
After drinking and eating.
Amber and Barbara both had work to do and left.
Wendy, Qin, and Kaiya stayed behind.
“Mr. Su Mo deliberately left Tewarin in Fengshen Square…”
Qin took the initiative to bring up the business.
“Are you waiting for the arrival of the black hand behind the scenes?”
As the leader of the Knights, it is naturally impossible for her to stay here and chat.
She is also very concerned about the matter of Feng Molong.
According to Twalin’s previous words.
It is the abyss mage who is attracting it to fall.
In other words, behind the incident of Twalin’s depravity is the careful planning of the evil organization.
Naturally, she would not sit idly by this organization.
He also immediately guessed the meaning of Su Mo’s previous actions.
“That’s right.”
Su Mo nodded.
“If the masterminds behind the scenes are unwilling to give up the dragon Twarin, they will definitely come tonight.”
“It seems that we thought of it together.”
Kaia nodded with a smile.
Except Amber and Barbara, two innocent girls.
Several other people did not treat this dinner as a mere celebration.
Except, of course, the silly Paimon.
Only now did Paimon know their intentions.
“Catching criminals in the middle of the night… You (beads) obviously haven’t communicated with each other, yet you all thought of going together!”
“Is this the tacit understanding between smart people?”
Paimon felt that his brain was almost not enough.
Hear her say that.
Ying smiled fondly, and pinched Paimon’s cheek.
“Probably because Paimon is too stupid!”
“G, is there any?!”
Paimon was shocked. She had always thought she was smart.
A few people were chatting and laughing.
Time soon reached night.
I saw the bright moon above my head, hidden in the dark clouds.
Su Mo and the others looked at each other and nodded.
go out together.
Like a gecko, it climbed onto the roof of the building in front.
Sure enough, this is the correct way of action for travelers!
On the roof, under the cover of night.
Waited for less than ten minutes.
They saw a few furry figures appearing furtively on Fengshen Square.
“This is… the Abyss Mage!”
Qin immediately identified the identity of the enemy.
“There’s actually more than one.”
Kaya was also a little surprised.
“Everyone, it’s time to act!” Wendy reminded.
“Otherwise, the patrolling knights will be in danger.”
“Understood!” X2.
Several people responded at the same time, spread the wings of the wind, and jumped down.
Seeing the figures of Qin, Kaiya, and Wendy floating down, Ying was bewildered.
She doesn’t have those hang glider style wind wings.
But Su Mo’s protection is temporary.
She was only able to fly with the help of the air current under the protection, and now she couldn’t fly down at all.
When she was climbing the stairs before, she felt a little strange.
Looking at it now, sure enough.
Captain Qin and the others didn’t even know that they couldn’t fly.
“Su Mo…”
Therefore, Ying couldn’t help but cast her gaze on Su Mo.
“Do you want another protection?” Su Mo blinked and asked meaningfully.
“No, no need!”
Ying immediately shook her head.
But the look and tone obviously didn’t mean much to refuse.
If Su Mo persisted, he might be able to do it again.
The eldest brother is likely to be next to him.
Su Mo felt that if he dared to protect Ying one more time in front of his uncle Kong Kong.
It is estimated that the uncle directly led an army of 100,000 abyss to fight over.
This can be troublesome.
So think about it.
He still gave up this kind of behavior that would irritate his uncle.
Regrettably, he chose to hug Ying directly, and took her down.
Feeling Ying’s slender and soft waist, Su Mo thought – this seems not bad?
When they arrived near the Wind Demon Dragon.
Qin and Kaia have already started the battle with the abyss mage.
Wendy was fishing on the sidelines, occasionally throwing a skill.
After Ying landed.
Immediately joined the battlefield.
My main god is Kaguya
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